One Hour Compo - Round 830 (OHC830)

Votes (3)

Sep 05, 2024 Arcana
  1. When Sings the Passerine Poet
  2. take me with you
  3. She Lied

really nice stuff all around

Sep 06, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. take me with you
  2. She Lied
  3. Fly Little Bird

All comments are replied to on Discord, making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is all about the composition. The sound design is very basic, or at least i didn't rely on too many instruments and effects, instead treating it as if i was making a piano piece. The track for the most part is a chord progression played arpeggio style, and a simple melody played mostly in a quarter note style, all whilst were in the key of E, and in a time signature of 6/8. It's not got drums at all, nor has it even got any intense parts or quiet parts, it's mostly just a straight piece, with chord changes and key changes. The only other complimentary sounds worth talking about, is the pad that accentuates the harp like synth, and the bell towards the end, but that's about it. I like this one, i think the simplicity works a long way. Hope you do too!

DarkShadow - Immediate got straight into it, my god i wasn't prepped for how loud it was gonna be lol. I do dig the chords here a lot here, but man the thing is distorted as hell, it's bordering on clipping. I do like the filtered ending, wished you did that for a bit longer, as it filters and then suddenly the piece ends. This one is very cool, if it wasn't as distorted or loud, then i feel we could have potential here, as i really dig the chords. A lot of fun, good job!

Souperion - Lovely eerie harps and strings, really honing on that Ethnic vibe. That flute is pretty, although i do think it could stand to be a little more natural, but that's me being nitpicky. I love the pizz chords in the middle, it's quite cartoony sounding for what is an East Asian inspired piece, the chord changes are sick, and the orchestration is wonderful. You really captured that ethnic flair. Not what i think of when i see the images, but man it's so pretty. I loved this, awesome work!

Nukage - I always love those distant reverbed drums, it makes for a great buildup into the drop, which this did not wait at all. Immediately into headbanging goodness. The mix on this one is perfect, in terms of dynamics. Not too loud and over compressed, it sounds very much like a banging piece, without any of the clipping. Vocals are maybe a little too loud compared to the rest, but really that's it. The different sections go absolutely hard, the melodies and chords slap, and man your voice is insane. You literally have the makings of a professional when it comes to overall composition, it's awesome. Awesome work!

cotmm68030 - No 6 minutes!? Are you....ok man? Loving the reverb usage on this, i feel like i'm in an Abandoned place, be it a factory or a mall. The melody and drums are great, but sadly they don't slap in comparison to the voice. The voice is so upfront and distorted, the rest is just a blur. It's not clipping or anything, you've made it hard on purpose, it's just the background material does not match the voice. I could do with a bit more distortion on the drums for me. However the lyrical content was awesome, you sing exceptional well for this kind of beat. I sense a lot of potential put it this way, the idea was absolutely fire. Good job!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Cute chiptune! I feel like going on a frolic in the gardens waving Hi to the birds. This is so cute and uplifting, and the melodies are amazing as always. I also love the middle section, where we go in a more calmer direction whilst still remaining positive and uplifted. I just feel very happy listening to this, there's so many wonderful melodic ideas. I don't have anything else to say, it's lovely 9-bit music, with some amazing melodies. So amazing i decided to place it 3rd, it was super uplifting. Amazing work!

Wassup Thunder - And now Wassup takes us back into Final Boss mode with the intense guitar and piano combo. The guitar is very nice i must say, but the real meat is in the orchestration. Lots of epic strings and piano melodies, it's like the birds have mutated into one giant one that breaths fire lol. Not cute sounding at all haha. It makes up for it though, with some sick melodies, on a wide variety of instruments, including some synths. I do think mix could be smoothed a little, but to be fair that's the same argument i have on a lot of my pieces. All in all, yeah this one was catchy stuff, well done!

Misael.K - Ooh these are some nice filtered beats, goes nicely with the moody piano lines. This one is more darker than the others, but still retains a really catchy groove, and a cool distorted square melody. The drums are really thick sounding, and really goes well with the chords. For the most part it's drums, piano and melody, and that's fine, they all work in harmony together it's really catchy. You really nailed the chords here, this is a really well produced piece, nothing else to say, so awesome work!

DJohn - We need a tagline for your Thursday productions, because a lot of times your pieces here are sadder than the ones on a Sunday haha. I love the lo-fi intro, really builds up nicely to the main "drop". Man the guitar and the vocal work is just so high quality, i swear you're already secretly a famous songwriter disguised as amateur. Seriously this is amazing stuff, and it goes great with the theme. Amazing guitar playing, amazing piano backing, and amazing vocal performances with sick backing vocals too. So amazing i decided to place it 2nd, it was lovely. Incredible work!

Coloradoweeks - Holy shit did you copy me or something? Man this is so similar to mine, except yours is straight piano, and mine is synth based. Also you chose to go deeper into the spicier chords, whereas i kept it mostly to a simple key signature, but yeah, we both have the same time signature, and a similar approach to the melody. The chords are absolutely beautiful, but maybe Debussy styled harmony is just my weakness. I absolutely love the changes throughout. The vocals are great, but man they're so quiet and so dry, it becomes essentially non existent when paired with the piano. It's sad because the piano alone makes it an awesome ranking (Hell an instrumental would be just as serviceable), but the vocals could be even more awesome, yet it's soo quiet, it might as well not exist. Still the piano, doesn't move it from an Awesome ranking. That piano actually is the sole reason i placed it first, it was incredible chords. Incredible work!

Arcana - Ad-libbed lyrics are fine to me, doesn't bother me at all. Some of the note choices in the backing are....a little dissonant not gonna lie. It sounds like there was one wrong note in there. However it does change once the beat comes in, effectively making it more calmer and pleasant. I love that beat, it's soo cool and unique, and the glitchy effects on your vocals add another layer of interesting textures. The melody is also really fire, your main vocal goes well with the rest. I do think we could do with a bit more smoothing, i don't like how some parts of the vocal were a little sharper than the rest of the backing, and of course the intro was dissonant as well. But you do make up for it, with a really strong backing. Honestly this has a lot of potential, don't be discouraged, i loved the idea. Good job!

Meistr - Always love the use of bird sounds in a beat, really great. Loving those airy synths, i totally feel like i'm in a forest. The singers here are insanely talented as always, it goes so well with the lovely chords. It has kind of a Boys II Men quality to it for some reason. The beat is so beautiful, it isn't too obtrusive or loud. The backing vocals were also fire as hell. This is just beautiful stuff, i don't know what else to say, you nailed the vibe. Awesome work!

Top 3 - Coloradoweeks, DJohn, DDRKirby(ISQ)

These entries were also awesome and deserved to be on the list:





Awesome - Souperion, Nukage, DDRKirby(ISQ), Wassup Thunder, Misael.K, DJohn, Coloradoweeks, Mesitr.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, cotmm68030, Arcana.

Sep 12, 2024 Misael.K
  1. take me with you
  2. She Lied
  3. Meistr, KieranValor, Eune, Kawamori, Rukku - Summer Rain

Vocalists podium.

awesum: coloradoweeks, DDRKirby(ISQ), DJohn, Meistr, TheVideoGamer, Wassup Thunder.
good: Arcana, cotmm68030, DarkShadow, nukage, Souperion.