One Hour Compo - Round 853 (OHC853)
Votes (3)
Sky to Space
DarkShadow -
coloradoweeks -
Neutron Flare [Pulsar Man Stage]
Peace, and Quiet
obScene -
coloradoweeks -
The Space Lounge Volume 2
I had submitted by 3:28 but it sadly didn't go through, and then the box closed on me. So i sadly missed on a technicality, which is a shame. There was nothing to be done, because the party was already underway, so i just need to be a little earlier next time. I managed to share it afterwards, and stay a bit for the feedback (As well as me sharing bits about my project), so all that's left really is the voting part. Onto the voting!
TheVideoGamer - I don't know exactly how it happened, nor do i want to get into a length discussion about it, but more or less, i had the track finished by 3:24, but delayed myself because i was struggling to come up with a name for it. I thought Sparkle at first, but it felt a little too generic. Had i have gone with sparkle, there would have been a stronger chance it would have gone it. I eventually chose a name by 3:27 and after finalising my description i uploaded at 3:28. Even at 6 minutes, it should be fine to upload. Sadly it didn't go through, and a quick refreshed showed the voting box. Put it this way, i missed the deadline on a technicality. It's a bummer sure, but i still managed to share my track, and there was plenty of people to listen and give feedback, so all is good. Next time i will be earlier. In regards to my submission, it's essentially a sparkle DnB number, featuring a looped break, that is fed through gross beat to make it very snappy and tight. There is a chord progression here, but it's not that complex, as for the most part, it's basically 4 chords throughout the entire piece. 3 chords form the main progression, and the 4th chord sort of makes it into a key change. A lot of the synth sounds, are designed to be open, and i added a phase effect to some pads to make it more ethereal and psychedelic. All in all, it's very airy and open, yet still frantic and groovy enough with the break to provide some interest. Shame this didn't go in, i'm kind of proud of this one, but hey ho. Oh well, glad you liked it anyways!
Koekepan - A long one from you oo. Digging the drone pads, feels very much like were in space. Loving the swell nature of the pads, very dynamic for such light synth work. This is more of a simpler piece, we are mostly cruising in a D minor chord for the bulk of the piece, using a thick PMW styled pad, and soft mallet sounds. But simplicity can sometimes be the best in my opinion, this is quite the cold piece. I love how it progresses, it's very slow, but very effective. Not what i think when i see images like this, it's twinkly yes, but not sparkly, i think i am used to more uplifting sounds when i see it. Personally for this much minimalism, you really do need a softer pad, a pad this thick, ends up making me less relaxed, and more at edge. Still though, the idea is super cool, very chill and dynamic. Good job! Verdict: Barely sparkly.
DarkShadow - The sawtooth wizzard returns! Lots of filters and sawtooth sounds, such a classic DarkShadow staple, but this time with a sick bitcrushed snare, and some insane pacman arps. This one definately hones in on the boss battle video game aesthetic. I like it a lot. Not my favourite melody, definately on the dissonant side, but i love how unique your style is, even if not for me. It's very cool, good job! Verdict: Not sparkly at all.
Coloradoweeks - Woah i'm in love with that chord progression wtf. I know you make some killer melodies, but damn what did you take this week, i want it! Man this is insanely beautiful for a colorado production, what happened!? It's so pretty, so many beautiful seasonings, it's chill but not in your face. There's even chord changes, and it sounds so smooth. Oh man this is just excellent. I even love how the synths add a lovely texture, without getting in the way. It does become maybe a little darker in the middle in the melodies, but the vibe is still the same regardless. (Not the most sparkliest, but that doesn't matter as much in the end product. Just me being me.) The drums and bass was a lovely touch, it was already beautiful, but this seals the deal. Track is just absolutely perfect. This might even be one of your all time best my god. It was so hard choosing between you and obScene, because both are fantastic entries, but in a extremely razor thin margin, i prefered obScene's, as it was a little more theme fitting. Still though, this fits right at home on the 2nd spot, i absolutely loved it. Excellent work! Verdict: Very Sparkly.
DDRKirby(ISQ) - Space Kirby in the house! This time with some insanely good add9 chords (I think, i don't know that much theory lol). Either way, it sounds like were on another planet, it's very sick. This is funky as hell, the melody in the drop was catchy as hell. Not what i see in the images, again i'm a sucker for more uplifting sounds this week, i don't know. Whatever it may be, this track is just a bop. Even if it doesn't match the theme, it's still insanely catchy, with some killer melody ideas, sick 8-bit parts, and a killer arrangement that takes me on a journey. I absolutely love it, it's great stuff. Definatrly voting worthy, awesome work! Verdict: Barely sparkly.
Cryef22 - 7th chords are my weakness, i love the reverb usage here. It feels like were going in and out of the forest. The melody is very pretty, although i have to say, seems to be deliberately one dimensional, not very rhythmical. The delay on the arps is such a nice classic sound that works. The bassline is quite thick and unexpected, but yet it does work to the advantage here. Sometimes i think you spam the reverb a bit too hard for my liking, but it doesn't ruin the overall flow. The chords in the 2nd half really piqued my interest though, these are some insanely good chord choices, i love me some seasoned harmony like that. It doesn't tell a lot like the other entries, but damn it's suprisingly really good. It's definately got more to like than dislike, so i will definately give you this one. Well done! Verdict: Very Sparkly.
Unknown Pseudoartist - Quite the short one this week, but that's ok, not everyone can make 4 minute pieces. It does mean i need to play it a few times to process it, and that can be a bit difficult when voting, however the track presented is very nice. Quite mystical sounding, it doesn't sound happy, but yet i feel warm. The melody is nice too, to say you wern't inspired you definately made a great track here. It just needs to be expanded, it cannot just end so abruptly like that. But mix wise, i couldn't find anything wrong, it just ends mid song, without any ending or any chance for the melody to finish. Still though, it was really good, it has a lot of potential here, like a lot. Good job! Verdict: Barely Sparkly
obScene - Oh god not again. I fell in love with Colorado's harmony, and now yours. This is outstanding harmony, at a criminal 50 seconds. WHY IS IT SO DAMN SHORT! Man i was in love with how you played the chords, and the reverb, it cannot be only 50 seconds. Maybe i'm just used to uplifting sounds, but this was just beautiful beyond recognition. If this was made in 5 minutes, i'm kind of stunned. No way i could make something this beautiful in 5 minutes. This is just beyond excellent, i absolutely cannot stop praising this. It was so hard choosing between you and Colorado, because both are fantastic entries, but in a extremely razoe thin margin, i prefered yours, as it was just a little more theme fitting, so this is the top spot pick. Excellent work! Verdict: Exceptionaly Sparkly.
Atmospherium - And now the polar opposite, with a dark number from Atmospherium. Some brooding synths, glitchy textures, and a dark but repeating ostinato phrase. It sounds like it fits in a Doom game, or any other action sci-fi soundtrack. It's a slow progressing piece, but one that really hits you in the face once it gets going. The metal drop was vey unexpected, but it hits all the right notes. It's insanely hard hitting and catchy. But it's definately not what i think of when i see these images. I'm afraid i don't see this as fitting to the theme, i'm sorry. But you definately nailed the vibe, the chanes are very satisfying, and i love how it keeps on progressing. Mix is sick too, i just love this one. Definately voting worthy, awesome work! Verdict: Not Sparkly At All
Nukage - Another long one, this time from Nukage, a person suprisingly i would last expect to make a long one, but i'm all for it, since you make such sick bangers. Wasn't expecting a breakbeat for the intro, that takes me in a direction you don't normally do, but i love it. Drums are massive and hard hitting, even for such a quiet intro. You do know your growls, man that is one satisfying sound design. The buildup isn't as obvious as some of your other tracks, it's a bit on the weaker side, but the drop makes up for it. It's totally some cyberpunk shit, it hits very hard, and comes chock full of twists and turns to make it as glitchy as it is hard hitting. At one point it even get's granular, yet the vibe never gets lost. Seriously this is one unique Nuke beat, that still bangs as hard as you would expect. The glitch effects definately scream live, this is totally a live banger, and yet i don't feel like i was bored for 5 minutes. Yeah this is not theme accurate to me at all, but man it was so good from a mix and vibe point of view. Amazing stuff, definately voting worthy, awesome work! Verdict: Not Sparkly At All
Misael.K - Ooh volume 2 les goo. This definately seems like you're continuing where you left off, however in this case, i definately feel this one is a lot warmer and more uplifting. Maybe it's the choice of theme, but it definately feels more calmer and positive. You're not usually known for being that uplifting, but this was quite the happy piece. I love the synths, it feels more smooth RnB type, complete with some niced phased pads, and some very nice seasoned harmony. Even got some of that funk emulation going on with some filtered wah synths. It's smooth as it is funky. The drums are nicely mixed too, it's not in the way, it adds a lovely soft vibe to the track, without it being loud or annoying. The track is not as sparkly as obScene or coloradoweek's, but that's not really the main reason why i would vote for an entry anyways, it's just a quirk i like as a result of matching the theme. I love the progression on this, it's a slow developer, yet the chords are so dynamic, it doesn't feel like were repeating over and over. The wah synth kind of acts like a melody, but in the way it's played, it sort of blurs the line between melody and riff, it's very cool. Even if not the most sparkly, man the production and melodic ideas are just insanely beautiful, it's incredible. Absolutely love this from you mate, top tier stuff. So good in fact, i picked it for the third spot, Incredible work!
Meistr - Emotional piano time, this time with a Minor key, and a nice vibrato vocal, from a sick vocalist. You really do know how to pick a great vocalist. I love the trap beat in this, there wasn't much of a build-up to it, however when it drops, it's very satisfying. Some parts of the vocal seem to be rushed a little, it doesn't beat-match as well as i think it could. However keep in mind, we don't know if the vocal was recorded first, or if the beat was, so it could be an after thought. Still though, it's beautiful in the track, just needs matching to the beat a bit more. The piano is lovely though, i do like the lo-fi effects like the rain and the noise, it makes it very distinctive. The track is very beautiful, and has a sick mix, it just has more potential for smoothing to make it more on time, and have better transitions. Good job! Verdict: Barely Sparkly
Dex - Unexpected chiptune melody from Dex, but i'm all for it. It's actually quite the catchy melody, punk rock was last on my radar for this theme, but it actually sounds fire as hell. The melody is not too loud, and is accompanied by some killer hamonisation. The rock parts were sick, great tones, and the bassline (Whilst a tiny bit upfront, just me nitpicking), is really funky. It has a lot of great changes, both melodic and rhythmic, it's so good. Such a headbanging tune, with so many lovely melody ideas. Definately voting worthy, awesome work! Verdict: Barely Sparkly.
Arcana - That is one punchy kickdrum, it's definately in your face. The rest however matches up to the sick kickdrum, the chords are sidechained very nicely, and the square sounds, add a lovely touch of airiness to the piece. I love your vocal melody, not just because it's in tune, it also fits the track very nicely. The chords are very trancy, and the mix is very good. This is a seriously good mix this week, and a great melody! Honestly i kept thinking about it, and this is definately enough for the awesome section. Hell i could even vote for it, but alas i only have three choices. Either way, it was really good, i loved it loads. Well done!
Top 3 - obScene, Coloradoweeks, Misael.K.
I had to choose between obScene and Coloradoweeks for the top spot, it's insanely difficult, both were insanely incredible. In the end, (And were talking razor thin), i prefered obScene just a little more (It felt closer to the theme sorry). BUT, both were excellent tunes, so it doesn't matter at the end of the day.
Although not the most theme accurate in my opinion, i could definately still see myself voting for these entries:
Awesome - Coloradoweeks, DDRKirby(ISQ), cryef22, obScene, Atmospherium, Nukage, Misael.K, Dex, Arcana.
Needs Work - Koekepan, DarkShadow, Unknown Pseudoartist, Meistr.
It Calls from beyond the Stars
Koekepan -
Meistr, MorphiaLite, and Raphaelle Chronobell - Little Starr
Meistr -
Sky to Space
Koekepan: space fits you well.
Meistr: emotional song.
DarkShadow: supernova sounds.
awesum: Atmospherium, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), Dex, Koekepan, Meistr, nukage, obScene.
good: Arcana, coloradoweeks, cryref22, Unknown Pseudoartist.