One Hour Compo - Round 751 (OHC751)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
I tried...
It's time I do this. I can't postpone any longer. I must face my inner demons and enter my personal hell.
"I don't remember this pathway? Are you sure this is a shortcut home? I'm not familiar with it. Also i don't like how these people are looking at me, make it stop. Eduardo? Eduardo? Don't play games with me dude, where the hell are you? Eduardo? It's not funny dude, stop hiding from me. Hello? Oh lord please help me....."
A little simpler this time, as the emphasis is on tempo automation and texture, than any fancy melodies or harmonies. I mean there is melodies and harmonies, but they are not the focus. There is no tonality here as such, as i wanted it to really be scary. The drums also build up into this climax, before dropping to nothing. There is also a surprise ending in store. This one is a bit of a personal taste thing, as it's not an easy listen, but oh well. Have fun!
Lost in the frigid day
My mind's a world away
Caught in my frozen body
Each step made on a rotten plank
The bridge to worlds between us
Crossing will mean I leave us
But yet I cannot seem to
stray from this mossy fogged up place
Putrid fog
hides you among me
Fogging up my mind
Hide you in this space
Putting you in place
Putrid fog
hides us inside me
How will I find
where I've left you behind
Ode to that time I spotted a busted piano
try as you may, you can't get over how it's leading you this way.
try as you may, you can't move forward.
Found some new percussion samples, and tried my hand at using them in a more atmospheric/ambient arrangement.
I got into REACH btw. :)))) im so cool.
Some light and sylvan strings and such. And I love using pan flute. Heavily influenced by Ori music.
Looking at the picture, I felt like I had at one point went through this environment in a game. So, I made a song that I felt like I had at one point heard in that same game. Sadly, I can't think of what game it was.