Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (PRC247)

Votes (7)

Jun 24, 2013 bundeslang
  1. Spiritual Junction Box
  2. Soul Tracks
  3. Elevated Railway
Voting was hard, all songs could be in the top 3. After listening a couple of times to all songs I made my decision.
Jun 24, 2013 MindWanderer
  1. Soul Tracks
  2. Spiritual Junction Box
  3. Overlulled
Trism: Introduction is a little long, I think you're a little too in love with that bass arp in the first half. Compression is a new thing to me, but it sounds overcompressed to me. There are quite a few dissonant moments in the second half, after the melody kicks in. Ending is a little abrupt. But it's full of energy and has good sounds.

DrumJ8: Kind of quiet, but a novel take. Could stand to let up on the D&B and mix it up a little.

XSquader: Yeah, definitely feels unfinished. Never quite makes it to a melody. It's a good start, though.

esperado: At first, good soundscape, mostly good choice of instruments, good use of the melody while still mixing it up. Doesn't stay as strong throughout, but it's pleasantly mellow nonetheless.

evktalo: Just not a fan of the arp rhythm here, which is pretty much the whole mix.
Jun 24, 2013 Xsquader
  1. Soul Tracks
  2. Tracker Spirit
  3. Spiritual Junction Box
Esperado - I really liked the sound to this. Very clean. There was one synth about a minute in I wasn't too fond with the sound in relevance to the rest of the instruments but overall a very solid track. Good beat, good rhythm, I still get the Zelda feel from it.

evktalo - Another track with a very good beat to it. I like how the sound basically covers the whole sound spectrum. Very pleasant to my ears.

Trism - Mostly covers the whole sound spectrum as well. Some of the higher notes I think should have had their high ranges lower or removed with an equalizer and some of the distortion is not too friendly with my ears but otherwise I am very ok with this in spite of not really caring for that type of sound generally in music.
Jun 24, 2013 DrumJ8
  1. Soul Tracks
  2. Tracker Spirit
  3. Spiritual Junction Box
Jun 25, 2013 Trism
  1. Tracker Spirit
  2. Overlulled
  3. Soul Tracks
1st: evktalo - Great energy on this one, the lead-in worked well and the bass-line throughout the track was understated but drove the song along nicely.
2nd: Xsquader - Love the semi-funky feel of this, however the drums are a little lacking for my tastes. Still an excellent track.
3rd: Esperado - Like the more chilled-out theme of this one, kinda felt that the chimes were a little distracting though. The piano parts were great but got a little repetitive towards the end.

DrumJ8 - While I love the bass on this one it's a bit too reptitive for a short track. The drums are excellent throughout though.
Jun 25, 2013 evktalo
  1. Soul Tracks
  2. Spiritual Junction Box
  3. Elevated Railway
Spiritual Junction Box - Nice, aggressive beat, pretty good sound overall and neat details all over the soundscape. I thought the structure of the first half was quite effective, with just bass up to 00:39 the melody coming in at the next part worked very well. The lead sound at the beat drop part (1:18) is a bit too "active" with the volume gating thing, I think the section could've benefited from being calmer. At 1:34 it gets dissonant in a bad way, the bass line and the adjusted melodic writing does not gel. It sounds a bit like the lead was modulated upwards but the bass stays in place. Lots of promise in this one! I really liked how different feel/genre was re: original.

Elevated Railway - Interesting jam, upright bass, acoustic percussion & accordion would really work well for this track! Has a fun improvisatory feel.

Overlulled - lot of the notes in the chippy arpeggio are out of scale. I think some of them actually work but there's a lot that doesn't. I really like the pitch enveloped background pad/synth that first comes in at 00:49!

Soul Tracks - nice 80s synth epic feel from the start! I also like the rhythmic bells that soon come in. The organ's a bit exposed/loud, but that too seems like a good, interesting sound. And the synths that come in next, I really like. Overall really, a very good, diverse and non-obvious combination of sounds! It keeps changing throughout without seeming too incohesive. The mixing is "stuffy", or rough, but there's a lot to enjoy here. Like all the tracks here, feels like there should be more of it!

Jun 25, 2013 esperado
  1. Spiritual Junction Box
  2. Tracker Spirit
  3. Elevated Railway
Trism- Nice intro! the distorted guitar part seemed a tad buried. but it could just be my listening gear( headphones, since theres no wifi at home ) but i think its probably just that everything feels a little crowded. i cant tell for sure, but maybe some panning and EQ?

Drumj8- While i understand the sparsity of the remix, i couldnt really recognize the source. You also might want to add something in there to fill the "empty space" like something moody and ambient in the background to help keep things interesting. The drums were groovy though, good job there.

Xsquader- good to see that you decided to join in! the main melody is very hiding from us in this! The guitar bit needs some fuzz or drive or something to make it less metalic sounding, to my ears. its also overpowering everything else in the mix. nice arrangement though!

Evktalo- diggin that plucky synth bit in the intro. seems like you used the empty space between the sounds well. theres little textures floating around in there to fill it out nicely. However there are a few points where things feel repetative which is probably a time thing, but it feels like its just a beginning and a middle and then it just ends. theres no real guidance of attention past the first minute or so.

good remixes everyone! and xsquader, stick around !