One Hour Compo - Round 816 (OHC816)

Votes (5)

May 30, 2024 blackriver35
  1. can i eat it
  2. rocks from the mine with rocks in it
  3. Stoneworks

Can I eat it? NEEEEOW

May 30, 2024 Mushrooman
  1. can i eat it
  2. rocks from the mine with rocks in it
  3. One Of Many

May 30, 2024 Arcana
  1. Rock Party
  2. One Of Many
  3. Lob Rockster


May 30, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. can i eat it
  2. gentle abrasion
  3. One Of Many

All comments are replied to on Discord, making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This one is an extremely old project, were talking older than my first entry on this compo. Beat block absolutely sucks, because it sucks the joy out of what you've submitted, knowing you made a sub-par entry. This one isn't though, as it does sound nice, however i ran out of time (Since this is like a 30 minute entry brought on from the lack of ideas), so it becomes more...loop heavy towards the end. Now the fact it's only 4 minutes doesn't bother me really. It's just become a reccuring joke that i often achieve 6 minutes length in my tracks, so when i break the norm, it becomes unusual or surprising. That doesn't mean, that i should achieve 6 minutes. I'm happy with a 4 minute track done well than a 6 minute track done shitty, if you get me. The track itself is just straight 4/4 played at 200bpm (Even though it's closer to 100bpm), with a lot of fast syncopated drum work going on. The reason it sounds weird, is because the snare begins on beat one, not the kick, so it doesn't feel weirdly ahead of time, but i can assure you it's all 4/4. Honestly i don't mind this, however i do wish i used my time more to come up with something better, i feel this isn't my strong suit. Glad you liked it anyways!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Sick percussion, loving that delayed clap effect. For 30 minutes this is very fire! Lots of lovely percussive ideas, some really tight bass work, and a really nice melody. I love how you keep adding stuff as we listen, it's not a repetitive piece at all, if anything it's so anti repetitive, each section lasts less than 10 seconds, giving me no chance to process it lol. All jokes aside this is some seriously good stuff, the melodies are great, the bass work is sick. Yeah this was great stuff for 30 minutes, awesome work!

Lyra_183 - Sounds fine to me. I'm impressed with how smooth that triplet flow is, it's actually on beat! There's also some really fire melodies throughout, i can almost picture what it would sound like mixed in a beat, it's that smooth. The middle part was a little on the crazy side pitch wise, however this was great! This is really good, keep at it! Good job!

Eva - Cool lo-fi licks! Feels like the whole thing is in a telephone, it's a cool effect. Man this went by so quickly, i couldn't process a single ounce of it, even after repeating it like 5 times. Lovely idea, but the vocals are basically non-existent, completely drowned by the rest. of the instruments. Also the track ends on a 10 second wind like sample (Probably guitar feedback), making this barely 30 seconds lol. Don't be discouraged though, i sense a lot of potential here, it was a lot of fun. Good job!

DarkShadow - These chips are working overdrive lol. The bulk of the chords have this telephone effect (The ring not the filtering). The bassline is also working overtime here it's pretty hectic. The time signature here is pretty crazy, it's not the standard 5/4 DarkShadow beat, it's has some funky syncopation going on. The chords are very interesting, it definately has a bit of cool syncopation going on. Not gonna lie i feel 2 minutes is overkill for this kind of track, however i had a lot of fun for this track, so many cool moments in this. Good job!

cotmm68030 - 6 minute returns! This time with some straight up Dark Ambient, packed full of tasty textures, and soft rumbles. This is almost Koekepan level minimalism (No hate to the guy, i absolutely love his music), it's super pretty. Loving the pad work, this is super relaxing for a CotMM piece, and quite the chord progression too, it's very weird and mysterious, but also very relaxing. It's just the kind of piece you want to zone out to, and not worry about much. Not melodic per se, however that is because were in essentially an Ambient genre. This one is all about the chord changes, over something say dynamic as such, it's just as free-flowing as possible. The percussion ideas in the middle were quite unexpected, i assumed it was just a straight up ambient piece, but i guess we have to have rhythm in this, which works really well. i must say. For the record i don't hate the drums in this, if anything it adds something really nice to the sound. The whole was honestly really lovely, so lovely in fact i picked you for the 2nd spot it was just so great. Amazing work!

Mushrooman - I'm not familiar with you, so forgive me. This is a really nice tight beat and arp combo we have, it feels very much a retro maybe Video Game sound, lots of sick grooves. Loving the thick bassline in this, totally feel like were in a disco. The snare roll back into the drop was a little harsh not gonna lie, and i totally feel we could take this further with some sick chords, i feel it's missing some of that, but i understand it's been a while, and what was presented was very sick. Honestly it was great, has a lot of potential, good job!

BJKMenu - Fairground music? This is a weird idea, but i dig it a lot. It sort of picks up the pace into boss battle music by the middle, effectively making it not fairground music lol. You really go hard on the fills, so much so that you almost prevent me from properly latching onto a melody lol. The drum work is insane, definately my favourite part of the composition. I do like the melodies, but they're very weird and out of time. I do like me some dissonance and experimentation, but this was maybe, a little too much for my liking. Sorry man, but it was a lot of fun, can't lie. Good job!

A2Z - Lol, you intentionally knew what you were doing, so i don't see why you should apologise. As much as you say it was loud, honestly it wasn't "that" bad, minus the mild Jumpscare at the end. To be frank, i'm surprised nobody even thought of this, to say it's a rock theme, and i'm also surprised this works really well as a gabber cover of all things. I was hoping for the full version, not a quick 32 second demo, but you did give me a smile, so props for that. Good job!

Nukage - Holy Dynamic Waveform batman! The bass work is very hard hitting, i love the filtering in the intro. Makes the transition into the metal drop extremely satisfying. The vocal work is incredible as always, but let's be real, who else can sing this insane as you. The 2nd drop is just as hard as the first, if not even more insane. I'm shocked for such a hard hitting track the mix is soo nice, it's not clipping or in your face, i love it. I laughed when you decided to fakeout with your producer tag, before sneakily adding in a final drop haha. The track is just awesome really, definately showcasing how good of a producer you are. Awesome work!

blackdriver35 - Welcome mate, never heard your music before, so this is a blind listen. Lots of great chords sliding up and down the scale. I am known to be a critiqu-er, and so far this is really dope. Loving the tight techno beat, and the sick bass work going on. The melodies don't feel uniformed, there's definately 2 different key signatures going on. It feels more aligned with a more experimental techno vibe, than a melodic one. I hear 3 different melodies in different keys, so it becomes hard to pinpoint which is which. Also i felt we could maybe alternate between the melodies, to make for a more intricate dynamic listen. At the moment what you have sounds really nice, but with a lot of potential. It could go further, so don't be discouraged, it was a fire first entry for sure. Good job!

LillyMeadows - Yay you finally got the chance to submit! That bassline is massive! The kick and snare combo totally makes me think of Goth Techno, it's definately not a light rave at all. Loving the middle part with the cool glitchy distorted risers going on. Ending goes very complextro-glitch electo-techno on us. It's soo unique even my 4 genres i've listed doesn't do it justice haha. I like this a lot, but i do feel the real meat of the track is a bit short. Copying and pasting is fine for me, even if it makes it a little more repetitive (As Adam says, repetition legitimises). I'm also unsure if you wanted this to be melodic or rhythmic, as i'm struggling to tell if you want melodies with this or not. Still though, confusion aside this was really sick, with a lot of potential, so don't be discouraged. It was fire stuff, good job!

Misael.K - This is very Ethnic sounding for a Misael.K entry. That flute melody is magical, you really are good with your melodies! The bassline is also great, but i'm not sure if some parts are out of key or is it me. I really loved how you paused all the instruments except the melody, and then brought it back again, it's a lovely effect. The chords at the end also bring this to life, keeps it from being too melody focused, and into a more rounded composition. The drum work is also great, totally feel like were in an island somewhere, but more in the jungle, than a beach island. I did feel like we almost overdid it with the melody, (It's quite the frontal sound), however the way it combined with the drums and the bass was just too nice to not give you it. So nice i choose you for the 3rd spot it was just awesome. Amazing work!

Meistr - Lol the waveform, the beat begins slap bang in the middle. Your vocalist is outrageously good, you definately have yourself a winning combo. Drop is fire, but my god it's soo distorted, the drum work is clipping for no reason. I feel like you were trying to simulate a breakbeat or something, but felt it wasn't hard enough so you added some distortion to the master, resulting in something...honestly quite loud. Sometimes a composition that is soo good, can often be really affected by the mix, and this is the case. Such a shame, because both parties come across soo well, but the loud clipped drums did affect the track. Still though your vocalist is awesome, he's really spitting some fire bars, lots of potential here, good job!

Arcana - That is a cool bassline, it blends with the vocals for something kind of robotic. It can make the vocals feel distorted, however i think that's intentional. The synth leads are great, but perhaps a little quiet. The vocal effects are lovely in this, the autotune is also surprisingly well executed. Usually for me, i prefer your natural voice than a auto tuner, because you sing much more better for me personally, however as i say in most if not all compo's, taste is personal. So some people might prefer an autotune on your voice, whilst others might not. I also feel the drums could come up a little, because it's getting destroyed by the rest. However i do love this idea, it's a cool techno-pop Kraftwerk styled beat. This has a lot of potential, it's great idea. Good job!

Coloradoweeks - Haha that "nope". Improvising lyrics is hard as hell, so well done for making some great lyrics, that sound really good and not cringe. The scream before the verse was also funny. The ending my god haha, i had to wait 2 minutes before relistening, because i had to contain myself. The random ow was like the icing on the cake. I've yet to talk about the beat, it's so funny. Really fire techno inspired beat. Very synth arp heavy, lots of insane glitchy textures. It's hard to focus on the beat, when the lyrics are just making me laugh my ass off. This was just awesome lol. I couldn't stop laughing, and that's why i've chosen you for the top spot. Incredible work!

Top 3 - Coloradoweeks, cotmm68030, Misael.K.

DDRKirby(ISQ) and Nukage (Especially Nukage's) also deserve to be on the list.

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), cotmm68030, Nukage, Misael.K, Coloradoweeks.

Needs Work - Lyra_183, Eva, DarkShadow, Mushrooman, BJKMenu, A2Z, blackdriver35, LillyMeadows, Meistr, Arcana.

Jun 06, 2024 Misael.K
  1. Sand and Stone
  2. can i eat it
  3. gentle abrasion

nukage: a great nukage production.

coloradoweeks: a great colorado weeks production.

cotmm68030: a great children of the monkey machine 68030 production.

awesum: coloradoweeks, cotmm68030, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), Meistr, nukage, TheVideoGamer.
good: A2Z, Arcana, bjkmenu, blackriver35, eva, LillyMeadows, Lyra_183, Mushrooman.