Chrono Cross - Lizard Grotto (PRC249)

Votes (4)

Jul 18, 2013 bundeslang
  1. Pahuksen Liskogroove
  2. Revel

Pahuksen Liskogroove gets my first place vote. Both songs had some good ideas, but the chip-rock style paid off a little more.
Jul 18, 2013 esperado
  1. Pahuksen Liskogroove
  2. Revel

Drum j8- i didnt really recognize the source until 20 some seconds in. interesting concept but it feels really minimalistic. soundwise you did a good job. maybe you could add some more sounds in to fill out the voids. you could even add a minimalistic drumline to it with some sort of soft bassline . maybe thats just me.

evktalo- very chippy, and it kindof has that "old radio" quality to it in the intro. groovy. right at 56 i really like what you did with the synths. the snare feels a bit loud to me though.

Jul 18, 2013 DrumJ8
  1. Pahuksen Liskogroove

evktalo - very nice. the whole thing sounds pretty good to me :D nice percussion progression towards the end
Jul 19, 2013 evktalo
  1. Revel

Fun one from DrumJ8 once again! The instrumentation works really well for this source, the concept of percussion ensemble is great. My 2.5y old daughter also likes to dance to this. Then she put on both songs at the same time. It worked reasonably well.
