One Hour Compo - Round 849 (OHC849)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (14)
I got here a bit late
i reflect in the windows. do you reflect when you watch me walk by?
No time for explanations; just growl... underwater! (8)
Me: Ok.
Logan (inaudibly unless every other track is muted, but the mic did pick it up for realsies): Sing your fart out.
Me: Technical difficulties were had in the middle of this and I did not make up lyrics because I didn't have time, so let's fucking go~!
Reflection of a dream
In the panes I see
A dream of the things that you wanted from me
Reflection of the ground
The waves that make a sound
Of the things that I could have been but you couldn’t see inside me
In a windowed sea
From these extremely glassy trees
The world below is where I make my stand
There you are, and then there’s me
I thought my pain was there to be
But I’m wicked and there’s no where else you’ll see
I’m all alone
"Alright honey i'm off to work, see you in about 22 hours!"
This track took me a lot of reworks because i just wasn't satisfied with the tempo. I kept trying it at a slow tempo, a really fast one, and even to meet in the middle, but in the end what it really needed was to combine the two. So we have a interesting kind of mystical chord progression played very slow at 90bpm, as is the breakbeat, but the bassline and arp work is extremely fast, pretty much double that, and there is also a second breakbeat layer to keep it faster than it actually is. I also threw in a bongo loop to accentuate percussion. The track itself is mostly just key modulations with each one introducing a new element or sound to keep it fresh, whilst the progression is pretty much the same. The track as a whole is very simple, but i think simplicity sometimes is the best, and i went through like 5 revisions to find something i was happy with lol. All in all i hope you enjoy!