All Compos

Original Remix Competition (ORC)

The ORC was started as a sister competition to PRC. It initially ran with the same rules, the only difference being that the contestants remixed an original piece made by a person on OCR. The first source tune was made by ReactorZ0 to start the competition. From there, whoever won the competition would choose an original tune he/she made to be the source for the next competition. Voting is done by the general public.

Organized by Doulifee

People's ReMixing Competition (PRC)

The Peoples Remix Competition is a bi-weekly contest based on videogame music arranging. Started by reelmojo, the basic idea was for people to spend a week in remixing the chosen source tune (usually a song not covered on OCR yet). The forum goers vote on the tracks, and the winning musician from the vote gets to choose the source tune for the next PRC, or in the case of an anniversary/special event (e.g. remixing a song for an OCR site project) a different prize when allocated.

Organized by Bundeslang

One Hour Compos (OHC)

Welcome to One Hour Compos! We meet up every Thursday at 6 PM Pacific, 9 PM Eastern to create an original piece. Compos run for one hour and are themed. This compo is open to everyone, from aged veterans to first time mixers. You are welcome to create something original or remix pre-existing work, the purpose of this compo is to encourage practice and skill up. You may remix in any program, but please only upload MP3 format 6 MB or less, 6 minutes or less. Voting ends one week after the completion of the compo. Join us for discussion on Discord

Organized by starla

Freshly Baked Remixer Challenge (FBRC)

Way back in 2002 a forum user name "I Like Cookies!" (now just Jeff), ran a 1-shot competition called the Freshly Baked ReMixer challenge. In the thread artists signed up and were assigned challenges posted by other forum users. This is how artists like myself, Suzumebachi, and GLL all got out starts. There were also some other impressive tracks by Disco Dan and a few others. Some time later the same user did the Second Annual FBRC which, while not as popular as the first one, still saw some solid success. Since the competition has long been forgotten by most, and seeing all the talent that's on OCReMix today, I think it's time we try a revival. The idea of the competition is for forum users to challenge remixers to remixes of songs/games they request. The remixer than has a predetermined amount of time to produce a remix of said material.

Organized by Ramaniscence

Anime Remix Compo (AR24C)

Anime Remix is hosting weekly and holiday competitions to remember, respect, and enjoy Animations that we love, hate, or simply want to share with the community. Source material and possible additional resources will be provided. All remixes must be submitted within the time suggested in the description.

Organized by Xaleph

2-Hour Dynamic Compo (2DC)

Basically, this is a random compo that happens whenever the mood strikes. It's thematic, so yes, there is a theme. However, once in a while, we'll mix it up with some Free For All action, or some pre-determined sample pack of some type. The main purpose, of course, is to skill up. That's always the purpose of compoing.

Organized by Dyne

Doubles' Dash (DDC)


Doubles' Dash is a themed compo held the last Friday of every month, starting at 9 PM EST.

Teams of two write, record and upload to ThaSauce a vocal song in under three hours and twenty minutes. Teammates are not to be chosen until 15 minutes prior to the start of the compo, thereby providing an X-factor.

Typically, one team member handles the instrumental and production, while the other handles lyrics and vocals, but that's not a rule; division of labor can be handled in any way a team sees fit, though it is not in the spirit of the event for one team member to do everything while the other sits idle.

Organized by Shael_Riley & Level 99

Meat and Potatoes VGM Remix Competition (MnP)

MnP is dedicated to conservative remixing. Staying true and close to the source as possible is where it's at here. MnP is the bastard half-brother of PRC, thusly it is similar in design. Some original re-interpretation is encouraged, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from the source tune's original intent.

Organized by TheVideoGamer & hoboka

2HourTrackSundays (2HTS)

2HTS started as a revival. Alone on a quest to make people fight for sonic pleasure, an old user from the LL Compos at Solidcomposer found himself alone, the old community was gone and nobody showed interest on these competitions anymore. Since reddit has proven to be a great platform for music makers, why not call upon redditors for the quest? /r/edmproduction, /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers, /r/abletonlive, /r/reasoners, /r/flstudio and several other sub reddits were invited to battle, a free for all genres competition with no particular prize but the crown of victory. The Sunday was picked because it's the day of rest of most salary dependent people. The initial response was so great that the concept of the THEME became a video for some extra inspiration. We also made it clear that no kind of barrier or handicap would ever be issued, meaning that, themes are completely open to each producer's interpretation and we'll not release sample packs or any kind of audio to be used in the productions.

The story is simple, JohnnyBigoode had the revival idea, Drbassexpert24 made the /r/2hourtracksundays subreddit, antik took massive charge and H0nestliar started doing the videos.

The competition starts every Sunday at 20:00 BST/GMT. The participants have two hours to make a song and additional 15 minutes are granted for mastering and uploading. The chat happens in our Discord room.

Organized by antik & JohnnyBigoode

ReMixing With the Stars (RWS)

ReMixing With the Stars is intended to give beginning remixers some support, encouragement, and mentoring in their quest to become great, and as a sidenote, to become posted remixers. Beginners are mentored by experienced remixers to push their abilities to new heights and submit collaborative works according to the theme of the round.

Organized by MindWanderer

Weekly Homework Composition (WHC)

The Weekly Homework Composition is a spin-off of 2 Hour Track Sundays. Each Sunday around 23:45 UTC, we post a theme (usually based on some aspect of music theory or genre) and participants have all week to compose a song based on that theme. A listening party will occur in the 2HTS room on Sundays at around 19:00 UTC (before 2HTS begins).

Necro’s lecture notes can be found here: CLICK ME

Organized by UrinalPooper

Spinning The Wheel (StW)

What is Spin The Wheel?

Spin The Wheel is hosted every 3 weeks and consists of selecting VGM music to remix!

The way it works is really simple. We have a choice of 6 consoles. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, Arcade, and PC. All these games are put into a tombola, and then a console is selected a random, by the process of spinning the wheel. I utilize an appropriate system, that works, so don't think I am deliberately selecting a game.

Once a game system is selected, we then approach Ten Games of that system, which are then also put into the tombola and chosen at random. In the end, we will have a working game from a working console.

Once that is done, you pick a track from the game, and get remixing! This process takes up to 2 weeks, the time spent working on your mix. After the 2 weeks are up, we then use all the entries we have and begin voting. Voting takes a week and works in the format of First, Second and Third. Once you have voted, you cannot vote again. The winner with the most votes, wins the competition and can select 6 games, one for each console. 6 games already in the tombola, will be replaced with the chosen games. For a full extensive manual to how this is run, look below! The first official game will be display here! The rules are at the bottom.

Current games in the wheel are in this document. It will change as we progress in each competition:

Organized by TheVideoGamer

90 Minute Compo (90MC)

90 Minute Compo is an on-demand, impromptu compo. Rounds may be requested by users in our Discord and will run for 90 minutes. Themes can be set by administration as a surprise to users, or be any other format such as free for all, sample pack, or technique/tool oriented.

Organized by starla, Garian

Anime Remix Holiday Compo (ARHC)

It is that time of year again! What time of year? It's the time of year for a holiday competition! Where there is remixable content, there are remixers! Join us for our Anime Remix Holiday Compo!

Organized by Xaleph

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