One Hour Compo - Round 834 (OHC834)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (12)
Somehow I showed up 20 minutes and had this done at 20 minutes ahead of time. In the mood for cheese? I apparently was.
orange slices are delicious
when you cut them in half
you push your fingers to the middle
to get the pulp out intact
you slice it slice it
again and again
you slice it slice it
again and again
slice that orange up you asshole
slice that orange up you asshole
slice that orange up you bitch
you bitch!
eat that orange, bitch!
(the song is supposed to be funny, i apologize if you were offended by the lyrics) <3
driving slowly in protest of my routine
get a whiff of you from route 417
i thought i was on route
thought that i'd make it out
but every diner has you in a glass
thought i could do without
but you're so paramount
to every breakfast joint that i drive past
i can't escape the orange
what else can i rhyme with orange?
I mean, aren't you glad to see me?
Seems so interesting but its not real
The cadence of the walk and the subject of the talk
Deserving of nothing more than to be mocked
Perfectly groomed and perfectly hollow
Gin up support and they always will follow
Dont't blame the rubes for being this way
Can't blame the dog when it bites you they say
Traveling up to the top
Longer way to fall if caught
Its a game to you, a thrill
Spiking drinks and handing pills
Perfectly groomed and perfectly hollow
Gin up support and they always will follow
Dont't blame the rubes for being this way
Can't blame the dog when it bites you they say
Vocalists: Kieran Tokai, Sento, Pastels
Orange Juice
What we wanna drink
With our breakfast eggs
Every single day AY
Better buy birds eye,
It’s the juice that we like,
(Kieran and Tokai)
Potassium and vitamins
Makes us smile eye to eye
Mmmm Delicious!
This track is very breakbeat driven, complete with a stretched break, some very funky swung 80's chords, some twinkly arps, and lots of acid sections. It's basically funky and acidic, kind of like how oranges are acidic. The track isn't an epic one, instead mostly relying on transitions to various sections, that mostly just add on from the previous one. There is chord changes, but for the most part it's basically 1-2 bar loops made into something funky. I also threw in a melody for good measure, as well as lots of cutting synths to keep it into a more harder hitting edge. Lastly because why not, i threw in a synthesized tubular bell, because what better way to spend OHC throwing random sounds into the mix lol. I kind of like this one a lot, it's very funky and crispy. Hope you enjoy!
Ran out of time didn't record lyrics or anything.