One Hour Compo - Round 677 (OHC677)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (14)
00:00 - Strawberries and Cream [Title]
01:05 - Ice Cool [Investigation]
02:26 - Melting Away [Flashback]
04:19 - Snow Day [Shop]
05:14 - Ice Cream Aisle [Game Over]
ohnoes what day is it
"Welcome to Dairy Queen, valued customer, may i be willing to take your order? A Single Cone and a Double Cone? Ok no problem, that'll be $7.99 please. Thank you. One moment, i'll have it ready for you"
Limited my self to 2 instruments. A piano and a pad. This is a very expressive composition, mimicking that of a piano player. It's also very simple and minimalistic, sort of like the image. My brain was telling me not to expand it no more, and keep it as it is. All in all, it's a ton of fun, i hope you like it!
Ehhh, I'm not sure I like this, what even is this? Some weird cherry from the top of the mountains?
The skies are on fire in the end
Stars dance in flames above our home
As flashes dive through the smoky fear
The ice cream's the only thing left here
maybe you're just too sweet
for my taste
could make a heart melt
on your coldest days
like a cool treat
wash away my anxieties
in the sun we'll beam till we've had enough
(Cover of Souleye)
So many flavors ahead
Much to choose, but a limited time to decide
Colors flood through your head
Sugar, cream and as brisk as a mountain full of ice
You barely hold your glee (can't get enough)
Even though you know your brain will freeze
Go ahead and take it all (so much to eat)
Then you'll come right back, and happily get some more
Mouth filled with rapturous joy
Ice cream stands were made for the whole world to enjoy
If the world has an end
It will be when this treat has run out, only then
Hold on to six ice cream cones
Had your fill as you stroll all the way back to home
When the next day begins
First thing on your agenda is getting back for sure
this is a cover of a song
r1d3 t3h l1gh+n1n6
Mom's in town, and she felt like singing! We recorded this this afternoon.