Earthworm Jim2 - Snot A Problem (PRC285)

Votes (5)

Dec 10, 2014 bundeslang
  1. Lets Dance Maj. Mucus
  2. Snotty Scotty's Groove
  3. Snot world
Hoboka - Good introduction, the style works good!
Supercoolmike - Great idea with those different sections. They are not that different, but still they are not the same. I like that main lead you used in the song. The last time was the most difficult so it's not a surprise that it's the longest part.
MushroomSword - The guitar works nice with the drums in the background.
Dec 10, 2014 hoboka
  1. Lets Dance Maj. Mucus
  2. Snot world

1) supercoolmike: -Loved the synth at 1:09 - the quality and pitch bendiness is cool - as well as the actual notation. Some decent reinterpretation all around. The moogy bass samples are also supercool! I kinda liked that the drums were pushed back so that the other instruments could be at the forefront - only gripe is that it gets a bit stale for me at the 3 minute mark.

2) The guitar and drums felt a little too mellow and distant, I think increasing the volumes and maybe the velocities would've helped a bit. Anyhoo, this is still a pretty swag remix, so good work mushroomsword!
Dec 10, 2014 Zerothemaster
  1. Snotty Scotty's Groove
  2. Snot world
  3. Lets Dance Maj. Mucus
Dec 12, 2014 supercoolmike
  1. Snot world
  2. Snotty Scotty's Groove

(Picking First place was really hard for me for this round.)

Hoboka - song sounds a lil bit too reverb-ish imo, but i'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying it. that piano and bass turned out to be a cool combination.

MushroomSword - song sounds relaxing when the guitar comes in, but the drums that sound as if they are being played in the distance tells me to get pumped. not sure if its just me tho, either way I liked the song.
Dec 13, 2014 gercr
  1. Snot world
  2. Lets Dance Maj. Mucus
  3. Snotty Scotty's Groove
great work guys, really nice entries, all of them

( I voted MS first cuz I have a soft spot for guitar)