PRC Final - The Last PRC (Free) (PRC472)
This will be the last round of PRC. Since it's getting harder to get any songs in and I also lack time myself to be very active in it I decided to put it to an end. But not before there's a Final Round.
It's a Free Round. Feel free to remix whatever you like, also making an original mix is allowed. You can also submit multiple songs.
The remixing stage is the longest ever in the PRC history, over two months of time to make a good remix.
Deadline is Tuesday December 26th 2023, 10:59 AM ThaSauce Time (18:00 UTC, 20:00 GMT).
Check the Ocremix thread for more information (you can post questions there. It is also the place to post a song if you're not able to use this page):
After uploading, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 Files.
It is not necessary to use ThaSauce. You can upload the song anywhere you want, but I must have a download link. So if you use SoundCloud, don't forget to allow downloads, otherwise your song does not count as an entry or bonus mix. I will still use ThaSauce as a possible place to submit songs and upload all the songs to the ThaSauce page to have the songs at onegaicentral place.
If ThaSauce is down, please also submit the song somewhere else with a download link and post the link in the Ocremix Thread.
Entries (24)
wanted to give PRC a proper send-off. thank you for all the years of great music!
1000 Words from Final Fantasy X-2, re-imagined as city pop.
I opted to do a remix of OutRun's Passing Breeze. I've always enjoyed this track, and it truly is a fun track to mess around with. There is so much to work with and so many ways to take it. I humbly present, Annals of Neon. I tried to do something that was a bit 80s inspired because you know just fits the...vibe. But I didn't want it to go so far into the 80s as to be synthwave territory. As a result this remix has some 80s/synthwave influence, but ultimately is really more about a chilled laid back listening experience. Reminiscing of days gone by, going with the flow, and even thinking back a bit on times that weren't quite as remembered.
At first glance it may seem like this is a pretty samey cover of the track, what with replacing the piano with a polysynth instead and just using a simple synth lead. In fairness that isn't entirely untrue and it is a fairly 1:1 remix. But a closer listen will reveal that there were a lot of subtle changes throughout. I tried to keep it more upbeat and energetic in the beginning, in the middle I went more ambient & pretty, but towards the end I really tried to shift it away from those rose tinted glasses to something more melancholic yet with just a twinge of those tinted glasses because it is too hard to bring myself to not let the vibrancy of the track come out. I do end it on a fancy schmancy F#9sus4-ish chord though. So, I've got that going for me here.
Been a wild ride with these compos, and I submit this track as a proper send off. Thinking of the past and hearing wildly different takes on the same source material. There are too many tracks and names to list. A bittersweet end and it is not only inspiring to see so many old names & faces return for one last hurrah. But it is also not without its own poignancy. It has been a privilege to have participated in these compos. Best wishes to all out there.
I could have gone in any direction, but ultimate if this were to be the final song, then i need more than a simple VG arrangement. Being this is a free round, and there is no limits on what you can make, i chose to go with an original. I crammed as much as i could get my heart out, taking this track in any direction i could, whilst maintaining the same tempo and vibe throughout. Most of it is a mix of sad slightly jazzy overtones, mixed with some atmospheric parts, so deep minimal parts, as well as some drum parts. The track is free-flowing whilst giving you that much needed melodic freedom.
I will miss this place, i have had a lot of memories here, especially since this was one of my earliest known ThaSauce experiences. The track feels like a timeline of my life, even though there isn't really any samples as such. I just wanted this to be a proper send off, so that's why it's not only 15 minutes (Which is quite an insane length when you think about it, but i may never see this again, so i wanted it to be final). This is also why i had to keep it to 20mb, so the bitrate is slightly reduced, but i listened to it, and the quality hasn't affected it too much, so hopefully it's fine.
It's been a wonderful 3-4 years in this place, i've made so many great tunes, discovered so many fantastic tunes, met so many wonderful people, and above all, had such a barrier of support i could not believe. This is why i come back to this place so often, you guys are just far too nice. Even more so than the real world sometimes lol. It's amazing the joy of music that i discover, and how many people share a similar passion to me. I will miss you all deeply.
The track itself is best described in 4 ways:
- Jazzy and emotional
- Simple laidback grooves, that also come with a bit of swing
- The occasional sample, both mine and snippets lying on my PC.
- An AI voice wishing you all a farewell.
In terms of production, it mostly just went around, me adding stuff i felt fit, until a good coherent section was born. The only thing that keeps this piece grounded, is the main chord sequence heard at the start that appears. It's also there as essentially the "Chorus" to the whole thing. There is also a B-Section to this part, but this comes in less frequently. Other than that, the piece is just one section after another, totally a 15 minute journey, that details as much as i have thrown into it.
That's all really, i can't say any more. I hope you guys have a wonderful future ahead of you, and if i see you i hope all goes well. If not, then thanks for the wonderful times, the cool source tunes. It's been great. Thanks again for the amazing opportunities you guys are awesome. See you around.
TVG signs off, and wishes you all the best.
My final salute to PRC is something of a classic from Secret of Mana. Something of a new age approach, plenty of strings, harp, and woodwinds in my attempt to capture a sort of ethereal sylvan atmosphere alongside the drums to evoke a verdant fervor. At any rate, it was a fun project, and I really appreciate all the folks who gave PRC the legacy it did.
Source: Final Fantasy VII - On the Other Side of the Mountain
I had another file ready to go but I think many of you know I had some recent PC issues that didn't really get fixed until a few days ago. With work coming immediately after, amI haven't had anytime to properly finish and export anything. So I went to my YT channel, found something I've never submitted to OCR or as a compo and sent it. Gotta get down one last time someway. It's been a pleasure and I'm hoping many of us can work together or in competition once more in the future. Let's get it guys!
Well, with the re-release of Super Mario RPG, I figured it'd be a great way to send off PRC with a mashup of Battle, Boss 1, Boss 2 and Victory Theme with Omnisphere doot-doots, dance pianos and whatnot. Also used Jazz brass from SampleTank3, which have that certain 90's je ne ce quois.
Little emotional here, since this is the last round for PRC. Bundeslang never once strayed from being a positive experience at the ReMixer scene & had/has such great poise and professionalism that I couldn't quite mimic when I hosted MnP.
Truth be told, I haven't really felt like I fit in at OCR (Quality Bar-Rage-Itis anyone!?) Yet Bundeslang gave a space for us 'amateur-ish' underdogs, to feel more accepted with our janky production and compositional skills (or lack thereof)
[Edit over9000] I guess I wanted to replicate that special 'PRC feeling' at MnP, sadly, my people skills were a pretty big barrier... And it dawned on me that compo-hosting just wasn't my gig, probably painfully apparent to some more than others lol. However, TVG filled my boots pretty well, I gotta say! And if he decides to keep the show running a bit longer, MnP can at least sort of fill PRC's void in the compo scene, at least for a little while longer...Ah the times how they change...
Eh, I've rambled too long...
Have a wonderful X-Mas & New year everybody! And may PRC live on forever in the hearts & minds of the oldschool (and new-school) ReMixer crowd. Thanks Bundeslang, u da best! Cheers~
Here's my final submission for PRC, it's a remix from Godzilla's Saturn Stage from the NES. The source for PRC431. Thanks to everyone for their submissions and for every single submission and vote in the past. Without you this wasn't possible and couldn't last for 20 years.
Unfortunately I'm still stuck in writer's limbo, so I decided to go back to my last best work, and use it to send off PRC. It's been an honor and a privilege to have been a part of this competition.
The sources are:
Chrono Cross - Voyage Home World
Chrono Cross - Voyage Other World
Final Fantasy 6 - Cyan's Theme
We'll be Cya'n ya later PRC.
I participated in some of the earliest PRC events. They were instrumental in letting me experiment and get feedback early in my development as an arranger. I'm saddened to see this come to a close, but I understand the reasons for it's end. I hope other people who looked for a place to hone their craft will find another place to do it.
As for this arrangement, I threw it together very quickly within the last couple days of the contest. I kept it simple with a solo piano arrangement, and attempted to capture the weight of it's emotion...and Cyan's theme has so much emotion in it. It carries the heroic and epic and contrasts darkly with the genocide of a people (including Cyan's family).
I hope i've done justice to this incredible theme. Please enjoy :)
This one is really for TheVideoGamer from PRC443. This is the remix that I did for Terranigma's Flight. This is a full out mix here. Not my usual compo mix speed. The whole kit and kaboodle in this one.
This is my reimagining of my first-ever PRC entry, based on the Land of Sylvarant theme from Tales of Symphonia. 15 years after I made the original "Sly Land", I've finally come full circle.
This is where I started, ORC20. I had a free trial of FLsudio, where you cannot save anything. So I would export each track and arrange them in CoolEdit. I posted under the name DJ_Notte and then Chavous. These competitons really helped me hone my composition skills and be as creative as I wanted. Thanks to everyone who kept it going to maybe give other people the same opportunity.

Echoes of Ancient Civilizations [Tales of Phantasia]
by Unknown Pseudoartist on Dec 21, 2023So here comes my second (and sadly last :( ) submission for PRC! Since this totally free of choice I wasn't sure what to choose. VGM cover, non-VGM cover, maybe some original silly composition? Eventually I get with what I think was an ideal choice since there's some kind of shared context and story.
This is the "Abyss of Thor" from Tales of Phantasia. An original arrangement in a somewhat industrial metal style, just me and my synths/samples (no real instruments played, no collabs, etc). That tune plays in what can be considered as the stereotypical ancient civilization that happens to be technologically super advanced. A longer title I had in mind was "Echoes of Ancient Civilizations, Hopes of Future Societies". I even had some ideas to add news-style speeches using some of the in-game lines when you watch the screen but discarded that in favor of a fully instrumental version and a simpler and clearer title.
But that source kept me thinking of how online community efforts that eventually stops could be perceived in a distant future, and how important, or at least interesting all what we leave behind can feel like for other people after years or decades. In a certain way culture and knowledge works like that: even if it gets buried it's likely to be eventually discovered and enjoyed. This is the final PRC and I assume all mp3s and stuff will be kept in the site. But even if this site and everything inside got drown in the deepths of the net, that's a lot of stuff that is likely to be discovered by other people in the future. Music enthusiast who would keep copies and share elsewhere and other enthusiast who would discover that and, who knows, maybe be surprised by so much of cool stuff that was done in the past. After all, this is somewhat happening already with other communities of the past like VGMix, some removed OCR tracks, maybe OLremix and lots of artists and the mp3s they had in their old personal sites.
Nothing is likely to be totally lost forever, and even if this is the end for PRC, we all music enthusiast will have lots of stuff to enjoy forever. Stuff that, very much like other forms of culture and even knowledge, is likely to be passed and shared and enjoyed thoughout generations all around time. Isn't that wonderful?
That ancient but super advanced civilization that was once crashed by a comet and drown in the sea was there waiting for our "heroes" to be discovered and their technology used as a hope to travel in time. Who knows, maybe some people in a very distant future will discover all what we had been doing during all this time and be shocked at it. Maybe the mainstream music of the moment will be generally sooo bad... that one mp3 you are listening here will sound like a masterpiece for them, and this whole site will work as inspiration for a generation of wannabe musicians. Wouldn't that be cool?
Sometimes I think of a music in a slightly similar but a lot less narcisistic way: nowadays my stats (regarding listens, downloads, followers, etc) is a foolish joke. Criticism is often negative and it seems like people generally don't understand my ideas and I just didn't get to find my place or my audience anywhere yet. But maybe in a future some of that stuff will be discovered by some random person of the net in some random corners at the deepest dephts of this cyber-world and then getting the proper attention and love? Whether this happens or not, if just one single person enjoys my stuff, even if that's not happening today but 20 years later, I then may feel like it was worth all the time and effort spent. Heck, even if only crickets listen, the simple fact of being able to convert ideas from brain to DAW is already such a fantastic feeling! Let's keep creating stuff unto the ages of ages!
P.S.: I started this sometime early this month and what you hear was actually done in barely a couple of days. However, I kept it in my shelves just to later re-listen with fresher ears. While still not that happy with it and still thinking this and that could be done a lot better, I just decided to submit the way it is already. I hope somebody enjoys that :) (especially if you happen to have some good music taste and you like Tales of Phantasia as much as I do!)
And remember that as long as people will keep listening and checking stuff from the past, PRC is not dead! :)
Source is Airship Sigwarda stage from Freedom Planet 2. This is in a way a tribute to the soundtrack that got me into the remixing scene, the music of Freedom planet was a big part of what motivated me to learn how to remix songs. So this is my verse of our communal swansong for PRC, which also gave me a lot of opportunities to keep working at songcraft. Sad to see it go, I would have liked to dedicate more time to the compo scene, but I'll remember it well.
This piece is also a salute to my early remixing style with hopefully the wisdom of experience refining it XD.
And the name's a reference to the green cat that pilots the eponymous airship of the stage. Standard aircraft procedure, I assure you.
When I heard this would be the last PRC, I of course had to participate to give it a proper send-off. I have good memories of participating in PRC years ago, and some of those tracks even made it into an OCR mixpost!
Anyway, I was procrastinating a lot until ~3 days before the deadline. On the OCR Discord I was trash talking with Treyt into doing a tracker battle, just for fun. So stars aligned and that's what happened... we both started working on something in Furnace Tracker (a tracker new to us, nothing like learning a new program with a looming deadline). The rules were simple:
- write a track in Furnace tracker
- use 2 sound chips of choice
- make it an ending theme from a song, to give PRC a proper send-off
- submit before the deadline
And that's what happened... here you'll find my cover (it's too close to the original to be called a remix) of the song "Memoires" from the ending of the MSX shmup Space Manbow (if you know Gradius/Nemesis/Salamander/Life Force, same thing). I made it with the NES soundchip and the VRC6, and mostly as a fun challenge between me and Treyt.
Done as a backup plan for the Final PRC, this was originally going to be an OCR submission for Halloween, but that went south... Original plan for the Final PRC was to refurbish / upgrade the very first PRC submission I had ever done for the compo, which was a remix of Rainy Turtloid's "Inami Temple Stage" theme from Mega Man X6. *That is currently being worked on*, but it had to also be set aside due to falling ill for several weeks since the beginning of December, and losing my voice to do some outro singing parts. Also couldn't wrangle a live sax in such short notice on top of other, unfortunately, this old MnP bop / mash-up of Shinobi III and Rise of the Robots that I've updated in the past two months will have to suffice.
For A-B comparison, and the source write-ups, here's the MnP Round 123 that this was a part of:; (besides the slight embarrassment that the key was completely *incorrect* on my part, at the time... It's Ab Major, not C. xD) The undertones of The Glitch Mob aesthetic, and the overtones of some X-Files / The Tommyknockers / The Exorcist with Asian vibes are still there, just...ramped up to 11.
Hopefully, the differences are noticeable and the mixing / arrangement quality has made leaps and bounds (in a positive way). This'll be almost over 2 and a half years' old / in the making, and my hope is to get it subbed to OCR fairly soon. :)
Big ups and thanks to my collaborators on this. :3 Please enjoy, Happy Holidays, Feliz Navidad, and uh...let's make this Final PRC one hell of a banger-fest. :D Sad to see it go, but...things change, I suppose. :|
- Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (GEN/MD), "Inner Darkside"
- Rise of the Robots (SNES/AMIGA), "BFH03 (Prime 8) Builder"
- SableProvidence - DIZI
- GameroftheWinds - ALTO FLUTE
- Zack Parrish - STEEL TONGUE DRUM
This is an original song from 2019. Still not perfect, but I like it.
I know my first one was an ORC remix instead of a PRC, but it was my first attempt at a competition.
Thanks so much. Really, it is crazy how long this has been going on. I was in ORC20, 24, 25, 27, 31, 110 and PRC56, 58, 59, 65, 91. Thanks to doulifee who kept his website hosting bill paid and I was able to go back and save these years ago. I wish I could share all of them!
Great entries, awesome job guys. How long have you the entrants been writing music?
I have experienced a "tracker" style of music production.
I hate it.
But I can see how other people could be very good with it and like it.
I have been educated <3
Here's my second entry, an upcoming remix of my first release with the alias "BRKPNT".
Many people know me for my entries in this contest, I thought that I'd show you what I worked on outside of OCR.
This is going to be released for the Anniversary edition of my first EP. Enjoy ! (That would also be my very last release ever)
Title : "Forgot My Phone on the Clouds (VIP)"
Here is essentially the same cover of Memoires (from Space Manbow) that I submitted earlier. But then slightly different. Hear me out.
I got gifted a music cartridge for my MSX computer early December. It's called a Neotron, essentially it's an OPN (Yamaha YM2610) sound chip that was also used in the Neogeo console and in various arcade systems I believe. I figured "hey, Furnace Tracker supports this OPN chip, I have one, let's see if I can make it work on actual hardware". So that's what I did... I converted my original NES + VRC6 track to the OPN chip (and struggled to find some good FM presets), converted it into a .vgm file, loaded that file onto my poor 8 bit MSX computer with the Neotron cartridge and recorded it from that.
So there you have it, a chiptune track recorded from actual hardware, rather than emulated soundchips. Always a neat perk!
VGM file:
Furnace file:
Hope you like it enough, and cheers for running PRC for all this time. Cherish the Memoires of PRC, and on to new adventures!
Now with better sounds and updated drums. I remastered it so that it's less aggresive and I added a sub-bass too.
Enjoy !
I made a mashup of some of my favorite video game songs! I hope you enjoy it!
I'm going to miss PRC, but at least it's going out with a bang. :)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GCN) "Petal Meadows"
Super Mario World (SNES) "Overworld BGM"
Super Mario Galaxy (WII) "Buoy Base Galaxy"
Sonic Forces (PC) "Iron Fortress"
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (XBOX360) "White Acropolis - Snowy Peak"
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GEN) "Aquatic Ruin Zone"
Like most of my PRC career, I'm submitting a work-in-progress! This year, I've got into the EDF series; I've played through EDF 2017 and 2025, and the latter has pretty good music!
PRC has been very important for me as far as making music goes. It was a fun environment to make stuff; a deadline, a source tune, and some like-minded people. A huge thanks to Bundeslang for keeping it going for so many years.