One Hour Compo - Round 821 (OHC821)

Votes (3)

Jul 04, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Fragile Fading Peace
  2. Run To The Beach
  3. out off pawfice

Damn 7 entries is insane lol. I guess 4th July is a huge thing. It's the first i've seen such a small amount of entries. All comments are replied to on Discord, so this is irrelevant. Onto the voting!

DarkShadow - Man to go straight from my soothing entry to this absolute distorted laser fest could not be more funnier. I swear i didn't plan for DarkShadow to be the next entry, i mean it. This is quite hectic, and full of intense saw workouts. Nowhere near what i envision for the theme, and personally it's a little harsh on the ears, but it was fun i must say. Sorry about that, remember taste is personal. Good job!

LillyMeadows - Sick percussion, cool edits here. It feels like were going all glitchy for this percussive fest. A very short entry here, but the beats are catchy, it's such a nicely mixed beat. Is it representative of the theme? Personally no, but i do know these aren't your themes as mentioned in Discord. I feel with a melody and a chord progression this could be awesome, but as it stands i really like it. Don't be discouraged it was a great idea, with potential to be awesome. Good job!

Misael.K - Doggo's drool as a synth lol. This is some acid heavy stuff, yet it's still very playful. I feel i'm probably the only one who did a chill beat, this is quite upbeat and catchy. I love the chords and melody, that synth is quite amusing but yet it works so well. There is just a lovely sense of playfulness without it being cheesy or boring i love. Yeah nothing else to say this was a ton of fun, so fun, i picked it for the 2nd spot. Amazing work!

Coloradoweeks - Ok so i was definately the only doing chill music. Man this beat has more swag than my title lol. You say you can't rap, i call bullshit. I mean i can't even sing, so god help me if i even rap lol. Lyrics were funny, but i expect nothing less from you. The trap beat is really fire too! It is a short one, but you rap super well and the melodies were great. You managed to get the hi-hat sound down as well without it being too harsh. This one was just great, enough for the 3rd spot. Amazing work!

DJohn - No intro, no outro lol. Just a track in the middle. Also you can't post a Sunday beat on a Thursday it's illegal. Amazing piano and guitar combo, but this is David were talking about. Excellent singing as always, and a really catchy ethereal backing, that mixes with the guitar work. The phrasing is amazing as always, yeah this is too good, i can't find anything bad here, this was awesome. That is enough for me to pick the top spot. Incredible work!

NickC - Metallic sounds, creepy textures. Aside from David's entry, i was really the only one who went chill. I guess when it's a dog in the photo, it really brings out the demonic in people lol. This is kind of chill even if the sounds are sort of moody and unsettling. I love how it fades in and out at parts, and the arp is cold but very soft. Of course it wouldn't be a NickC entry without Drill n Bass haha. In some ways i'm not surprised, but in other ways i could also envision this as a straight up ambient piece. At first i thought it wasn't representative of the theme, but then it got a bit more lighter at the end, so honestly i could see it working, even if not my first choice. Honestly this was fire, and very unique sounding, i could definately vote for this, even if i can only pick 3. Awesome work!

Top 3 - DJohn, Misael.K, Coloradoweeks.

NickC could also be on the list. Not much to vote for, so i guess it was an easy pick.

Awesome - Misael.K, Coloradoweeks, DJohn, NickC.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, LillyMeadows.

Jul 11, 2024 NickC
  1. Fragile Fading Peace
  2. out off pawfice
  3. Run To The Beach

Jul 11, 2024 Misael.K
  1. out off pawfice
  2. Fragile Fading Peace
  3. The Seaside Swag

coloradoweeks: money

DJohn: sad

TheVideoGamer: relaxing

awesum: coloradoweeks, DarkShadow, DJohn, NickC, TheVideoGamer.
good: LillyMeadows.