Blaster Master - Area 4 (PRC463)
Didn't got a source yet so I pick one myself. In the past Area 3 and 8 from Blaster Master appeared in PRC. Time for another one, round 4. I mixed this song already in the past and it was fun.
Deadline is Monday April 3th 2023, 10:59 AM ThaSauce Time (18:00 UTC, 20:00 GMT). 5 Days extra.
Check the following site for the rules:
Check the Ocremix thread for more information (you can post questions there. It is also the place to post a song if you're not able to use this page):
After uploading, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 Files.
It is not necessary to use ThaSauce. You can upload the song anywhere you want, but I must have a download link. So if you use SoundCloud, don't forget to allow downloads, otherwise your song does not count as an entry or bonus mix. I will still use ThaSauce as a possible place to submit songs and upload all the songs to the ThaSauce page to have the songs at one central place.
Remixing one of the sources is enough to participate, but there's a three point bonus if both sources are remixed into one song. TheVideoGamer and Evktalo can participate by remixing the source picked by the other or remixing both in one song. If they participate they don't have a vote that counts twice.
If ThaSauce is down, please also submit the song somewhere else with a download link and post the link in the Ocremix Thread.