One Hour Compo - Round 610 (OHC610)
Votes (9)
Jun 18, 2020
Singular Deletion
Atmospherium -
starla -
Space Defense Force Saga
Jun 18, 2020
pick a flavor, any flavor
LunacyEcho -
starla -
Too Sweet
Jun 18, 2020
starla -
sdfsdfsd no wait candy
obScene -
Sweet And All Things Nice
Jun 18, 2020
pick a flavor, any flavor
LunacyEcho -
Space Defense Force Saga
DDRKirby(ISQ) -
Singular Deletion
Honorable mention to GreyHooves who branched out and did something pretty different today, really cool to hear that diversity.
Jun 18, 2020
pick a flavor, any flavor
LunacyEcho -
starla -
You said you need a new heart
Jun 19, 2020
JH Sounds
starla -
Candy Coated
cotmm68030 -
Through the Gingerbread Wardrobe
Jun 20, 2020
pick a flavor, any flavor
LunacyEcho -
sdfsdfsd no wait candy
obScene -
TheVideoGamer - This one is more in the simple category, but works quite well. If your gonna give me a cute theme, then expect cute music to go along with it too. Pretty proud of the melodies here, they were great! Tried to balance out the tempo changes this time. NO RECORD SCRATCHES WERE FEATURED IN THE MAKING OF THIS SHORT FILM. Ahem...sorry.
DarkShadow - I'm not sure what you've put in your candy, but it had some unique taste to it, so...good job.
cotmm68030 - Your candy tastes very dark and moody. A hint of aggression and pain. Liking the industrial ingredients, very unfitting sure, but very nice sounding all the same. Well done!
KakofonousADischord - Whatever flavours you've used for your candy, i love it. Beats go really hard, and the dark synths were a nice flavour. I'd buy this candy. Well done!
A2Z - It's like a quick trip to Willy Wonka and back. Extremely short, but the idea was pretty awesome. It's was a really nice refreshing bite, great unique flavours. I love how the Candyman Can, ends up making for a glitched out 30 second Breakcore experience. Your candy was seriously flavourful! Awesome work!
GreyHooves - Your candy has a little more subtle flavours, but nonetheless it tastes nice. Vocals were lovely, but then again, people had comparisons to Smooth McGroove. Who cares, in a rare case, your candy had nice flavours. Well done!
obScene - Your candy starts off very bitter, and sharp, but as you chew some more, the sweetness becomes so apparent, and juicy. Melodies were really lovely, and why i'd definitely visit your Candy Shop again.
starla - Your candy seriously pops in my mouth. It's like a massive party in my tongue. Really like the synths and beats, definitely punchy. I think you've auto tuned the vocals a bit, or is it me. Who cares, the candy had some seriously good taste, so well done!
Atmospherium - This is sooo aggressive. It was too acidic to the tongue. I like the mix of ingredients though, you definitely made a unique blend of fruits. I don't usually purchase this kind of candy, but when i do, it can be rather enjoyable. Well done!
Misael.K - For me if you refine this, it would be candy worth purchasing. In terms of melody it's pretty great, however the lack of loud beats, made it a little less sweet, and the synth bass (While nice), took away the good ideas, and the candy ends up a little on the bitter side. Still though, good flavours, so good job!
DDRKirby(ISQ) - The flavours are seriously strong, and definitely go well together. Has a nice retro feel to the ingredients, and the buildups really make for some unique ideas. Delicious candy. Well done!
Arcana - Lovely use of ingredients dude, the flavours tasted nice. For me, one of the more enjoyable tasting candies, the pad sounds were awesome, and the beats were mixed well. Well done!
Dex - This candy was a little on the strong side, but it had a great range of flavours. Drums and strings were awesome, loved them a-lot. However the guitar threw off a bit of the flavours, due to how present it is in the mix. Still tastes good though, so good job!
LunacyEcho - Dude this gave me such a sugar rush, you wouldn't believe. The bag of sweets i've just tasted from you, had such a great range of flavours. Love the chords man, they were awesome, and the vocals worked really well. Delicious dude, excellent work!
johnfn - Your candy is a little off-putting, but not in a bad way. First off, you must have forgot to trim it, because there is a lot of silence lol. Second of all, more refinement in the flavours could work a long way, into making this taste great. However though, the idea was great (And the vocals were super nice), so good job!
JH Sounds - The cola flavour seems to into the mix, making all the fruity elements lost. Vocals need pushing back, or the backing track coming forward. Also i felt, it was a little on the same side, in terms of taste, but i love the idea, so good job!
Top 3 Candy Shops I'd Return To - LunacyEcho, obScene, A2Z
Delecious Candies - cotmm68030, KakofonousADischord, A2Z, GreyHooves, obScene, starla, Atmospherium, DDRKirby(ISQ), Arcana, LunacyEcho.
Candies that Need Refinement - DarkShadow, Misael.K, Dex, johnfn, JH Sounds.
Jun 25, 2020
Singular Deletion
Atmospherium -
pick a flavor, any flavor
LunacyEcho -
Sweet And All Things Nice
Jun 25, 2020
pick a flavor, any flavor
LunacyEcho -
sdfsdfsd no wait candy
obScene -
obscene: perfect representation of the "the candy theme previously known as sdfsdfsd". Loved this!
starla: very fun and catchy!
Atmospherium: this is very awesome, the hard vocals are great.
DDRKirby(ISQ): listen, I can't vote for everybody. I only have three votes! and this entry should have a vote, because it's super, honestly. But alas.
TheVideoGamer: loved the cuteness in this. Good variation, too!
awesum: Atmospherium, DDRKirby(ISQ), Dex, GreyHooves, LunacyEcho, obScene, starla, TheVideoGamer.
good: A2Z, Arcana, cotmm68030, DarkShadow, JH Sounds, johnfn, KakofonousADischord.�