One Hour Compo - Round 770 (OHC770)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (14)
But I see through their venomous feat,
Distant memories of their twisted dance,
A warning to all, a deceptive trance.
Within the darkness, hope takes its form,
Snake eggs glisten, amidst the storm,
A reminder of the miracles unseen,
In the darkest corners, life shall convene.
Their tongues slither, weaving tales of deceit,
But I see through their venomous feat,
Distant memories of their twisted dance,
A warning to all, a deceptive trance.
The scent of lies permeates the air,
As illusions breed, we become ensnared,
But I'll carve my own name, break free from the mold,
In this world of serpents, I will stay bold.
Within the darkness, hope takes its form,
Snake eggs glisten, amidst the storm,
A reminder of the miracles unseen,
In the darkest corners, life shall convene.
Hello world, are you there?
Fuck snakes.
As you’re leaving me
Eggs in the basket you left for me
Tormenting me
As you’re gone you can’t help but to torture me
Let me free
Don’t live my life for me
The fate I take
Like the cold blood of a snake
I’ll bite you back
I’ll bite you back
Like you bit me
I’ll bite you back

Blackbirds (Turning Beatles into Birb Synthwave)
by TheVideoGamer on Jul 13, 2023Don't ask me why, but for some reason i felt like doing more of a cover, since one i've not done these in a while, and two it allows me to work in a more limiting way to provide me with more musical material.
Now the first idea wasn't really great, but then again i was struggling to make happy music for some reason. So i decided to think about it, and be different.
The track is obviously Blackbirds by Beatles, extended from 2 minutes into 6, because that's what i do right? The track overall hasn't changed, but the style and the arrangement is miles different. Just the chords and melody are the same. I didn't make this from scratch, as when i had listened to it, i found it a bit complex, and i don't have the time to transcribe, i have music to make. If it's a 4-8 chord vamp sure, but this is more like 16 chords. I need music, not MIDI. Most of what you hear is 80's styled synths and drum machines, topped with piano and string like textures. There is also a huge chunk of new material by me as well, adding onto a nice dainty 2 minute number. Take what you can out of this.
And before anyone asks, i spent the full time on this, it's not a rush job at all! Enjoy!
haha ambient go brrrrrrrrr
In a room engulfed in shadows deep,
A coven gathered, their secrets to keep.
Mystic symbols adorned the walls,
Candles flickered, as darkness calls.
O serpent of the ancient night,
Unleash your power, grant us sight.
In this ritual, we invoke your name,
Guide us through the abyss, where shadows reign.
An egg, black as obsidian, appeared,
Whispers of the arcane, a chant was seared.
Cracks spread, with an eerie glow,
Revealing a creature, the world would soon know.
O serpent of the ancient night,
Unleash your power, grant us sight.
In this ritual, we invoke your name,
Guide us through the abyss, where shadows reign.
The serpent emerged, its scales aglow,
A dance with darkness, it began to show.
Eyes filled with wisdom, secrets untold,
Devotion offered, allegiance to behold.
O serpent of the ancient night,
Unleash your power, grant us sight.
In this ritual, we invoke your name,
Guide us through the abyss, where shadows reign.
...and go unbidden.