One Hour Compo - Round 740 (OHC740)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
idk why i chose nylon guitar for spooky skellington week but it's too late to go back now
Lyrics courtesy of chat gpt
I'm so sorry
I was a skeleton, back from the grave
With a hunger for life and a newfound craving to be brave
I wanted to make some friends, and try some new things
But my bony body, caused a lot of screams
I'm a skeleton, trying to fit in
I'm a skeleton, trying to win
I'm a skeleton, trying to have fun
I'm a skeleton, but I'm not done
I went to the grocery store, to buy some food to eat
But the clerks they ran away, cause they couldn't take the heat
I tried to grab some chips, but they just crumbled in my hand
I couldn't eat a thing, for I was just a bony man
I tried to make some friends, but they all ran away
They were scared of my bones, and my bony face
I tried to hug them tight, but I just fell apart
It's so hard, I'm just trying to make a new start
One thousand souls behind us
Each a page in a book long written
What do the words say?
All these stories are forgotten
One thousand souls no longer
An age in a time that’s past us
Each life is a day
In a time that’s left behind
Ages forgotten to the times
Imagine all the truth and lies
Crumbled to dust
Each thought was once alive
A book for every story past
A life for every soul that lived
Brought us to here
The things we hold dear
Each thought was once alive.
Taken from the dirt
Created in the Image
Creator had to assert
This be a holy lineage
But that sly serpant
Disguised from that angel
Imparted sin rampant
Death soon broke its cull
Dust to dust
Death was born here
Dust to dust
You will die
Fall into the ground
The first one was great, but a part of me wanted to try something in the vicinity of experimental/ambient music. So i spent around 20-30 minutes doing something with some samples and synths i had. I like the results. This might turn into something one day.
You found your own body, from a previous adventure, of course. The loot has long been looted, and nothing but your bones remain. You have only faint memories of that life, as it has been lived so long ago. Rest well, my previous self. You deserve it.
I did a metal song for an old compo, that i felt was perfect for this theme. I wasn't planning on metal, but since we seem to love Halloween more than Christmas, this is the result. I didn't upload an old project, i actually reworked the metal track into a little more. I added a new section, some drum tweaks among other things. I couldn't get further than 4 minutes, without it sounding like it's super repetitive. It's not the best metal track, because i'm sadly not that good at metal, but it was something different. The best i could do with the tools i have. Enjoy!
Still not great at orchestral, but this was fun.
Here they lie, remains that once held life
A past exploring all there is to be and not to be
Having the means to begin a prosperous afterlife
Leaving behind those worldly hopes and dreams
Flesh is gone, the tomb was long forgotten
Who beheld the place was surely taken back a lot
Those who considered the man important made the hole
Deeper to let his soul retire at last
Shambling and morbid, the crypt is held in place
Nothing but bones, not a vessel on his face
Left by his lonesome, the raiders bustle in
Creepers would search out his mausoleum then
After hours, the team would hop the fence
and try to pry right in to scavenge all they dare to take
But soon, the group only finds the effort done and dry
Empty, but for the clean-picked bones around