One Hour Compo - Round 203 (OHC203)
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion in #thasauce on

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Start: on 8/30/12
Deadline: on 8/30/12
Voting: on 9/6/12
Entries (27)
Only two minutes this time! Don't know why... something about the faster pace I guess.
No one knows what kind of research they do in that lab...
As you stalk through the ruins of the laboratory you were sent to destroy, you suddenly sense that you are not alone.
As the hair on back of your neck begins to rise, you see them coming for you... and you know you are not going to make it out alive.
As the hair on back of your neck begins to rise, you see them coming for you... and you know you are not going to make it out alive.
Welcome to the lab where we are dissecting this mysterious and powerful entity. This entity is so powerful, we have to use our best tools to figure out just what the hell we're going up against.
This entity is none other than...BASEDRUM DOT WAV.
(Composer's note: dedicated to basedrum.wav d(^^)b Don't ask why, it just came to my mind for no reason whatsoever.)
This entity is none other than...BASEDRUM DOT WAV.
(Composer's note: dedicated to basedrum.wav d(^^)b Don't ask why, it just came to my mind for no reason whatsoever.)
"Sir! We must shut down the factory!"
"Yes! Sir, the chiptune levels issuing from the laboratory are just too high! The chiptune you're producing is too dangerous for public listening!"
notes: i came into this one about 20 minutes late, still had a lot of fun though!
"Yes! Sir, the chiptune levels issuing from the laboratory are just too high! The chiptune you're producing is too dangerous for public listening!"
notes: i came into this one about 20 minutes late, still had a lot of fun though!
i made a song that had no pony samples in it D:
Everything in this song was 100% self-made. Ignore the title, or the fact that the later half might sound eerily familiar. It's original.
This guy really loves what he does, but his family doesn't love what he does, and so angst. lol
We get to play with all these cool stuff every day, and sometimes we even get to blow up something!
Electrocuting flies to test their memory is super super fun.
Electrocuting flies to test their memory is super super fun.
contains sample of OMGitslewis
Science and research is a world of toil and pain and tired minds. I know, I'm in it right now!
wherein all of the scientists show off their latest stuff.
there's lots of brain-to-machine stuff this year!
there's lots of brain-to-machine stuff this year!
Guitar sample with amplified beat
Wrinse, repeat, add echo
mellow, hollow, Saul Bellow
Rip from Matthew Mosier Hotel o'
Guitar sample with amplified beat
Wrinse, repeat, add echo
mellow, hollow, Saul Bellow
Rip from Matthew Mosier Hotel o'
I AM ALIVE... Just.
With a heavy case of Music Festival flu, a PC with a piece of shit Virus, and a Mac with zero plugins... I PRESENT TO YOU, THE RETURN OF LEWIS!
But yeah, I will begin compoing again next week... Hopefully! x
With a heavy case of Music Festival flu, a PC with a piece of shit Virus, and a Mac with zero plugins... I PRESENT TO YOU, THE RETURN OF LEWIS!
But yeah, I will begin compoing again next week... Hopefully! x
(I am soooo lazy)
(I am soooo lazy)
My first OHC rap song, iirc. Basically, it's about a guy who lives with his parents and teaches himself various bits of science. He's kinda crazy, and isn't great at it. He also kinda steals shit from the local "real" lab. He grumbles and mumbles about science not being like it is on TV and how i's setting a bad example for kids.
It was SUPPOSED to be about a guy who has a basement lab and does mad science.
Intentions don't count for shit when inspiration hits you.
In the basement, with the reinforced steel door
I got about a hundred flasks but I still need more
So I borrow a dozen from the local lab
I swear Ill pay it back, just put it on my tab!
Im almost at a breakthrough, just about to disprove
Something or other, could you please just move?
I swear Im not trying to turn lead into gold
Thats a fallacy, a fantasy from days of old
Now back to the basement back to the brew
One more thing that I gotta do
Goggles: ON, Labcoat: ON
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
Science! Its a word that you know
From countless episodes of the Bill Nye show
And from books by guys like Isaac Asimov
But this aint sci-fi, thats all improv
-ised and when televised
theres even less science, instead they emphasize
Technobabble like reverse the polarity
Cold hard facts are something of a rarity
And so Im here to make science cool
Stand back kids, you wont see this in school!
Goggles: ON, Labcoat: ON
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
Now Im not saying that Doctor Who
Should be banned from television, thats not cool
But they really should add some kind of disclaimer
Real-world science is so much lamer
Or something of the type, cause that aint right
A good textbookll keep me up all night
I pore over diagrams of brownian motion
I even learned how to make my own explosions!
So thats why Im down here, sitting at the bench and
Im starting to think that I might need a henchman...
Goggles: ON, Labcoat: ON
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
Generator: ON, Parents: GONE
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
(Inspired by the style of MC Frontalot)
It was SUPPOSED to be about a guy who has a basement lab and does mad science.
Intentions don't count for shit when inspiration hits you.
In the basement, with the reinforced steel door
I got about a hundred flasks but I still need more
So I borrow a dozen from the local lab
I swear Ill pay it back, just put it on my tab!
Im almost at a breakthrough, just about to disprove
Something or other, could you please just move?
I swear Im not trying to turn lead into gold
Thats a fallacy, a fantasy from days of old
Now back to the basement back to the brew
One more thing that I gotta do
Goggles: ON, Labcoat: ON
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
Science! Its a word that you know
From countless episodes of the Bill Nye show
And from books by guys like Isaac Asimov
But this aint sci-fi, thats all improv
-ised and when televised
theres even less science, instead they emphasize
Technobabble like reverse the polarity
Cold hard facts are something of a rarity
And so Im here to make science cool
Stand back kids, you wont see this in school!
Goggles: ON, Labcoat: ON
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
Now Im not saying that Doctor Who
Should be banned from television, thats not cool
But they really should add some kind of disclaimer
Real-world science is so much lamer
Or something of the type, cause that aint right
A good textbookll keep me up all night
I pore over diagrams of brownian motion
I even learned how to make my own explosions!
So thats why Im down here, sitting at the bench and
Im starting to think that I might need a henchman...
Goggles: ON, Labcoat: ON
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
Generator: ON, Parents: GONE
Lets get serious, this aint TRON!
The time is now, this is how
I change the world, everybody come on!
(Inspired by the style of MC Frontalot)
I tried
Was ill last we so i missed the OHC, so i im back with some new ideas.
So yup..... here we go
So yup..... here we go
Here at RubberSmith labs we believe in Synergy!
Sorry, due to my school schedule and work schedule, I don't really have any time to do these anymore. There's always Winter Break ^_^'
Ever notice how much liquids there are in chemistry? #excuse name
Now this here is -real- science
OHC Album Art, now with 100% less Nazi*
(*Nazi percentages subject to change)
OHC Album Art, now with 100% less Nazi*
(*Nazi percentages subject to change)
(((give me a break, i havent been able to make anything in forever ;_;)))
Ill have better science and epiglotis for you next week!
(((give me a break, i havent been able to make anything in forever ;_;)))
Ill have better science and epiglotis for you next week!
i dunno...
30 min compo
just got my computer working again
excuses, excuses
30 min compo
just got my computer working again
excuses, excuses