One Hour Compo - Round 835 (OHC835)

Votes (3)

Oct 10, 2024 Arcana
  1. Meistr, Eune, Plushie, Sento - Connection Error
  2. Plutonium Bath
  3. Never Wintered Moons
    Wassup Thunder

Goin' synthwave!

Oct 14, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. The Space Lounge Volume 1
  2. Aphelion
  3. Meistr, Eune, Plushie, Sento - Connection Error

All comments are replied to on Discord making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is basically very sparkle, to coinside the the extremely beutiful images. I don't know what it is, but these kinds of images are my weakness. Extremely colurful, detailed and almost povokes a sort of other world mood. My track Is a combination of thick sparkly arps, that filter in and out, a soft pad sound playing chords to accentuate the track, as well as a mallet sound played as a melody. Throughout we get some changes, mostly in the same key, including some syncopated chords, a lead melody, and even briefly a huge mood change with the chord progression, before we move back into the main one. The breaks are the standard breakbeats i use a lot, mostly stretched abd pitched to make it a little more of a raw break, than a clean break. All in all, i really love this one, probably my favourite i've done this year, mostly because of how good that arp is, it's really sparkly. Oh well, glad you liked it anyways!

DarkShadow - Starting with the energy! Gotta have that filtering for it to be DarkShadow, and the intense sawtooth action. This one is not as loud as some of your other entries, but also not as syncopated in the melody, which is kind of interesting. I do think it's a little dissonant, and a change in the synth sounds could make for something dynamic. Still though, it was a ton of fun, good job! Verdict: Not Spacey At All

obScene - This is pretty as hell, but with a lot of bitcrushed sounds, that kind of sound like raindrops falling. The piano is very lo-fi sounding in a lovely way. I love the middle section in this, such a great dynamic shift, yet it still sounds very much emotional. I wish it was a little longer so we could have gotten another climatic section, however what i heard was pretty. I really like how the bitcrushed elements adds another layer of emotional depth, i thought it was gonna be loud, but it turned out more than ok. This one is beautiful, i don't have anything to say, it was so good i decided to place it on the 2nd spot, it was lovely, amazing work! Verdict: Mildly Spacey

Jxsl - Loving these synths, it has a sort of retro 80's feel to the sound. Interesting delay choices too, it's kind of science fiction like. The drums are cool, great Linndrum sounds, kind of catchy. The melody is also great, nice and clean and goes well with the synths. I so think it's introduced a little too late, i felt the intro was a little too long. As a whole you've built it nicely to this melody, and then when the melody is done it abruptly fades. I undeerstand 1 hour is hard, but maybe we could go further with this. Beef up the drums a little, add some more pad chords to make it atmospheric amongst others. Still though it sounds sick as an idea, i love it, lots of potential here. Good job! Verdict: Not Very Spacey

Nukage - Long atmsopheric intro, in a way it kind of fits the images, even though it has more of a Terminator vibe. The transition into the metal drop was very clean, and soo hard. You're mixing game has improved massively the more i listen to you. The drums slap as always, and the melody work in your voice is great. It's not too loud or too quiet either, which can make or break a track for me, but this one is perfect. As of lately, i am really struggling to find words to critique this, it's always exceptional quality. Definately voting worthy, awesome work! Verdict: Somewhat Spacey

Misael.K - Sick chords, this is probably the most spaciest sounding of them all, and the most theme accurate. The arps are midly distorted, giving you this very deep lo-fi feeling, but mixed with this really tight synthpoppy groove. I wasn't really expecting two drum layers playing simulataniously, it can make for a bit of a off kilter trippy feel. One the one hand, it makes the groove super syncopated, but it can also amplify the drum sounds, make them a little too loud. Either way, it doesn't affect the track, as the rest makes up for it. I love the arp and chord work in this, you really know your synth sounds, it just sounds peaceful as hell. For the most part we stick to two chords, but that's fine, not every track needs to be extremely detailed, especially if catchy. All in all this was pretty wonderful, and definately fits the space vibe a lot. It was so good and theme accurate i decided to place it on the top spot, incredible work! Verdict: Exceptionally Spacey

Wassup Thunder - Loving the drum work in this, i feel like were shooting some Zombies even though the theme is space. It definatrly also plays into the terminator Science Fiction vibe, similar to Nukage's, but with this being more of a lighter more direct synth rock piece. The actuall vibe itself is funky, with a great dark melody, and some super hard hitting electronica drums. Whole thing is just headbanging goodness. Not what i think of when i see the theme, but sometimes the music can say so much even without the theme. The atmospheric breakdown in the middle was just delightful. For this track, i felt the guitar kind of took it away, rather than add, it would have been better as a more synth heavy piece. Ending was a little...too loud, not gonna lie. However despite my critiques, you did give me a lot of amazing sections, and a really powerful ambient section i really loved, so i will give you this one. Definately voting worthy, even with my critiques, awesome work! Verdict: Not Very Spacey

BJKMenu - Ooh chugging metal, for a kind of colourful theme. I totally feel the late 90's death metal asthetic here. Guitar tones are insanely good, and i do like the drum work, although a bit soft for the intense guitar work. This feels more like an excersise in different riffs, i don't see much of a transition to each one, instead opting for a more sudden change to the next. I don't have much of an issue with the lack of melody, as there's many guitar songs with no lyrics or melodies, so it's fine. I do wish it had an ending, and didn't just abruptly cut off, but other than that it's very solid stuff. Even if it's not my favourite it's a ton of fun, and has a lot of sick guitar tones going on. Good job! Verdict: Not Spacey At All

RukkuVT - You have such the Rukku arrangement, every track has a long breakdown in the middle, and honestly it's very satisfying. This is probably the 2nd most space like out of what i've listened to. The chords are really great, a lovely blend of choirs and pads. The piano is very soft, but the chords are very much in your face. effectively masking the piano into nothing. Doesn't make the track bad, but i do long for a stronger piano. Some of the chords towards the end were....interesting to say the least, however some resolved nicely so that's a big plus. Most of your lo-fi entries are wonderful, but i have to say, if it was mixed a little more, this could be awesome. Still doesn't make it bad at all, it's very much a catchy piece, i just sense a couple of potential ideas here to make it more awesome. Still though don't be discouraged it was great, a lot of fun, good job! Verdict: Exceptionally Spacey

THEGREATDESTROYER22 - I admittedly don't listen to much hip-hop, so i had to check the track for myself, and i have to say it can be a bit addictive. Not what you would expect in hip-hop and i am all for it. This one is different though, because it's less of a breakbeat and more of a IDM/Industrial blend, so it fits more closer to say NIN than Tyler. However you did provide me with something hard hitting anyways, so i am a fan. The vocal work in the original Tyler song did take me a while to come to grips with, i felt it was weirdly pointless, and this is kind of similar, even if yours is louder and more present. Because of how fast and loud the drums are, the vocal becomes more like a pad than a series of lyrics if you get me. Not saying it's bad, it's just i'm more use to clearer vocals. Still though, i discovered something new from Tyler The Creator, and what you've made was very much a fun piece of music, so good job! Verdict: Not Spacey At All

Meistr - Wasn't expecting AOL on here haha. Sick chords, the vocalist goes really well with it. The drums are fire, it's some really sick synthwave. Nicely mixed too, it goes great with the amazing vocalists. The transition between each vocalist is a little abrupt, but i'm ok with it, it still works in the context of the piece. whole thing is just honestly great. Lovely bass prescence, amazing vocal melodies, and a cool proto guitar solo. Nothing else to really say, it's just very high quality stuff. It was so good i decided to place it third, amazing work! Verdict: Quite Spacey

Arcana - Shame you had a lot of problems, i know it can be fustrating. Especially if things crash on you. What you salvaged though is pretty great though. I love the lyric work here, and the chords are sick. The drum work is interesting, you have a kick and then a accented kick, but i don't think this is intentional. Of course the ending is abrupt, but i understand your perdicament. All in all, great idea, and if things were working in your favour this could be sick, it has a lot of potential. Good job! Verdict: Not Very Spacey

Top 3 - Misael.K, obScene, Meistr.

Nukage and Wassup Thunder also deserve to be on the list.

Awesome - obScene, Nukage, Misael.K, Wassup Thunder, Meistr.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, Jxsl, BJKMenu, RukkuVT, THEGREATDESTROYER22, Arcana.

Oct 17, 2024 Misael.K
  2. Polychromatic Ocean
  3. Aphelion

Chill entries.

awesum: jxsl, Meistr, obScene, RukkuVT, TheVideoGamer.
good: Arcana, bjkmenu, DarkShadow, nukage, THEGREATDESTROYER22, Wassup Thunder.