FFX - Thunder Plains 3 (PRC373)

Votes (7)

May 11, 2018 bundeslang
  1. Electric Flails
  2. Cactuar Juggling Thunder Love...with random 70's Funk
  3. Thunder Ensemble
Ophanin - Enjoyed the orchestral take on this source. It's catchy, especially the last part.
HoboKa - The song start slow but I liked the effects you added in the first part of the song, they work funny. At some points the song is confusing, especially at the end.
Necrox - Short, but there are some good ideas in the song. Nice style.
Dex - The song is short and the end is abrupt but I like the genre choice and the guitars.
May 11, 2018 Necrox
  1. Electric Flails
  2. Thunder Fantasy
  3. Cactuar Juggling Thunder Love...with random 70's Funk
ophanin - Very lively and dynamic interpretation. Really liked the meter change early on.
Dex - Mixed well, sounds good for an unfinished remix.
hoboka - Nice concept. The conservative parts got a bit static later on. Adding an instrument or two would work nicely.
May 11, 2018 hoboka
  1. Electric Flails
  2. Thunder Ensemble
  3. Thunder Fantasy
ophanin - Incredible work with the style switch and orchestration sounds very realistic! Necrox, Nice percussion and interpretation thar - a fade-out ending or something woulda worked honestly. Dex, this is very MnP with cool e-guitar work haha - needs more development though
May 11, 2018 Dex
  1. Thunder Ensemble
  2. Electric Flails
  3. Cactuar Juggling Thunder Love...with random 70's Funk
There's a lot to like here and these were all very close for me.

ophanin - definitely has the most going on, although I feel like it strays from the source quite a lot.

Necrox - really liked the half-orchestral half-modern take on the piece and the arp. Parts of this make me think of the Secret of Mana soundtrack.

hoboka - The funnest take on the piece. I enjoyed the voices and laughter but thought they were a little overdone.
May 11, 2018 Trism
  1. Electric Flails
  2. Thunder Fantasy
  3. Thunder Ensemble
ophanin - Loving the orchestral take on the source. The percussion elements work very well with the large range of instruments used. My only slight criticisms are that they occasionally sound a little mechanical and that the mix seems to be panned a bit heavily to the right. Otherwise excellent job!

hoboka - Sadly, the use of the infamous 'Tidus Laugh' earns you an immediate last place. Sorry about that ;)
In seriousness though; there are some nice elements in here. The funky bassline is cool and the flute near the end sounds great. However there is a feeling here of chucking everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Necrox - A nice energetic mix, love the use of the glockenspiel throughout (got some Undertale flashbacks for a second there). Percussion is on-point and the bassline is understated while still being present. A shame it's not fully finished, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Dex - PUUUUUUUUUNK! I'm always a fan of getting electric guitars and punk beats into a mix. The energy is raucous and the guitars are dissonant. My only complaint is that the bass is lost in the mix. But as you said; not bad for a days work.
May 12, 2018 evktalo
  1. Thunder Ensemble
  2. Electric Flails
  3. Cactuar Juggling Thunder Love...with random 70's Funk
Tough vote! I seriously think everyone deserves the first place.

Electric Flails - very creative take, and the orchestra sounded great and was well arranged.

Cactuar Juggling - Loved the funny bits, but the arranging and sound was very good otherwise as well.

Thunder Ensemble - Lovely sounding mallets. Percussion ensemble? Inventive approach, and fits very well! The drums + bass entering bring a good energy boost as well.

Thunder Fantasy - Whoa, I wouldn't have thought to transform the material in this way. I'm happy to be surprised this way!
May 13, 2018 AxLR
  1. Electric Flails
  2. Thunder Ensemble
  3. Cactuar Juggling Thunder Love...with random 70's Funk
Ophanin - You get first place. I really like your play on rythm, and your remix feels more like an original piece than a remix, which is awesome and really got me good.
Necrox - Second place is for you, I really enjoyed this remix, and it feels like it could have been in FFX remaster.
Hoboka - God this has meme potential. I couldn't stop laughing, seriously I really had fun.
Dex - I quite liked it, though I couldn't stop feeling that it lacked something. Really great tho.

I'm glad PRC is still that active, And the contestants did really well.