Super Mario Land 1 - Ruins (PRC336)

Votes (8)

Nov 30, 2016 hoboka
  1. Easton Throwdown
  2. Subspace Ruins
  3. Forgotten Ruin
DjMokram - A lot of care and effort was put into the sound design here - also one helluva kickass production pallet. But the creativity is what ultimately made me pick "Easton Throwndown" as #1. Teh sexy - nice work DjMokram. And gameover ending LOL.

PlanarianHugger - Lot's of dissonance, but I felt that it kinda jived well with the overall 80's trip-out-crystal-'verb-y atmosphere. I think I recognize some of the instruments used as well, which is pretty cool lol. This is super chill!!

supercoolmike - Whilst better produced than PlanarianHugger's take, I liked his take a tad better, due to the soundscape. Still, there is quite a bit of ear-candy here and I could easily see "Forgotten Ruin" taking 2nd or 1st with other voters. Nice work mike.
Dec 01, 2016 evktalo
  1. Easton Throwdown
  2. Forgotten Ruin
  3. Subspace Ruins
Everyone had their own cool style to their pieces.

I thought Easton Throwdown wss the most well-rounded and complete arrangement. Nice noisy sound overall, bitcrushed-sounding intro especially. The "story" is cool with the game over ditty at the end, though the structure doesn't quite support it otherwise that much. Nice combo of wobbly bass and percussion!

I liked the mood in Forgotten Ruin a lot. Reminds me of Metroid a little from the start. A few harmony things that bothered me: the cool gnarly background two-note thing at 0:45-0:52 (and repeating) should've adjusted to the rest of the harmony at 0:49-0:52 (etc). The very beginning of the change at 01:31-> feels out of key, probably because the background synth stays the same. The ending kind of tapers out a little unsatisfyingly. The sounds are really, really pleasant throughout, a great blend!

Subspace Ruins had a cool electro-pop vibe. There was some overlapping between lines. When the different lines were playing in very near pitches, I think there were some uncomfortably close harmonies and perhaps some frequency overlapping with the super-saw -like synths (the sounds had lot of bass/low mids), so it was also a little muddy. Trying to lift some of those lines an octave perhaps might make some room for each one. The bell-like synth and the organ-type background instrument are a nice contrast to the super-sawy synths. The structure was enjoyably pop-like. Nice flow with melody lines coming in, just watch for overcrowding.
Dec 01, 2016 Starphoenix
  1. Easton Throwdown
  2. Subspace Ruins
  3. Forgotten Ruin
Easton Throwdown: Love the dubstep-vibe throughout the song. A lot of creativity throughout the song, from the SFX to playing around with the lead. Ending seemed a tad abrupt, but not much to detract from the song. I like it a lot!

Subspace Ruins: Am I in the 80's again? A lot of berlin-style stabs and general synthiness. Like what you did with the arrangement and thought the vibe was very chill.

Forgotten Ruin: By no means was this track forgotten. What you lack in unique arrangement you make up for in instrumentation. The clarity in tones was really nice. Got some Ruins of Alph Pokemon-vibes around 1:30, which isn't a bad thing. lol
Dec 01, 2016 Overkillius
  1. Easton Throwdown
  2. Forgotten Ruin
  3. Subspace Ruins
First Place Vote - Easton Throwdown
I'm surprised that I'm voting first for the remix that stayed closest to the source IMO; it goes to show how my biases have been overcome by such slick arrangement. I really like the overall character and how the source material has kinda been folded back onto itself so to speak; I find additions you've made in that way is pretty clever. Also reverse kicks? I love that! Not sure if I love the ending or not though. Either way, at least the end is fun and idiomatic :P

Second Place Vote - Forgotten Ruin
I like the clustery harmonies at the beginning! Most all of the harmonic choices are actually pretty nice. The synth programming and just synth work in general is good.

Third Place Vote - Subspace Ruins
Very creative arrangement; it does a good job of setting a different mood and sound than the original. Some harmonies were clashy in an uncontrolled way, but even then I found myself liking some of the nostalgic sounds, like whatever it is that ends the song. I look at the time for the remix and I'd think based on the number that it is too long, but it really didn't feel that way; the arrangement has a nice growth and decay to it that keeps the listener tuned in.
Dec 01, 2016 DjMokram
  1. Forgotten Ruin
  2. Subspace Ruins


Wanted to arrange this song for a long time, so that's that itch scratched. On to the vote! ;)

1st place - supercoolmike:

Albeit conservative in some respects, this was a solid mix. The well-crafted atmosphere, sound palette and overall production give this the edge over PH's track imho. I dig the rhytmic variations accompanying mood changes, as the piece moves back and forth between various degrees of eerieness. Coupled with the high-pitched plucked synth and droning pads, this arrangement exude an unsettling aura, at times reminiscent of Akira Yamaoka's work on the Silent Hill series.

2nd place - PlanarianHugger:

A light-hearted and more liberal approach to the source material, this mix makes good use of 80s synth aesthetics and greatly expands on the original loop. The biggest issue here is the uneven mixing, which sees the bass overpower most elements (including drums), and gets messy when all instruments are being played together. That said, despite being held back by its production, this arrangement displays creativity and a lot of ingenuity in circumventing the short length of the source tune.

Dec 01, 2016 PlanarianHugger
  1. Easton Throwdown
  2. Forgotten Ruin

supercoolmike - Like the mood and ethic instruments. It works well together. The ending feels like a build up to something that just stops. Like it.

DjMokram - Like the verity of sounds and how they are changing constantly through out. Its a bit loud and the ending feels out of place. Despite that I enjoy this one.
Dec 01, 2016 supercoolmike
  1. Easton Throwdown
  2. Subspace Ruins

Dec 02, 2016 bundeslang
  1. Subspace Ruins
  2. Easton Throwdown
  3. Forgotten Ruin
Liked all the songs, thanks for submitting. PlanarianHugger gets my first place vote.