One Hour Compo - Round 822 (OHC822)

Votes (3)

Jul 12, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Nothing Bothering Me At All, Why Do You Ask?
  2. in lieu of flowers
  3. Ornamental Blooms

All comments are replied to on Discord making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This piece showcases me going the full ambient route, complete with pad chords, arps and even a harp sound which is not something you often see from me, but i felt for this image it was much needed, as my goal with this piece was to make it both very relaxing, and calming but not happy. It was all about the mystical sounds, to capture the dark moody feel. It isn't sad or dark, it's just slightly warm, whilst mostly being moody. The core of the piece is mostly the arpeggiated sounds from the harp and mallet synth, that is slowly brought to life with the addition of a soft flute melody, a bassline and a female vocal sample playing a basic C# note, adding to the atmosphere. The melody and the piano amongst others are filtered with an EQ to make it more softer and delicate. In the middle part i decided to add a keyboard sound with the timing, to create a swung feel, and at the end i really go full force with the piano, playing a whole bunch of various chords, with degrees of seasonings, to continue the atmosphere, and also so it didn't get too repetitive. The chords are really selected with the seasonings in mind, resulting in something i think is really really cool. The piano also noticeably gets softer and softer as we fade, with the flute to assist it. I think this is personally one of my strongest to date, i don't know what it is, but i really dig the chords here, i got really lucky. Oh well glad you liked it anyways!

Arcana - First up is Arcana? This is not something i would ever expect in this compo, usually you are at the bottom end. But not everyone has time to submit i understand, life is always busy. The fact you are willing to use a recorder to capture you messing about on a synth in a shop in Canada is wild. As much as it pains me, i would just accept that compo isn't happening, yet here you are with an entry. The synth sounds pretty cool actually, it feels like a proto-FM type synth. The background noise is also kind of cool, it adds something for what is essentially a synthesizer jam. I wouldn't say it exactly is right the compo, but you graced me with something very cool, and i am at least pleased you made the effort to submit, that is dedication. Good job!

DarkShadow - The day you choose a sound other than a filtered saw synth will be like the renaissance. Sorry man, sometimes you do go for a lot of the same sounds. But remember i'm just one guy, so my opinion is totally worthless haha. I do like the dubstep stuff at the end, it's definately a very gritty piece. Weirdly distorted in parts (And i mean like sine wave distorted, i know this is intentionally loud on purpose), and i don't know why. Either way it was very cool, and a lot of fun. Good job!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Woah that opening chord already hit me before i even properly got in. That is one nice piano and synth sound. The chords are very space like, it definately isn't your standard progression at all it's really great. The beat is also kind of interesting, has that perfect balance of chill with a mild glitchy element to the piece. The whole thing is a journey, full of thick drum switchups, beautiful melody ideas, and some really cool transitions. You really emphasised the space part of this it's great. To be fair the only mild critique (And it's very mild), is in the breakdown there was a lot of drum stuff happening, along side the chord progression, but it was a little upfront in contrast to the chords. However that is super minor, and i am known to nitpick. The end part was wonderful, the triplet was such a lovely touch. You are known for exceptional melodies, and this is one of them. Seriously this was just lovely stuff, it was very close between you and A2Z for the 3rd spot, but i narrowly picked A2Z more. This one is also amazing though, and if there was a 4th place spot this would be it. Amazing work!

obScene - I love that fading piano sound, it's very warm but quite deep. This one is another happy piece of yours, which i don't know why, but it always results in some of your best work i don't know why. The chord progression is so warm and inviting, and the melodies are soft but very expressive. Your style is just soo cool, it's cinematic but also slightly harsh and industrial. The dynamics in this one are particularly emphasised it's soo good. The middle part gets very soft, almost to the point where it's very quiet, but that makes for a really immersive listen. It's not always loud and blistering, and this showcases it well. The melody at the end was both very cute and amusing. This one was just insanely good, i loved this one a lot, in fact it was so lovely, i picked it for the top spot. Incredible work!

mcmiagblackmanisgod - Is that Darth Vader in the beginning? You really know your breaks hot damn, that is so oldschool it makes RZA look like a trap producer lol. That break is soo fire. I do feel (And i know this is all personally), that this beat is both short, but also i feel like it was setting us up for a electric piano vibe of some sort. It's such a vibe, that i really felt we could take further. Maybe it's me i don't know, i am aware taste is personal, and i am also aware that my opinion is probably irrelevant anyways. Don't be discouraged though, what was presented was mixed extremely well, i'm just not used to looped breaks, for the entire piece. Good job!

A2Z - More pretty chords! People have definately gone the chill route this week, which kind of surprised me not gonna lie. There is some really nice chords and melodies here. Always down for a Major 7th and Minor 7th. There is some really nice delay effects here, this is quite an immersive piece too, almost underwater sounding even. Aquatic Ambience but with a thicker sound palette. None of the elements here really intentionally stick out, most of it is blended into more of an ambient wash instead of a melody or harmony idea. And that's a great thing, not a negative thing at all. The key change at the end was a lovely touch, really brought this to life. Not sure about the reverse cymbal, i felt it did nothing, but at the same time, you've used it very sparingly, so it's a non issue. Honestly this one was actually really lovely, every sound works perfectly, and it's super pretty and catchy. Although very close between you and DDRKirby, i ended up picking you for the 3rd spot, it was so good. Amazing work!

NickC - Interesting noisy pads here. Sounds like were in a factory, even though the images are of flowers. Sometimes these unexpected comparisons will come naturally. This one is pretty industrial sounding, even though it isn't extremely distorted or harsh. It just feels like were in that mind set. The melody is cool, because that is overblown from a lot of the distortion, but yet it's played in a soft soothing way, instead of it being loud or in the way. The melodies are distinct here, it's not exactly something easily identifiable, largely because you picked synths mostly for it's sound properties, than it's melodic content. But even with all of that, i still feel both chilled out, and also serenaded. At first like with a lot of your pieces, i assume it was gonna be straight up ambient, but nope we got a beat. And it's not a drill and bass one this time either. More like a military styled breakbeat rhythm. This one was very cool and unique, it definately doesn't feel like any standard beat i know off, and it also strangely works for the theme. Yeah the more i listen, the more i really like it. This one was just great, definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Misael.K - Loving those FM bells, feels kind of cold. It initially sounded pretty relaxing, but then the minor chord came in, and it really feels unsettling. That melody is so nice, you picked a really lovely synth for it! I definately feel chilly in this one. The synth bass work was also unexpected, really makes it hard hitting and gritty, even though it was my last choice for this piece. I really love the chords, and how they slowly fade in each time. This feels very futuristic, almost like were in a science fiction movie, it's soo cool. Even though it has a relaxing element, it's pretty dark and almost spooky like. So many great changes to this, whilst expanding on a nice and simple idea. The drums at the end was also a surprise, it feels like some epic climax. Maybe a bit too harsh for the theme, and the drums at the end whilst awesome, could also be blended a bit more, as they're getting squished. However despite all of this, the whole idea was wonderful, and very catchy. The slow down at the end was a lovely touch, this is a really epic idea, definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Coloradoweeks - More 7th chords! A firm favourite tonight. I totally feel the moodiness in the chords, even if it's more of a calm and relaxing feel. There was a bit of a weird volume thing that happened when you started singing. Almost like you forgot to sing into the mic or something. However it's only a small thing, as it immediately goes away after. The piano chords, and its syncopated it's soo good! Singing is amazing as always, but what get's me is the groove, it's soo catchy. The piano sound is also great, very old timey sounding, but in a modern application. The whole piece is just groovy, great lyrics, it's just amazing. So amazing i choose it for the 2nd spot! Incredible work!

Top 3 - obScene, Coloradoweeks, A2Z.

It was a very tight race between DDRKirby(ISQ) and A2Z for the 3rd spot, but in the end i went with A2Z. Both are amazing though!

These entries are also awesome and deserve to be on the list:

DDRKirby(ISQ) (If there was a fourth place vote this would be, it was amazing!)

NickC (So unique and cool, i also want this to be on!)

Misael.K (Amazing melodies, great vibes, also worthy of voting!)

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), obScene, A2Z, NickC, Misael.K, Coloradoweeks.

Needs Work - Arcana, DarkShadow, mcmiagblackmanisgod.

Jul 17, 2024 Misael.K
  1. Ornamental Blooms
  2. in lieu of flowers
  3. Mystique

A2Z: beautiful and dark.

coloradoweeks: smooth R&B.

TheVideoGamer: lovely and slightly creepy.

awesum: A2Z, coloradoweeks, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), obScene, TheVideoGamer.
good: mcmiagblackmanisgod, NickC.

Jul 18, 2024 NickC
  1. Transformation In The Shadows
  2. in lieu of flowers
  3. Mystique