One Hour Compo - Round 791 (OHC791)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (8)
alternate title: colorado gets possessed by the spirit of james hetfield also i got sick again :(
a small little hole for the
water to seep through
from a small little hole it flows
a small little hole for the
village to peep through
see where the water goes
a small little hole can grow
a big giant hole for the
dam to leak through
from a big giant hole it goes
a big giant hole is what it came to
how did it grow nobody knows
down the reservoir goes
into the streets, oh no
it's a flood
grab your rainboots
find shelter
because it's
...not great weather
Years of abuse can't go unchallenged
Not when there's a precedent before
And what if there's some new talent?
We'll see by the end of year four
I don't have tomorrow's lottery numbers,
and I wouldn't call myself a scholar,
but history lessons shouldn't numb us,
barbaric old things with a different color.
Can't believe we've reached this point, again!
Always tripping with the same damn stone!
All our teachings were in vain!
This is all already known!
Under water
Every now and then we are
Under water
Even when we think we're floating we are
Swimming lessons for just a few
And it doesn't include me and you
Like my title by the way? It's both a pun, as well as being relatable and real. I feel awful tonight, aches and pains all over, so i made this a quick one, and opted for a more drone based piece. If i was fine, i could have gone further, but i'm a bit tired and miserable, so i apologise.
I took a chord progression of around 6 chords, made each chord 8 bars, and then layered it to make a thick ambient texture. Each loop of the chords results in around 1 minute 20 of music. It's no a complex piece, but i like it nonetheless. Throughout i made sure to engage in some layering, some processing effects, and other tweaks to make it sound cool. Hopefully i'll be well enough by next week for a more detailed piece (Although this is detailed enough). Hope you enjoy!
You sent that text
“We need to talk”
I played off as cool
“What do you need to talk about?”
But I wasn’t fine
I had no clue
Would you reveal a raindrop or a flood?
Why do I feel the tension flloding in?
I’m sure it’s nothing but sometimes my blood is running thin
Do you know that I sweat over the smallest thing?
The weather’s dry and yet it feels the rain is coming in
Why do your messages fill me with this flood of dread?
It’s just text and yet I let it get all to my head
Why do your messages fill me with this flood of dread?
They’re tiny pixels and yet they get inside my head.
Then you said
“Maybe we should paint our bedroom green.”
And was that it?
Why does every message create a temptest in the teapot of my heart?
It’s so rare
But that trust is broke
The bridge that carries me over water is too bare
Too wet and soaked
I’m one step away from being swept away.