Open Road (ORC105)

Votes (4)

Jun 10, 2007 Chickenwarlord
  1. Make Your Way
  2. Toybox Politiks

Nuts' piece feels quite a bit more polished than nodspaw's.
The main deciding factor in my decision was the fact that there were some pretty hectic, confused and jumbled sounding passages in nod's piece, whereas I found Nuts' to be fairly compositionally sound and pleasing.
Jun 11, 2007 bundeslang
  1. Make Your Way
  2. Toybox Politiks

Nodspaw51 - I like the intro, funny samples. I like that. The parts 0:00-1:04, 1:04-end are a bit too long, maybe it would be better if they where splitted and variated (ABAB instead of AABB). It looks more like I'm listening to two funny songs. The last part is too long.
S|r Nuts - I like the intro. Every second the song is more interesting. The middle part is a bit boring, but around 2:00 it's better. The ending is way too long.
Jun 11, 2007 Nutritious
  1. Make Your Way
  2. Toybox Politiks

I definitely lked the feel of Sir Nuts' mix. The drum 'n bass adaptation definitely lended itself well to this song. When it kicked in at :50, it really got me into the mix. I was hoping he'd bring the energy back later in the mix but it never seemed to really return. Enjoyable mix though.

I liked some of the ideas in nodspaw's mix, but it seemed a little directionless. It was mixed a bit dry also. I think that with some more production work and a little more melodic progression, it could work :).
Jun 11, 2007 nodspaw51
  1. Make Your Way
  2. Toybox Politiks

Nutsy did a much better job than i did on incorporating the actual melody of the song in his piece. I only took a few notes out of it and kind of ran with it.