One Hour Compo - Round 825 (OHC825)

Votes (4)

Aug 01, 2024 Koekepan
  1. Decay of the Woodland Giant
    Wassup Thunder
  2. 99 Logs 98 Logs 97 Logs 96 Logs 95 Logs 94 Logs
  3. A Fallen Giant
I loved the progression that Wassup Thunder used to show the movement implicit in the pictures.
Aug 01, 2024 Arcana
  1. Soil
  2. Decay of the Woodland Giant
    Wassup Thunder
  3. A Fallen Giant

DJohn for that really great vocal range. The solid delivery and playing. Good stuff

Wassup for just the imaginative story that the song creates

nukage for the really great production and song

Also enjoyed CW, MisaelK, TVG, Koekepan a lot this week.

Aug 07, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Soil
  2. Terrestial Ambience
  3. i can't believe it's not generational trauma

All comments are replied to on Discord making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is not a typical TVG track, largely because I had something different in mind when I saw the theme. The images are of some fallen trees in a slightly overgrown forest, and whilst some might have gone for an adventurous vibe, I went for an uncertain feel. The track compositionally is extremely simple, utilising only a single chord throughout and a nonstop arp that starts off super super fast at almost 300bpm and then slows down to a very slow tempo of about 10pm. For the whole piece you just feel like you’re slowing down. Everything else remains the same tempo, although I did have an idea initially to have the chords swell within the same manner as the arp, starting super fast and slowing down, but I eventually stopped because i found it impractical. The only other thing to mention is the sound effects that come in and out. Mostly tree falling FX that kind of remind me of a Vengeance sound for some reason lol. Lastly there is a vocal scream played as a textural element than a simple vocal element. All in all, not the easiest listen maybe, it is a little different from me, but I do like the outside approach to this theme, I think it’s somewhat cool, if not the most accessible. Oh well, glad you liked it anyways!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Loving that David Wise inspiration, but with the beats instead of straight up ambience. I swear you should score a DK game at some point, because it's super accurate in emulation. That snare sound is so great, love the delay effects on here. The melody is catchy as always, and the mix is really fire. I'm shocked that you managed to do this in 1 hour, and be the first entrant. Like this is not something i would expect in such a short amount of time. The middle part has a great key change it's really nice. Honestly this is just straight up catchy, another amazing high quality piece from you, so high quality, i placed it on the 2nd spot, incredible work!

DarkShadow - Ooh this is a long one today. 2 Minute DarkShadow entries are coming more common than you think. Lots of filtering going on, kind of emulating acid but in that classic DarkShadow sawtooth bassline. Can't forget the weirdly syncopated chords, that are mildly dissonant. There is a lot of common ingredients here in the classic DarkShadow entry. I do like this, it's a lot of fun, but maybe not my favourite, i find a little....too dissonant and all over the place. Still though it's really nice, i see potential, good job!

Koekepan - This one is honestly kind of sad sounding, which these days it's super uncommon and rare from you. Often you tend to make more futuristic dystopian Sci Fi type melodies, that make me feel like the world is ending, yet in this case it feels weirdly emotional almost like a sad scene in a movie. It's honestly great, the melodies are super fire, and the synths have that lovely balance of emulating a choir whilst also having it's own character, it really goes well with the melodies. Not a long one, but it said a lot for it's length i love it. Definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Wassup Thunder - It's been a while, welcome back! Loving the Asian flair in this, the Tibetan bowls really make me feel like i'm transported to China or something. The flute melody (Or Shakuhachi i don't know, it might be Japanese inspired, it's a culture mismatch lol), is also extremely fire. You are really good at your melody writing! The taiko work just really paints this picture of an old time world set in Asia. Some of the guitar parts could benefit from a little beefing up, but aside from that, i don't have much to say. I often don't really take too much into account in regards to the mix, unless the quality of the mix is really noticeable and it affects the track to the point where i might not give it an awesome rating. In this case the mix is great, just mild clean-up is needed. Everything else is fire though, and the arrangement is killer, i still warrant giving you this one. Definately voting worthy, even with my critiques. Awesome work!

LillyMeadows - Some really cool foley here, i feel like i'm transported into the forest as shown in the theme. Loving the chords, it's got a great blend of 80's influences but with modern electronica elements, the drums are tight and punchy, although i did notice for a little while the kick faded a bit, and i thought that was a little odd, but not bad. The 2nd half gives me Arcana vibes i don't know why, maybe it's the synth. The filtering on the synths in the 2nd half is pretty great i must say, lots of cool moments going on, even the melody at the end was fire. I relistened to it, and the only thing that sticks out, which this is more of a recommendation in order to enhance the track, and isn't really a flaw, and that is a stronger melody. What i mean, is that we have a melody, but i think it works more so as a background element, a lead synth could really take this to the next level. It still doesn't make the track bad, it's all potential. I think i will give you this one, as i found a lot more to like than dislike. Well done!

Nukage - Man you're pulling all the stops for this one. As of lately in OHC you've upped your game with the length, it's more 4 minute pieces than 2 minute. The metal in this one is as hard as i would expect, headbanging hard to this. Maybe a little too crunchy, i know metal is not the easiest think to mix, as you don't want it to sound flat and boring, you want it to pop, but you also don't want it to destroy your ears either. The melodies were awesome, the build-ups and drops were fire, and singing is also amazing too, you nailed the vocal effects. I'm shocked you made this for 1hour and 20 minutes, because there is so much going on, there isn't really a copy and paste effect going on. Towards the 4 minute mark you tease me almost with somewhat of a fake ending, and then boom into a new section. I mean granted maybe the crunchy mix was substituted for the epic arrangement, and that's why it is the way it is, but man you pack so much for 4 minutes and 43, i must give my hat to you. Either way i couldn't really find anything else to critique aside from the loud mix, and despite that the sheer volume of work and how good it sounds definately was the reason i'm giving you this one, definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Misael.K - I'm a big fan of the fade in and fade out approach, i don't know it makes me think i'm in the middle of a piece i don't know why. This one is mildly warm despite it having a mix of major and minor keys. The break in this is such a Misael staple, but this one is really going all out in the bass frequencies, and yet despite that, it isn't too boomy at all. I love the chords, it feels like we have that soul vibe going on, with the EP emulation, but the arrangement is more of a downtempo feel. I do think the melody is a little closer to a simple staccato rhythm, which almost makes it less of a melody, and more of an arp, which i don't mind, but it almost makes me believe there is a melody, which there isn't. I don't know, i was hoping for a more dynamic melody, but what's presented is also fine. Even with that in mind, the rest still makes up for it. Chords are lovely, beat is fire, and arrangement is super solid! I wish i can vote for this, but alas i only have 3 spots. Amazing work!

DJohn - A long one from you (Not that i haven't heard you go long, you once made a track at 5:42, it's just it's been a while since you've gone to this length). I love the ambience in the intro. Yeah it's suppose to emulate the environment pictured in the images (And it's done very well), but yet i weirdly feel like were emulating vinyl crackle, i don't know why. I love the simplicity of a piano and a vocal, if done extremely well, and this is one of those pieces. Your singing is incredible as always, i don't need to preach to the choir, and the chords are fire as always, you know how to capture the emotions, even in a simple progression. There were some chords at the end that were just really good! Great choices man. Honestly this was just absolutely lovely, it's hard to critique your pieces, when you just sing and play so damn well, i absolutely loved it. So fire i threw it on the top spot, it was beautiful. Incredible work!

Coloradoweeks - Ooh this is some 90's indie rock influence i dig it! Despite the quiet waveform it actually sounds louder than it is, but maybe it's my brain playing tricks on me. The drums are super tight, and the chords are very catchy. Again i don't need to mention the amazing singing here, although i will say i think this one is more intentionally dryer than normal Colorado productions, maybe the reverb is not as heavy. Still though i have good ears, so i was able to spot the Colorado ending from a mile away lol. This one was just catchy as hell, i don't know what else to say, i loved it. In fact it was so good, i placed it on the third spot, amazing work!

Arcana - Don't sweat it man, at least you submitted! I do love the electronic Jazz influence, taken from the last few submissions you've done. I did notice the vocals clipped at the beginning, as if a part of it was chopped off, essentially starting mid lyrics. It's only a minute so i needed a few repeat listens to get the jist of it, and for the most part it's really nice, it just needs a lot of smoothing as you said. The drums and chords are great, and you got the jazz harmony down very well, and i do really like the vocals here, it's relatively in tune. I think just the mix needs a bit of smoothing and the intro needs to be fixed, as i felt the vocal was abrupt for some reason, but aside from that i did like this, it has a lot of potential. Good job!

Top 3 - DJohn, DDRKirby(ISQ), Coloradoweeks.

These entries are also amazing and deserve a place on the list:


Wassup Thunder


Misael.K (Man it was hard to not put this on the 3rd spot, it's so catchy, but alas, i can only pick 3.)

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), Koekepan, Wassup Thunder, LillyMeadows, Nukage, Misael.K, DJohn, Coloradoweeks.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, Arcana.

Aug 08, 2024 Misael.K
  1. Terrestial Ambience
  2. i can't believe it's not generational trauma
  3. Soil

DDRKirby(ISQ): lovely and pretty.

coloradoweeks: I really dig the Akira Yamaoka + Mary Elizabeth McGlynn vibes.

DJohn: powerful yet minimalist.

awesum: coloradoweeks, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), DJohn.
good: Arcana, Koekepan, LillyMeadows, nukage, TheVideoGamer, Wassup Thunder.