One Hour Compo - Round 143 (OHC143)
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST.
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Start: on 7/7/11
Deadline: on 7/7/11
Voting: on 7/14/11
Entries (15)
Never seen you dance like THAT before.
No one else but you and me
... Yep. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
Lucky to be back here with you all. Luckiest guy in the world? =)
The sophisticated man is a lucky man. This is the Progressive era.
the scientist was trying out his time machine...and accidentally lost control!
he's lucky to have survived.
(or something I guess)
(really I got nothing.)
he's lucky to have survived.
(or something I guess)
(really I got nothing.)
Hey hey, what do you know
it's time to go outside
and I know it will be sunny
because it's always sunny
whenever I go outside
Hey hey, it's my lucky day
because today is a day
and it will be so lucky
because I'm the luckiest
guy in the world
I win the lottery every day
and have beautiful women knocking on my door every night
and then I wake up and I realize
that's not actually my life
Hey, hey, it's a miserable day
I haven't seen the sun in weeks
and every time it's not a billion degrees
my town is overrun with greeks
it's time to go outside
and I know it will be sunny
because it's always sunny
whenever I go outside
Hey hey, it's my lucky day
because today is a day
and it will be so lucky
because I'm the luckiest
guy in the world
I win the lottery every day
and have beautiful women knocking on my door every night
and then I wake up and I realize
that's not actually my life
Hey, hey, it's a miserable day
I haven't seen the sun in weeks
and every time it's not a billion degrees
my town is overrun with greeks
My attempt to reach a wider audience demographic.
with that much money, he could rent out the white house for a rave...
The Numbers Came Up Gallo
Smarn m bra av psdjur
Publicerad: 2011-06-15
Smarn som bor med hund eller katt
i huset f minskad risk att bli allergiska.
Det visar en ny undersning
som gjorts av forskare i USA.
Forskarna har underst 556 barn
som bott sitt fsta i en familj
d det fanns katt eller hund.
Det visar sig att de barnen
hade mycket mindre risk
att drabbas av allergi mot psdjur andra.
Risken minskade med omkring
50 procent.
Publicerad: 2011-06-15
Smarn som bor med hund eller katt
i huset f minskad risk att bli allergiska.
Det visar en ny undersning
som gjorts av forskare i USA.
Forskarna har underst 556 barn
som bott sitt fsta i en familj
d det fanns katt eller hund.
Det visar sig att de barnen
hade mycket mindre risk
att drabbas av allergi mot psdjur andra.
Risken minskade med omkring
50 procent.
They're pretty lucky... I ALMOST didn't compo tonight.
we used to do the hucklebuck. remember?