Peeling back the golden onion, havin’ ya fun
Hit a layer where you just go “oh”
It's not quite the thing you thought it was
Not quite that at all
With fools paradise is behind you
Your ship is wrecked on shore
Well there’s no going back now son
These sirens are cannibals
This is the path you’ve chosen
You could have put wax in your ears
Could have fastened yourself to the mast
Could have left these waters here
But Curiosity it killed the cat and
he never even left the ship
The rats fled from the water rising
We realised our fears
These sirens are cannibals my son
These sirens are cannibals
Don’t let the looks betray or sway
These sirens are cannibals
Smooth voices call you like a dog
Gall got the better of you
They’ll slit you open like a hog
Your story nothing new