One Hour Compo - Round 610 (OHC610)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources below.
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion in #thasauce on OR our new Discord channel!

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
imagining that there's some kind of evil carnival candy peddler trying to use his magic candy to mind-control unsuspecting children idk (also a johnfn-inspired drum fill at the end)
pick a flavor, any flavor you like
and dont be alarmed when you take your first bite
you can savor any flavor you choose
and suck on that sweet til your brain turns to ooze
can you taste all the orange liqueur
or will it drink you dry?
we have melon and apple and more
and theres no escape once you try
sweet like candy on your lips and on your tongue
sweet like girls that taste like sugar and have fun
sweet like honey, sugar can I please have some
sweet like candy on your lips and on your tongue
ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba ba ba ba ba
They're closing in
Time is near
Fixated on
And I was really in the mood to go dark.
AKA Space Defense Force Saga - Dire Fighting Special Dimension, or sdfsdfsd for short.
Yeah I just wanted to make something high energy and use cool chords
sweet on my tongue and poison in my head
chew it up to make it go away
choking on the shards always makes me feel ok
does the flavor lie
if it tastes so good
do my thoughts betray
like i said they never would
throw it out and make it stop
unwrap another shiny waste of time
empty the bag and put it over my head
there's never one more chance
The image is wellpure cute, so have something cute from me.
It's oodles of fun lol.
damn project crashed half way through so 30 min compo for me
I love chocolate
Gentle like a summer wind, warm like a slow burning coal, and sweet like fresh apples.
The promise of baked cookies and candies drag you through to another world.
You said you need a new heart
But I just couldn't offer
You said, "all done"
But we weren't even started
You said you need a new love
But I don't think we had one
Anyway, anyway, at all
I kept getting pulled away from the computer, BUT I tried my best at my first OHC. Cute theme, but I generally don't make cute music. I've been on a Aggrotech kick here and there, and tried to tie that in here, but it's more of a horror themed track! Wheeee.
Very minimalistic on this one, rather short piece
I turn your cravings into satisfied joy
I give you all the sweets you need to keep going
When youre with me, youre like a kid inside a candy store
You want some more, and I provide
Be happy when I give you all of my treats
Laid out like a buffet, its all you can eat
The instant pleasure waits right there before your fingertips
A Hersheys kiss, from you to me
A love so sweet can be like candy
It comes and goes, and can be so brief
I have you hooked and youre hooked on me
A taste of sugar is all you need
A rush and then a crash is par for the course
But when I fall, I land without too much force
I bounce right back and just in time to get your peppermints
Another lift, a hit with speed
Im in a daze, and Im phased at the tartness of love
Can be sour, can be bitter and coarse
Fill me for days, and Im crazed by the sugar release
Can it sate, for a moment or more?