Super Bomberman - Boss (PRC266)

Votes (4)

Mar 19, 2014 bundeslang
  1. Super Eurobomb, Vol. 1
  2. In 3
  3. Exploding Trumpet (Unfinished) (Bonus Mix)
Chickenwarlord - It's a short one, but the idea was good.
Anorax (Electrolisystem) - This style works very well, I would like to hear more projects coming up in this style. There's a lot of energy in the song.
GrapplingHook - I like the background bass and the trumpets the most.

(I voted GrapplingHook third because it doesn't matter).
Mar 19, 2014 Electrolisystem
  1. In 3

In 3... 2... 1...

GrapplingHook, I like the arrangement of your bonus mix, although I think your bass guitar sample had a tendency to play sharp. Really sharp.

Chickenwarlord, I like your idea of taking the source and changing its meter into 3/4, almost turning it into a waltz. Wish you had time to flesh it out into a full mix.
Mar 20, 2014 _Jonathan!
  1. Super Eurobomb, Vol. 1
  2. In 3

Super Eurobomb was really well put together - very impressed!

Mar 20, 2014 GrapplingHook
  1. Super Eurobomb, Vol. 1
  2. In 3

"In 3" felt a little empty next to "Super Eurobomb" and all the little touches there... like, I'm digging the sharp backing action on the strings from around 15 seconds and then REALLY digging when they sharpen up further at around 28 seconds. Very strong driver.