541st 2HourTrackSundays Event (2HTS541)

Votes (1)

Aug 12, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Simple in Perspective
  2. A Change of Perspective
  3. the view

Hey guys hope you had a good party! Here’s some thoughts on each entry, hopefully I will see you next time! If that’s not the case have a good time without me!

Dione Bigode - Lovely electro type beat. Great vocals, sick guitar. The vocals have a kind of weird phase effect going on I like it a lot. Maybe bring the vocals up a little, but everything else was fire! Well done!

UrinalPooper - No UrinalPunker this week? This one is more like Urinal Hip Hop lol. Loving those FM like synths, and that beat is basically like trap music but on a sort of modular synth. Farthest thing from a Urinal Pooper beat to be honest, but man is it so cool! It has a sort of death metal feel in the chords, but the track is electronic. This is sick, well done!

Wompus_King - That piano is very familiar I feel like it’s a song from somewhere but I don’t know. Either an Anime, which this is extremely reminiscent of. I can totally see this as some background music for an action Anime. Those chords are delightful, it feels very epic for a solo piano. The whole thing sounds like it was tuned a few steps, it doesn’t sound like normal tuning to me. Regardless it was absolutely lovely stuff, well done!

Vaiaphraim - When will you make a 0.5 bit piece :stuck_out_tongue: This is kind of beautiful, and also harsh. But that’s 1-bit for you, it’s all just aggressive sawtooth synths. Despite all this you manage to make a sick groove and a lovely chord progression wow. I mean you kill at the melodies, but this one was especially good for it being one bit. Loved this a lot, well done!

MyNewEyes - Loving that guitar tone, feels both hard rock like, but also has a sort of country element to it as well. Drum work is sick as well, it’s got a lovely reverb sound. The vocal is very shoegazey, as if you went to space with the vocal. Maybe a little louder vocals overall would be a bit better, but aside from that, the whole thing is pretty fire as hell. Loved it a lot, well done!

Nukage - Brooding intro, I have a feeling it’s gonna be another insanely hard metal piece. That bassline is not joke, you’ve processed it like an electronic bassline but it’s not, it’s electric. Man this goes insanely hard, the drop is fire as hell. In fact to fire, man it’s pretty overblown. I absolutely love your insanely hard metal tracks, but sometimes you overboost it to fck, resulting in something super loud and clipping. Sorry man, BUT your composition game is excellent, and your singing is absolutely fire! Like you should be proud of your composition and vocal work, it’s incredible. Well done!

AthanThatGuy - Ooh a short one from you! That sub does not play around, the best is head-banging and catchy. This garage vibe is awesome. Very deep and dirty, lots of sick emphasis on bass work. Loving the panning on the percussion, this is absolute fire stuff mate. Well done!

Stephmouse - Haha is this a part 2? Man it almost sounds like a collab it’s such a coincidence to hear a similar beat lol. The bass work is also fire, man you guys and your bangers! Loving the mixing on the drums, it’s so hard, and the chord progression is sick as well, it develops really nicely, lots of great additions within each second. Great singing, it goes well with the beat. Absolute bop, well done!

Coolgreenapple - Sick rock stuff, loving that one, so clean! This is kind of wholesome sounding, there seems to be a lot of slightly happy tunes this week. This just gives me a Blink-182 vibe for some reason. The lyrics are awesome, great work two of you! It sounds like a cleanly produced song, with a sick guitar backing and lovely singing! Even got a fire solo to boot! Well done!

LukeLoww - That snare sound is so crispy I love it. This is soo deep, the vocal work is really great here, it integrates with the sort of secret agent sounding beat. There is a weird sort of buzz effect that is perhaps a little loud, but that’s about the only complaint. Everything is awesome, man I was not expecting swing on the drums, dude this is soo good. The transitions to each section also makes this piece, it’s awesome. Absolute fire mate, well done!

Adreqi - Man these subs are killing me lol. Loving those space chords, I feel like I’m in orbit. The piano and synth lines are wonderful, especially in harmony. Feels very much like a space track. The swells are what makes this piece, it’s so dynamic. That piano live is gorgeous, it’s so real. Jesus that drop, I was not expecting such a drastically loud transition into the drum work, but either way it’s amazing. It feels like I’m floating in the air. The drums are super dynamic, the whole piece is just dynamic! Absolutely love this, well done! 

Relax.D - Last one of the night! Trying to secretly sneak past the rules with 6 seconds over haha. Great beat, and fire guitar work, if perhaps a little bit thin. The vocal work is also killer, I love the effects that come in and out, it’s so good. This is really nice, that vocal work is really great, and the drums go hard. If I had maybe stronger guitars this would be awesome, but to be fair this is already awesome as is. Did the render cut out or something? It weirdly clips and then we hear silence for the rest of the track. It doesn’t matter either way, it’s a lovely piece, well done!