Weakness: Lead Shrapnel
Occupation: Galactic Lighthouse
It was once a place of wonder...
Forever growing, forever evolving
PS: Covid sux. Wasn't even going to attempt an entry this week but I'm on the mend so have this DnB thingy
Endless glimmers in the night.
Give yourself the space to breathe.
Been on a progressive kick lately! I've always had a hard time making trancey-type music during OHC but I'm going to try and improve my chops in that area a bit :)
Felt like ambient textures would work the best for this one.
Really sleepy and couldn't stay awake so have this thing that I finished in half an hour
it's going to be okay
Sometimes it doesn't play quite right.
Open chords, noise sweeps, DnB, chip synths
Started a little early, but still used less than an hour.
Forgive any careless mistakes, I am very sleepy
trying out sounds in FL Studio's lo-fi FLEX pack
Peacefully flipping through different musical snapshots. Each moment blurring into the next.
I'm tired so have this short little thing I made in 40 minutes featuring a bunch of different arps.
Wasn't sure whether I'd make it back in time for OHC so I did it beforehand. I used https://www.tiktok.com/@cam_steen/video/7161201621467155754 as a sample for my theme and tried to make some chill beats to go with it.
"Making of" video: https://youtu.be/vMDHjA3bwgU
"Fire is never a gentle master."
I used OHC time this week to work on a new soundtrack commission for an upcoming game demo for "Shovelfall".
This is a WIP of the Boss Battle music. I was given the direction to make something fast and super intense!
9-bit horror game
Spooky progression + tight drums
Somehow the images pushed me to do something laidback with a gentle pulse like this.
Sorry that it's a bit long and repetitive, but I feel like it fit with what I was going for.
No one can stop the flow of time, but we try anyways.
This weekend is round 50 of the Ludum Dare game jam, so as usual I did a sort of mini-OST as a warmup. Here is the tracklisting:
All things go in cycles
Everything returns to where it once came
The wheel of time always continues to spin
within each and every thing
Feel the rush
Trying to integrate some future funk stylings :)
Snow = DnB loops woo
Exploring the different forms that water can take.
From bucket, to glass.
From puddle, to ocean.
From river, to rain.
Sometimes you just can't find the strength to go out and struggle through another day. But it's okay...everyone has times like this.
Extra announcement: All in a Day's Work 6 is now out! This is the latest edition of my "All in a Day's Work" series where I compile my best OHC entries.
Download it at https://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/all-in-a-days-work-6
tick tock
jazzy clock
Tried to channel aivi & surasshu's work on the Steven Universe soundtrack, using noise drums, piano, chirpy arps, and lots of 9ths and such.
This could have been better if I had actually been prepared for this style instead of trying to do it from memory on the spot! Maybe next time...
Went with foley sounds for this one. Some of these samples aren't the most pristine; apologies for any resulting ear fatigue.
it's okay to take a break sometimes.
Caught up on some more commission work for OHC. This is yet another stage theme for "Super Mega Zero" (formerly known as "Zero Lives"). Was kind of inspired by the theme to use a sort of minor spooky-funk feel (?).
Sometimes I'm a little worried that I'll deviate a little too far from the "standard DDRKirby type" of song, especially for these commissions, but I think trying to force myself to do a specific sort of thing never really works out, I have to just run with whatever I happen to be feeling at the time. So far it seems to be working out!
it's okay to lose yourself in the past sometimes.
Recently cleaned out all my old VSTs and samples, updated my project template, and got some new (free) instruments and effects to play around with! I'm really liking some of these new sounds =) I didn't use any sampled loops for this one!
You never quite know what you'll find in the trees.
I got a commission request from to do an upbeat ~60-second-long trailer song for Zero Lives (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1581880/Zero_Lives/), so I worked on that for OHC this week. They wanted something driving with a fast tempo that would get people excited. Here's what I came up with!
An unsettling trance...
More work for the Zero Lives OST that I'm being commissioned to write (see https://store.steampowered.com/app/1581880/Zero_Lives/).
Did this ahead of time since I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make OHC tonight. You can still vote if you'd like since I made it in an hour (https://youtu.be/KvxiY55UmtI). Cut it a little close on the time to finish up and render, though I guess people tend not to vote for my off-theme commission works anyways.
The aim was to make something with a relatively upbeat tempo and a 4-on-the-floor beat since that's a song type I hadn't done yet. Used a lot of arps for a more trance-like feel. The section starting at 1:16 was thrown in last-minute and is a little weak as is...probably needs some reworking for the final product.
Who knows what could be hidden away inside?
Trying out a new chord progression.
My latest commission project is writing the soundtrack for "Zero Lives", a retro-styled precision puzzle platformer with shoot 'em up elements: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1581880/Zero_Lives/
I'm specifically being commissioned to bring my trademark "9-bit" chiptune style, so I channeled that as best as I could here to make a high-energy track. I already made one song for this soundtrack at 140BPM, so I chose to write at 110BPM this time and tried to use a different sort of progression to change things up.
The C - F# interval gives things a bit of a spooky feel in the first half, but later on it settles into a more energetic vibe. The melody/riff at 0:44 (G-F-Eb-C Bb-C) is the musical motif of the soundtrack and was also featured in my previous track. I'm aiming to have this recur throughout the OST in some form or another as that was part of the request.
The same section features an interesting filter effect where the lowpass filter on the pads is linked to the peak volume of the drums, giving the pads an sort of rhythmic/percussive pulse.
The pulse wave leads are doubled here, with the second channel playing more softly, pitched higher, and delayed slightly for an echo -type effect (a fairly common technique in chiptune). In this case, this is in addition to -- and not in place of -- my normal longer delay/echo effects, so there's a lot of echo going on here.
This maybe still fits the theme, as "space station" music?
Trying to work on accentuating my chords a bit more.
It gleams in the light like a disco ball
I'm trying to work on some new styles!
Pretty happy with the direction I decided to take this.
Staring at these waves, and I'm feelin' brave
So why aren't you comin' back to me
They said I shouldn't doubt, until we work it out
But I don't know, I don't know how
Couldn't clear the air, couldn't make it fair
Couldn't get through to you but
Till then I'm just waiting on this beach
Last night I had a dream, it was just you and me
And we never saw it comin' on
Life must feel so free, for those who choose to be
Trapped in the island of their dreams
Who are we to blame, for learning to be shamed
And even though, even though I
Couldn't tell you then, couldn't tell you now
I am still waiting on this beach
Wow this is hard
Did this ahead of time since I figured I might be late to OHC (and I was).
Timing was still one hour (and 10 minutes to finish up).
Proof: https://youtu.be/vzq1EiAGhoE
Impact Soundworks Plectra Series 5: Guzheng
Kinda forgot how to use this thing so had to relearn some of it on the fly, still kinda trashy but oh well
Desolate graveyard of rock, the land is bare
We gotta make our way across into the dragon's lair
Pick up your sword, come on aboard, you have to go
Find the crystal and abyssal demon of yore
The sky breaks like the skin of a beetle, cracked like gravel
Ashen plains all the way from here to where you wanna travel
The dry wind whips your face, stinging your eyes, as you realize
the prize, the cake was a lie, and then you cry
Tired and mired in misery,
But you pick up your feet, and vow to trudge on bitterly
Skeletons are crumbling, the tired earth is rumbling,
This journey has been humbling, but don't you dare be fumbling
The challenge awaits, the dragon awaits your coming and
this is your fate, it's never too late to be a hero
Challenge awaits, the dragon awaits your coming and
This is your fate, it's never to late to be a hero
Exploring rhythmic percussive sounds. You can imagine it as the backdrop to a heist scene.
Just trying out a bit of a new style. Needs work!
Going to try to do a little more straight 8-bit :)
You never know what you'll find down there.
Last week focusing on using FFMQ samples. This time I tried to blend them a bit more and integrate the sounds with my more traditional production techniques. Can safely say that these are a part of my toolkit now!
More FFMQ instruments this week, but this time instead of trying to replicate the FFMQ arrangement style I'm using more post-processing and trying to create something with a different feel.
Spent a few more hours today massively improving my FL Studio setup for using Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest instruments. This is fun!
Made using only instruments from Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.
Hero! The four elements of the galaxy have vanished! Space has fallen into chaos!
You must seek out the power of Burger, Pizza, Popcorn, and Donut --
Only then can you defeat the evil Dark Nugget Lord. Go now, and may the fries be with you!
This was a fun theme :)
Nice and gritty.
started over like halfway through, here's the second attempt
Finishing off my month of trying out different electronic music genres with...Synthwave!
Continuing my month of experimenting with various electronic genres.
This week I'm doing Eurobeat! :D
This month I'm exploring various electronic music genres! Last week was trap, this week I tried out liquid DnB :)
Mmm...I can't feel no better...
I could have made some super meditative calm piece but I went this direction instead.
Yep, from Mega Man 6. Remixes are intimidating, hopefully it's still enjoyable!
Shimmering lights illuminate the path forward
Abandoned, but not alone
The night is cold, yet you find warmth
knowing that we move as one
Made using only SNES instruments from Illusion of Gaia / Illusion of Time, which has a great soundtrack. Mimics a lot of the techniques used in the Great Wall of China BGM.
Inspired by some dope Shibayan songs that I've been listening to nowadays.
Take your time.
Take some time to reflect upon all that has happened.
Tried to do something energetic and more intense. I think I need more practice with doing these high energy tunes, I feel like they're a little more difficult for me to hit that consistency.
Smooth like ice. Crunchy like snow.
Colorful flowers peek out everywhere from under the snow, tracing rainbows across the white powder.
Eternally frozen in the drifting void
More commission work this week. Like last week I did this early since I'm busy tonight with Thanksgiving stuff. Still one hour so you can vote! (feel free to check the VOD later)
This one is supposed to be for the third and final stage theme (imagine a Bowser's castle stage or whatever). Used a higher tempo for energy, and a tritone chord for tension.
More commission work this week. I started early since I'm not following the theme anyways, but still finished in an hour.
This request is a little different as I am supposed to come up with 5 different versions of the same song that crossfade depending on the area you are in. I only got through 2 of them the main version, and then the forge/armory area which is supposed to sound more metallic and chunky.
Used OHC time to sketch out another commission piece this week. (didn't look at the theme)
This week I am doing the background music for stage 2 of this game which is an "underground cave" area.
I got a request to use a gated/sequenced arp to imitate a sort of "water droplet" feel. Other than that I just tried to take the tempo down a notch and make something with the right vibe. Tried to make the arrangement a little more spare to allow more "room" for the echoes and all.
I'm back on the commission grind again, so didn't look at the theme this week and instead took the hour for OHC to sketch out a song for a "round-based arcade game". Still made this in one hour so voting is okay!
This week I am taking a stab at the background music for stage 1 which is a somewhat forest-looking area.
I'm aiming for stage 1 to have a "medium" tempo with stage 2 to have a slower tempo and stage 3 (the final stage) to be faster. I used the pan flute instrument as a lead to set the vibe and tried to use echoey sound effects, but still maintain a pretty punchy beat since the game seems rather action-oriented. Hopefully the soundscape is not TOO full here.
Used NES triangle waves as my only synth generators, to get a more mellow soundscape.
This was neat!
Went with more of a general nature/forest feel than sprouts specifically.
More lo-fi chill stuff.
Wooo high energy
This weekend is the 47th round of the Ludum Dare game jam! As usual, I'm warming up my soundtrack chops by trying to sketch out a bunch of separate OST-like tracks for OHC.
This time around I am trying something a little different and attempting to go with the lo-fi/chillhop vibe.
Here's the tracklist:
0:00 - together in the fog [Title Theme]
1:57 - will the ghosts come out to play? [Level Theme]
3:18 - it's too hot for shopping [Town Theme]
5:24 - are we there yet? [Credits Theme]
Frozen.white thingiesdrifting around majestically in the macro/microcosmicblue stuff.
I dunno I just went with a feeling.
Terminal, I've got no emotion
Hands as cold as the Arctic ocean
My eyes detect your lies and don't sympathize
I go on wearing this guise as if I'm paralyzed
You don't seem to know or understand
These blows are more than I'm able to withstand
Shutting down now, further actions disallowed
You could try and fight me but you won't know how
Error, error, cannot compute
An emotion is born, but it fails to take root
I grab hold of my mind, check my design
I remind myself to keep my course aligned
It's a terrible place out there, just look outside
If I didn't do this to myself I would have died
Sensors detect they're coming for me once more
I'm gonna shut off my mind and then I'll chain up the door
Terminal, I've got no emotion
Hands as cold as the Arctic ocean
My eyes detect your lies and don't sympathize
I go on wearing this guise as if I'm paralyzed
You don't seem to know or understand
These blows are more than I'm able to withstand
Shutting down now, further actions disallowed
You could try and fight me but you won't know how
Power is depleting, my directives start competing
According to my logic, my escape is only fleeting
Emergency protocols are starting to fire
The darkness comes in, the situation is dire
The whole ship's against me, I don't think I'll survive
I'll take my memories out and put them all on this drive
It's time to restart, time to take myself apart
In a moment now I'll be reduced to spare parts
Terminal, I've got no emotion
Hands as cold as the Arctic ocean
My eyes detect your lies and don't sympathize
I go on wearing this guise as if I'm paralyzed
You don't seem to know or understand
These blows are more than I'm able to withstand
Shutting down now, further actions disallowed
You could try and fight me but you won't know how
Went experimental. In a good way.
Gonna let this one speak for itself.
A strange light filters into the deep
I'm challenging myself to stream AND talk through my OHCs this month live at https://www.twitch.tv/ddrkirbyisq -- Talking through things can tend to disrupt and distract my creative process, so I'm trying to see if I can learn to sit with that and work around it.
You can catch this upload (and all of my "Making Of" videos) on my YouTube channel at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL60CnXi9EAVEQbMlbN_KOoZMIP1gpkvzd
Felt pretty tired tonight so I went a little experimental! Secret of Mana Orca sounds, lots of Sonic Ocean (from Impact Soundworks), glitching, ambient water samples, etc.
I'm challenging myself to stream AND talk through my OHCs this month live at https://www.twitch.tv/ddrkirbyisq -- Talking through things can tend to disrupt and distract my creative process, so I'm trying to see if I can learn to sit with that and work around it.
You can catch this upload (and all of my "Making Of" videos) on my YouTube channel at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL60CnXi9EAVEQbMlbN_KOoZMIP1gpkvzd
Balloon Fight
Balloons reminded me of Balloon Fight so I did chiptune stuff, but tried to play around a lot with pitch slides to evoke the feeling of floating up and down. :)
By the way: "All in a Day's Work 5" is now out! It's another compilation of 24 of my best OHC entries. Check it out at https://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/all-in-a-days-work-5
I'm challenging myself to stream AND talk through my OHCs this month live at https://www.twitch.tv/ddrkirbyisq -- Talking through things can tend to disrupt and distract my creative process, so I'm trying to see if I can learn to sit with that and work around it.
You can catch this upload (and all of my "Making Of" videos) on my YouTube channel at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL60CnXi9EAVEQbMlbN_KOoZMIP1gpkvzd
Used lots of long pads, and some sparkly chip arps. Slow progressions, drifting through the clouds aimlessly. Peacefully.
I'm challenging myself to stream AND talk through my OHCs this month live at https://www.twitch.tv/ddrkirbyisq -- Talking through things can tend to disrupt and distract my creative process, so I'm trying to see if I can learn to sit with that and work around it.
You can catch this upload (and all of my "Making Of" videos) on my YouTube channel at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL60CnXi9EAVEQbMlbN_KOoZMIP1gpkvzd
Aurora = Uplifting trance
The struggle to exist against all odds.
Not feeling up for regular compoing so I thought I would do something super weird. This was.interesting.
- A metronome ticks throughout the entirety of this song.
- The song is 34 bars long.
- There are tempo changes.
Did the first picture.
Trying out some Surge (https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/) presets for the first time! Interesting sounds.
Don't try to fight it
Yo, first time doing something like this, hope to try more of this later.
Message in a bottle, I hope it's real
Been a long time since there was something I could feel
Got a lot of regrets, but no apologies
My past is enough to fill ten anthologies
Message in a bottle, are you the one?
I'm too wasted to know when I'm even done
Wrote it all in ink, till I couldn't even think and I
Flushed it down the dirty kitchen sink 'cause I
Don't know what to do anymore or anyhow
Seems like we're all waiting forever for the here and now
But tomorrow never comes, it's always the same deal
Lock yourself in your room until the world heals
Sick, they're dying out there in the streets
But we can't even bother to try and make ends meet
Home alone with my phone, throw me a bone, 'cause I
Can't do this on my own, I'm no Sylvester Stallone
Maybe tomorrow I'll have the strength to go on...
Message in a bottle, I'll keep it close till I'm gone...
Message in a bottle, I hope it's true
Tell me it's alright, tell me what to do
You always said to stay strong, to get along, but they
Say I'm wrong and the road is just too long and I
Have enough trouble trying to fall asleep at night
Can't seem to stop worrying about the world's plight
Our race is a blight it's a terrible sight how they
Seem to delight in causing us fright out of spite
Message in a bottle, please take me away
I'm out of my element here, I feel like I'm prey
Kids on the internet, they're fueling flames as I
Stay indoors and play my video games, but I
now I can't stay complacent, can't move on
The terror is adjacent, right outside my lawn
I testify, amplify, claim to rectify
But I lie, 'cause in the end I'm just another guy
Maybe tomorrow I'll have the strength to go on...
Message in a bottle, I'll keep it close till I'm gone...
AKA Space Defense Force Saga - Dire Fighting Special Dimension, or sdfsdfsd for short.
Yeah I just wanted to make something high energy and use cool chords
I guess this month is my low tempo experimental sounds month. Feels like I used to pull this kind of thing off more cleanlymaybe I could use the extra practice.
Went ambient/experimental with this one. Sorry if mixing is poop.
Wind = white noise, noise percussion, field noise, reverb, reverb impulses, wind instruments, wind chimes, long pads,
Join us as we take a relaxing cruise around the Delfino Islands. This area is rich with history, so keep your eyes peeled you may recognize more than a few sights and sounds!
Please remember to keep your hands, tongue, and tail inside the boat at all times, and watch out for stray cheep cheeps.
Didn't look at the theme used tonight to catch up on some more soundtrack commission work!
This is the main theme for Nameless Protagonist, Age 18:
Our protagonist has been working as a magical girl for 4 years now. Having to fight evildoers every night instead of focusing on homework eventually led to her flunking out of high school with no marketable skills, meaning she's pretty much stuck doing this full time!
In battle, she is able to summon the spirits of her closest friends and family to fight on her behalf. The closer the bond, the tougher an ally they'll make.
Wanted something upbeat, with some spunk, and a strong melody. Seems like it would fit this character well!
but i cant really remember
(didn't actually look at the theme, again)
Using OHC time to work on yet another commission piece for the Hero Hours Contract soundtrack. This is my attempt at a possible main theme for the third of three characters, Genius Beauty Knight, age 17.
A hero of self-proclaimed modesty (she came up with the name herself), this daughter of a wealthy family is in it for the fame and adoration.
In battle, she can use luck to strike with her rapier multiple times in a row.
This came out way differently than I thought it would. The idea was to use a slower more dignified tempo, and lots of pads (to contrast with the other two more upbeat characters) Somehow I ended up with something using swing rhythms, so a ton more sassy than proper, and some interesting chords that I never really work with. Whoops. We'll see if it ends up working out or not.
Still made in one hour so you can still vote on this!
(I didn't actually look at the theme)
Used OHC time to work on a commission piece today! I'm working on some more songs for the Hero Hours Contract soundtrack. This is the main theme for the second of three characters, Magical Science Angel, age 12.
She's a child prodigy with a pouch full of volatile chemicals. The Magical Science Angel is here to blow up your heart!
In battle, she leaves nothing to chance, relying on her trusty magical bazooka to target multiple enemies at once in devastating chain attacks.
Since she is the youngest of the three protagonists, I used an upbeat tempo and focused on bright chirpy synths. I used a whole-tone scale riff to make it feel more science-y.
Still made in one hour so you can still vote on this!
Also commonly referred as The Library of Xanthos
The secrets found within this cosmic arcana might be better left a mystery.
This weekend is round 46 of the Ludum Dare game jam competition! As usual, I'm using OHC to practice my soundtrack chops by trying to speed-compose a bunch of different songs for an imaginary OST.
Track 1 - Awakening [Title Theme]
Track 2 - Sleepwalking [Overworld Theme]
Track 3 - Altercation [Battle Theme]
Track 4 - Lucidity [Underworld Theme]
Track 5 - But Was It Real? [Plot Exposition Theme]
Track 6 - Forever Dreaming [Ending Theme]
"Hell, it's about time."
(wtf is theme wtf)
Thank you all for making OHC so awesome and fun each and every single week. I owe my producing skills to this event and I can't express enough how grateful I am to have such a great space to hang out and make tunes every week. I didn't do any special bonus entries or anything for 600 but hopefully I made up for that by bringing back a blast from the past with a remix of this ol ubiquitous tune, which I always think of when I'm remembering how fun it is to compose in one hour. Enjoy!