
posted in OHC137 on May 26, 2011
from the summit of a nearby mountain you silently admire nature's fury as an avalanche annihilates a derelict village.


posted in OHC132 on Apr 21, 2011
taking in the sea around you, the elements conspire to deter you from your course but you are determined to surmount all odds.

the might fly

posted in OHC102 on Sep 16, 2010
0:01 - morning following the bug attacks. running to the shower to seek relief. you only use hot water.

0:35 - warm soapy water running down your skin. fingers caressing your scalp.

1:04 - suppressing urges to scream in ecstasy because your parents are asleep.

1:34 - a bottle of calamine is on your mind. slathering your most sensitive areas.

2:33 - the monks were wrong. nirvana is not hard to reach.

3:02 - you work on a transcendental breakfast.
Votes (8)
Round Date
OHC089 Jun 22, 2010
OHC087 Jun 05, 2010
OHC079 Apr 14, 2010
OHC077 Mar 25, 2010
OHC072 Feb 18, 2010
OHC069 Jan 28, 2010
OHC043 Jul 09, 2009
OHC041 Jun 25, 2009