One Hour Compo - Round 796 (OHC796)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (14)
Chords that rise and fall with the wind.
in the mornings
when i rise
lord i find there
on my plate
a pat of butter
a slice of rye
with a bowl of
sweet corn flakes
another sunrise
another day
an adventure
soon awaits
so take this breakfast
take it with grace
for who knows
what you will face
There are days when the sun is shining beautifully. There are days when the problems of today are someone else's. And on those days... you can fall back to sleep and finish up your dreams.
more stuff you've already heard with a little surprise at the end.
come down today and buy some corn, or we will sacrifice your newborn
After all this time, I guess it's time to call it a day and retire. Out in the fields the work may not be over, but I'll have no one to respond to other than myself.
if'n it's grain it's a grass, and if'n it's grass it's green. this grass has greener.
"You know i kinda glad i moved here, this is one hell of a view you cannot replicate in the city"
I'm still not 100 percent, so i'm not sure if the quality of the track is affected as a result, but the overall result still sounds very nice, but we'll leave it to you guys to decide. Because of how pretty and well...calming the theme is, i went for a bit of an obvious. However i didn't want it to be just chords and simple drums, so i went for a more unusual approach. Have it flow more in a psychedelic way, as well as feature a more intense genre than i would probably normally do (Although i have done DnB with stuff like this). This track is basically Trance Happy Hardcore if that was a thing lol. Very happy melodies (Literally no minor keys in sight), and a whole host of breakbeat and kickdrum loops being chopped into fills throughout. Each different section comes with it's own different sounds being weaved in and out, aside from the middle part which is the main melody and chord progression. All in all it's a TVG track trying to not to sound like TVG, but still ending up sounding like TVG if you get me haha. Enjoy!
Golden rise
Put inside my eyes the blonde light
Set aside my prior fear
The invisible irrational dear
Showering light
I thought I wasn’t good enough last night
I think that no one cares enough to see
But it’s an old thought that keeps growing with me
Why do I grow these thoughts inside me
Why do I water these thoughts inside me
Isn’t it my fault somehow
Isn’t that an explanation
I know you think that small of me
I grow this seed of doubt and frustration