One Hour Compo - Round 718 (OHC718)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (15)
It's experimental, OK?
Banging on random keys for an hour was actually kind of fun. Listening however?
For this i let the tempo automation speak for itself. It's a very experimental piece, focusing on some heavy dense phased pads, weird arps and a 6/8 sheen to the whole thing.
00:00 - Surfing the Complex Plane [Stage Select]
00:39 - Fractal Frenzy! [Battle Theme]
01:38 - Endless Spiral [Boss Cutscene]
02:29 - Chaotic Recursion [Danger Theme]
03:29 - See You Again [Results Screen]
an ocean of fractals
Quite the deep fellow
Infinite bliss
The stars are your eyes
Mirrors in which
I see my soul
Infinite bliss
When you are with me
I reflect on my self
As you laugh dearly.
Hold it together
Link it together
Infinite bliss
When I am with you
Why do you keep me?
How am I worthy?
I must accept
That I can have
Infinite bliss.
My first entry was a bit underwhelming so i did a part 2. This one is more of an energetic piece, using more weird arps. Has grounds for expansion.
here is a rough draft of my lyrics~
I am the queen of the ages. Everyone knows my name. When they say my name they just say grace and beauty. Power indescribable lighting up the whole world with the force of my hand. Lay it down and breathe it out and maybe then they'll see that.
I am the creator of worlds. I am your queen. You must bow, you must shout. Lay it all down for me. I built you up and I can tear you down. Beg for mercy I won’t grant. Don’t mess around with the queen of the ages.
Over the eras of time no one saw that the queen was rising up to the power of the crown. Flowers atop my head grace and beauty spread over the town.Aphrodite cried when she lost her crown. I am the goddess of beauty now. Maybe that will prove that
I am the creator of worlds. I am your queen. You must bow, you must shout. Lay it all down for me. I built you up and I can tear you down. Beg for mercy I won’t grant. Don’t mess around with the queen of the ages.
The crown atop is golden but not brown if they all could see me now on top Tears of flowing down letting you all know that
I am the creator of worlds. I am your queen. You must bow, you must shout. Lay it all down for me. I built you up and I can tear you down. Beg for mercy I won’t grant. Don’t mess around with the queen of the ages.
Forgive the title. I'm not happy about it either! Today's process felt kinda meandering. Wanna come next week with some interesting harmonic ideas so I'm not shooting from the hip there.
Sometimes you think you're going deeper and deeper, when actually you're just going back to where you started, only with your perception changed.