I took a race through to Planet Automation to meet Kirby in the Greens, but stopping to look at the stars, where plumbers go to temporarily be invincible.
A mashup of 5 sources in one!
The bulk of the composition uses Ridge Racer, and majority of it, is based around it's beats and tempo.
The melodies of Planet Automation (Ristar) and Titania (Starfox) are integrated.
The ending switches to Green Greens (Kirby) for some added WTF.
There is also a brief Star passage (From Mario).....because why the hell not.
What i did, was created a actual well produced mix....then literally trashed the hell out of it. Even though the mix is, meant to sound....like a proper remix, At times, it looks like one big head explosion. So many samples, ranging from Dexter, to Pulp Fiction, to the Windows theme, to integration of the Simpsons, to fart e....ok i'm boring you, just enjoy the music whatever....er...happens.