One Hour Compo - Round 817 (OHC817)

Votes (7)

Jun 06, 2024 Koekepan
  1. seven days
  2. Hobbit Gossip
  3. Well Then
CotMM68030's take on ambient was just perfect for this one. Ethansight had a well-placed, well-executed different approach.
Jun 06, 2024 Arcana
  1. The Depths
  2. Aquifer of Welling Dreams
    Wassup Thunder

nukage for just the sheer amount of stuff done in the time.

Wassup Thunder for the whimsicality, the multiple movements, and just overall storytelling.

LillyMeadows for doing a similar concept as my track. Nice drone sounds. Worth the vote.

Jun 06, 2024 ethansight
  1. The Hole
  2. There's Water for the Garden
  3. Portal to the Other World (AKA The Thud Thud Song)

Arcana - Reminds me of that scene from Spy Kids 3 where they jump into a volcano and fall for an hour

obScene - Light lovely water drawing vibes

TheVideoGamer - The birds really sell this one, but also its such a cool concept I could listen to a lot more of this style, am inspired to try it in the future!

Jun 06, 2024 blackriver35
  1. Hobbit Gossip
  2. There's Water for the Garden
  3. rings

Great work all around!

Jun 12, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. colorado vs. writers block
  2. There's Water for the Garden
  3. The Hole

All comments are replied to on Discord making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is quite drone heavy, but that's because i was going for a more airy gabber feel, with more emphasis on slow weaving ambience than straight up gabber beats (Despite the gabber kick present throughout the whole thing). The intro is quite melodic, with a flute like melody, before the drone pads kick in and then charge throughout. The kickdrum is a standard gabber kick that does not stop for the whole thing. Not once do we hear a pause or a rest, it's just there non-stop. The sounds that weave in and out mostly complement the drone, be it a strings, different pad notes, choir sounds or even various vocal snippets. I didn't want it to be too obtrusive, as the main drone was the star. Is it repetitive? I say this a lot, but that was kind of my goal. Despite the pounding beat (Hence the Thud Thud in the title), the track feels more soothing and ethereal, even though there is a lot of intensity going on. I like the idea, i am a big proponent of more ambient stuff utilised in gabber, and i think this is a good start, even if it's not everyone's cup of tea. Oh well glad you liked it anyways!

LillyMeadows - This might be the longest track i've heard from you. Usually you go for 1-2 minute tracks not 5 minutes. Also this is a track i'm supposed to close my eyes, because it's hypnotic. So i assume this is gonna be drone heavy, which is definately ok, as my track is drone heavy. Granted my track was also loud and banging, so that might not be everyone's cup of tea. I do love how the tempo is very slowly decreasing. The chord mostly stays the same, which is pretty hard to identify to be fair (And i have perfect pitch), but it has a root note of F so it could be a variant of F Major 7th who knows. I think there is also some pitch decreasing going on, in the form a filtered sample, but i don't know. I do know that it's slowing down for sure, the chord stays the same but the rest is slowing down. Now this is a slow one for sure, maybe on the extremely minimalist side (Repetition wise not in terms of sound, it's pretty thick), but yet despite that i'm quite captivated by this. Not just because it's a cool unique idea, but yet you've managed to keep it going for such a long length. I'd expect to be bored by the end, but no in this case it was actually a perfect length for this. There is room for more i will say, we could definately play around with this idea, add some more sounds that also undergo tempo changes to get a sort of rippling effect. Honestly though i really thought about this, and you know what, i felt this was a really great idea. Very unique, but not too much or overblown, i feel like giving you this one it was great. Well done!

cotmm68030 - Damn we missing 16 seconds for the full CotMM experience lol. I loved the intro, of you putting a tape in and suddenly were into some kind of deep noise experience it's great. The layer of granulated sounds was pretty immediate, and there is a lot of stereo panning and volume fading going on. This is quite the dynamic piece, especially at the start. I don't feel like were going for anything melodic, it feels like some radio dial gone bust or something (In b4 you PM telling me what the actual sound is lol). This one is pretty great i will say, i don't know if it's the samples or you layering instruments, but there is so much going on in this 6 minutes, lots of bass heavy and reverbed sounds coming in and out, parts of the sound also remind me of fluorescent lights and the sound it makes. Honestly i left the almost 6 minutes, feeling like i've experience some audio cinematic journey, i couldn't detect anything i didn't like in this, so i'm going to give you this one it was great. Definately wanted to put you on the list, but alas limitations means i can only choose 3! Amazing work!

THEGREATDESTROYER22 - Oh wow are we going to get a never-ending stream of 6 minute entries in this round lol. This is the 3rd entry to break the 5 minute mark. Honestly that kick and snare combo is absolutely fire, and very massive sounding, you are extremely great at making sick beats man, very banging. The guitar sounding work is also great, but you've opted to make it a background element, thus making for a mild atmosphere, compared to a main element. This is good don't get me wrong, but sometimes i feel the drum could also work alongside the melodies, rather than being pushed upfront all the time. The distorted leads are great though, adds that Cyberpunk grimey feel. I do love the drum changes in this, the beats are hard, but i think light and shade parts could really boost this track further. They're moments where a full on distorted bassline or lead synth powered to the front with the drums, could really make it even more hype, as for the most part the drums are just powering through, whilst the rest of the melody elements are getting consistently pushed aside. However i must stress taste is personal, so what might not work for me, will work for others. Still though the beats are awesome, and it's a fire groove. It's got a lot of potential so don't be discouraged, good job!

DarkShadow - And the chain is broken (Of course it is, it would be absolutely ridiculous to expect a 6 minuter from DarkShadow lol). The longest i've heard from him so far is almost 3 minutes at the maximum. This one is quite the laser tune this week. The kick drums are almost two octaves above normal sounding. The bassline also kind of doubles as a kick, so we have a bit of a mixture of both. Despite the gabber style, there is a lot of funk stuff going on, you really went all out on the syncopation. The melody is....quite chaotic. I could barely follow the melody, because it was too fast and all over the place lol. Still though this is one of your stronger tracks, i totally felt like there was a lot of cool moments even if it's not exactly my cup of tea (And i say this as a guy, with a drone track featuring a never-ending headache inducing kick lol). Still though, good job!

Ethansight - And now were going to get a consistent stream of 1 minute entries haha. We went from 6 minutes all the way to one minute, the entries are all over the place length wise. Loving the pizzicato here, it's pretty cute, which isn't saying much since this is Ethansight were talking about. That is the classic Ethansight harmony i know and love. Loving how you slowly build each element up. Pizz, then flute, then strings, then drum etc. The chord changes towards the middle were really nice, i love that unexpected harmony. The composition is so good, but it's a crime to have it at only 58 seconds. The track gets going right at the end. So just as i'm really locked into the groove, you decide fun's over and thus it's over. If it was at least 30 seconds longer this would definately be it, but it ends as it begins. Still though good job!

Koekepan - Ok now were in the 3 minute mark. This is some pretty metallic mallet sounds. It's reminiscent of a Tubular Bell, yet it's not. I find it really cool how were mostly in D Minor, but yet the chords that are fading in and out are almost in Db Minor. Polytonality for the win. Despite it's cool juxtaposition of chords, it still feels very cold and distant, maybe even space like. It definately feels like 2 different chord progressions working alongside each other it's pretty great. I also really like the delay effects on the chords i thought that was pretty great. Despite the very expansive sound, that i'd also consider dynamic, i didn't really have much to say about this. It was all lovely don't get me wrong, it just didn't give me that much to say. I still think this is great though, definately worthy of the awesome ranking, and even a vote, even though i can only choose 3. Incredible work!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - This one is also mallet heavy, and quite spooky as well. I feel like were in a haunted house, even though the picture is off a well. Gotta always love the perfect blend of DDR's 8-bit influences with modern sounds. it's lovely. The track is just full of eerie goodness, and the beats are extremely groovy. Again i think this would work better for a Haunted House image, however that doesn't make the track bad, everything is dynamic, and as is with any DDR track, there's a lot of sections, so i feel like i'm being rewarded everytime. This is probably why anything drone related for DDR might be difficult, because he's used to so many different sections and this is why i love it. The melody is awesome, the beats are groovy, and the sound design is top notch. Yeah nothing bad to say for sure i loved it. So wish this was on the list, amazing work!

Wassup Thunder - This might be a rare case of Wassup not doing anything with drums and bass lol (In terms of Eurobeat, not in general). This is a lovely harp we got going on here, feels very majestic. The bass guitar was a surprising addition, especially for a harp sound. That to me indicates orchestral, not rock music. The choir work is definately artificial here, you're trying to do something that might not be physically possible, especially for something this fast. However the rest makes up for it, you have a really majestic feel in the chords and melody. The drums don't really make a huge statement, but i feel in this type of beat it would probably get more in the way if you went the drum heavy route, especially for something pretty epic and cinematic. The string work towards the end really goes full on Hans Zimmer it's pretty epic. It does need smoothing out, i did notice somethings could be refined to make it even more polished, but as it stands it was a pretty sick composition i loved it. Well done!

obScene - I think it's been a while obScene has decided to do a happy track, but i'm all for it! This is a really cool sense of phrasing here, it stops and starts a certain points really making for a really cool dynamic melody. The flute melodies you always make are wonderful, but the element of surprise is also why i love your tracks. I expect it to be completely cinematic, but then you add a non cinematic element, in this case it's chiptune elements. It's just wonderful. The melodies are very strong in this, and the chords are just great. Even something as simple as C Major and F Major always just get elevated into something really magical. The rhythm at the end was very cute. Yeah i love this, and i'm no question giving you this. Normally i'd do 1st, 2nd, 3rd, when it comes to voting. However i struggled to choose between Coloradoweeks and you for the top spot, so i've decided you're both joint 1st, effectively making Arcana 2nd and A2Z, 3rd. It seems a little weird, but it's the only way for it to work for me. Either way this was fantastic, Incredible work!

A2Z - Loving the phased pads here. Chords are cool, it's got an element of mystical-ness to the sound. Your synth sounds are just soo good, it really makes it feel futuristic but not boring or overdone. The drum work is absolutely fire in this, very well produced downtempo, with a lot of great chords presented, even if it's only two. The main melody is a little upfront not gonna lie, but it doesn't detract from the composition (Although it could be toned down). I just love how far you go with only two chords. If i made it two chords, i really would have to make an extremely dynamic melody, otherwise it's way too repetitive, however in this case you stretch it out for two minutes, and not once do i feel bored or tired, it's great. This is one hell of a composition! Normally i'd do 1st, 2nd, 3rd. However i struggled to choose between Coloradoweeks and obScene for the top spot, so they're joint 1st, effectively making Arcana 2nd and you 3rd. It seems weird, but it's the only way for it to work for me. Incredible work!

blackdriver35 - Sweet watery chords. Feels like i'm swimming in a rave. Tight 808 beat, and thick sub. Some of the chords are really cool, it feels like were in 2 different modulated keys. The drop was satisfying, but the vocal sample before it was a little loud not gonna lie, scared me a little. The glitchy filter effects were cool, although i don't think they're needed. If anything i felt it lost the flow of the piece. The drums in the drop were essentially the same, so it didn't feel like i was hyped into anything. However that doesn't make it bad, not everything has to be "dropped". I think it has a lot of potential, the chords are great, the vibe is great, so don't be discouraged. Good job!

NickC - Lots of cool water sounds. Feels like a continuation of the last track, but with more emphasis on deep water than any ol' running water. Quite atmospheric, this is probably the most i've heard you go in the ambient route. It's very eerie and spooky, evident by the high string notes, and deep basslines. It definately feels like i'm alone in the water and something is about to get me. Ok the drums were unexpected, you set me up for ambient music, and then i get a full on industrial beat. It works well with the melody though, i thought it was gonna be too much, but no it works really well. Maybe a melody could take this further, most of the interest is driven by drums, 303 lines and strings. But this is not a bad thing at all, it's merely a nitpick. Great atmospheric ending, feels like a transition from A to B back to A. Whole thing was honestly pretty great, so wish this could be voted on. Amazing work!

Arcana - 4 minute Arcana entry? Damn this party is a long one this week. Really liking that falling square-wave effect, although it's kind of loud. It doesn't make it bad, but it is a little...painful (At the start i should mention, it smooths out by the middle as it is falling.). I thought for a second that you were gonna do a switchup or something, but no it seems were riding the falling square tone for the whole journey. It kind of has the same effect as Lilly's entry in that it's quite minimalistic, there's no real changes going on (Repetitive wise), but yet it ends up being more captivating than you might think. This is the same thing here, it's very simple musically, but yet it's quite unique and interesting. I'll be real, i love me some harsh music (Gabber is a common thing from me), but i don't like it when it gets to the point where it's too much. Sometimes i look back at my old entries from OHC and 90MC and even i think "This is too much, what am i doing". So not everything i make is a winner. Again it's one of those things where it sounds extremely simple as a concept, yet i love it and i really don't know why. I feel like giving you this one, it's simply too creative not to give you it. I don't know what it is, but the uniqueness of the track and it's relevancy to the theme is what persuaded me to vote for this. Now because i couldn't decide between Coloradoweeks and obScene for the top spot i've effectively made them joint 1st, thus making you 2nd and A2Z 3rd. This was just soo weirdly cool and addictive, incredible work!

Nukage - Loving the intro, you guys know how to make killer intro's. It feels very much like an Earthquake brewing, until the metal drop comes in and hot damn it goes hard. Even if this is mostly VST's you know how to make it realistic without it being awful sounding, i just love it. The vocals are amazing as always, very fusturistic. They are a little loud mix wise, however you have an hour and 30 minutes to make this, and it still sounds awesome. Mixing metal is insanely hard. When it drops with the guitars it ends up blended more in the background, it's kind of interesting. Some of the impact hits were in your face, i'd tone that down a little. But really though these are just things to smooth it out. It's still an amazing piece either way, especially for 4 minutes of music in an hour of this high quality calibre. So wish this was on the list. Amazing work!

Misael.K - Nice beat, it feels like a classic Misael break. Piano work is great as always, very Jazzy and has a lot of sick chord changes. That C# chord just makes it. The percussion work is also great, so many great changes. The vocals are amazing as well, but what i think could take this even further is a bassline to fill in some gaps, and maybe some pad chords or even strings to really make it more dynamic. However that's only really for potential purposes, because as it stands the track is really lovely, enough to give you this. Sometimes the track is really great as it is, and the stuff i suggest is to potential things should you choose to expand upon it or build upon the piece. Either way i loved it, has the potential to be voted on. Amazing work!

Coloradoweeks - Ooh that is a funky break! I wasn't expecting this chord progression holy hell! It's quite...sophisticated. So much so that i couldn't even identify it on first listen (Or even a few listens for that matter). Singing is amazing as always, but the mix of the vocal is wonderful, not too loud or quiet. The harmonisation is perfect, the layering of each voice just really makes this piece for me. Gotta have the Colorado ending where the delay in your voice just cuts off haha. The whole thing is just really good, especially that chord progression i wasn't expecting that at all. This was just awesome. Normally i pick a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, but it was so touch deciding between you and obScene i both made you joint 1st. This makes Arcana 2nd, and A2Z 3rd. This was just fantastic, incredible work!

Top 3 - Coloradoweeks, obScene, Arcana.

There's something super unique and cool about Arcana that kind of prevented me from leaving him off the list. Also choosing between Colorado and obScene for the top spot was so difficult! So i've decided to make Coloradoweeks and obScene joint 1st place, followed by Arcana at 2nd making A2Z the real 3rd place. Either way so many amazing entries this week, you all killed it!

These entries were also so amazing they had to be on the list:

cotmm68030 (Would have loved this to be on, it was such a sonic journey!)

Koekepan (Lovely haunting ambience, also wished it was on!)

DDRKirby(ISQ) (Amazing entry, also wished it was on)

A2Z (As i've said above Colorado and obScene are joint 1st, making Arcana 2nd and you 3rd. It was amazing)

NickC (Such a lovely piece of dark industrial like music, also wish it was on)

Nukage (Amazing metal, also wished it was on)

Misael.K (Lovely singing, also wanted this to be voted on!)

Awesome - LillyMeadows, cotmm68030, Koekepan, DDRKirby(ISQ), Wassup Thunder, obScene, A2Z, NickC, Arcana, Nukage, Misael.K, Coloradoweeks.

Needs Work - THEGREATDESTROYER22, DarkShadow, Ethansight, blackdriver35.

Jun 13, 2024 NickC
  1. seven days
  3. Stay Here with Me Forever

Jun 13, 2024 Misael.K
  1. colorado vs. writers block
  2. Wishing Well
  3. seven days

Well, I voted.

awesum: A2Z, coloradoweeks, cotmm68030, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), ethansight, Koekepan, NickC, obScene, TheVideoGamer, Wassup Thunder.
good: Arcana, blackriver35, LillyMeadows, nukage, THEGREATDESTROYER22.