One Hour Compo - Round 612 (OHC612)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources below.
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion in #thasauce on OR our new Discord channel!

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
Don't try to fight it
oh boy a pillow
i've got to prove it
you've got to choose it
i've got to move it on
you've got to choose it
your chance to prove it
i've got to move it on
how do you expect to
keep this under the covers
now that you want me to
keep this under the covers
Probably won't remember much from the evening
a song about a guy who is TERRIFIED OF FLUFFY BEDS OMG
written with MY BAND over zoom!! wow fun
You told me Sunday I could come on over
You told me that you had a big surprise
The night before I was so excited
And the sun began to rise
And I could not believe my eyes
You had a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
Full of feathers, foam, and fear
It was a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
I want to run away from here
I mean, youd think that this would be no problem
Ive spent my waking life in therapy
But no amount of it can quash my terror
Of all things velvety
What a horrifying scene
You had a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
Laden with lace and lies
It was a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
My imminent demise
You had a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
Sitting there, lying and waiting
It was a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
Equal parts satin and Satan
You had a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
A pale pile of pink chiffon
It was a fluffy bed, oh fluffy bed
I think it movedthe hunt is on!
You feel at ease, your head resting on the wavy pillow.
From OHC295:
I didn't have to see your face
I didn't have to know your name
it's time for you to say good night
it's time for you to say goodbye
too beautiful to have heard no
she's had it easy took it slow
too beautiful to watch her go
she doesn't matter let her go
Falling asleep in a comfy bed while on hold waiting to find out of my insurance company pays for COVID-19 testing.
The battle's just begun, the war I keep inside
I'll keep it secret from you, keep it for myself
When you're out of sight is when my life begins
I'll keep it secret from you, keep it for myself
I wrap my myself up and withdraw from you
Get covered and blanket myself, away from the truth
When you're far away, I unlock my own
private comfort, I keep a secret
The more I hide from you, the more I keep inside
I'll keep a secret from you, keep it for myself
When I'm all alone is when my life begins
I'll keep a secret from you, keep it for myself
So in the end I find a secret's more than words
I'll have it hidden from you, keep it for myself
To try to let it out is such a reckless thing
I'll have it hidden from you, keep it for myself
Another Ravel cover, because.well why not? It was the image really. It is where the magic happens right lol?
Terminator, I'm looking at you.
I decided to participate at the last second and made this in about 5 minutes. Enjoy!
Sorry, the vocals needed some work and I didn't have time to adjust.
Also I am super late.
My bed its so soft
I never want to go outside
Here is where I hide
Let me get my beauty rest
I summon all of my energy
My audience they await me
Lights, camera, action,r game
Thank you, leave a donation on your way
I say one, vultures descend upon me
I do another thing. Trrolls come at me
I hold my shield, The arrow bounce off
But it only takes one word to strike true
Taking me out.r
Its me versus a thousand you
My life on display
All I wanted was to share
But now your barbs have trapped here here
Its me versus ten thousand you
Watching my mistakes
It started as fun to be with you all
But now your attention hurts. I want peace. Set me free.