One Hour Compo - Round 815 (OHC815)

Votes (3)

May 23, 2024 Arcana
  1. wAVY tIME
  2. touch
  3. Luxuriously Soft


May 25, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. rest now
  2. touch
  3. Delicate Touch

All comments are replied to on Discord, so this section is irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is basically a 6 minute kind of long winded chill journey, featuring a consistent strummed guitar, a pounding kickdrum, that is quite noticeable but not obtrusive, a sub bass, as well as an array of various reverbed and textured sounds to keep it both free flowing and atmospheric, whilst also providing a variety of sections to keep you interested. This track doesn't really have changes, as it's all really just sounds weaving in and out. One minute you might hear a John Denver sample, next it's Haggstrom from Minecraft, or even Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's soundtrack. Whatever it is, it was merely sounds that i felt fit, thrown into the track and just reverbed the hell out of, to amplify the chill vibe. It's not a dynamic piece nor is it complex, however you do get that zoning out feel, a you power through the 6 minutes. I kind of like this despite it's simplicity, not all tracks need to be reliant on different sections. You can just loop and loop it with minimal changes and it will be good enough. Glad you liked it anyways!

DarkShadow - Probably the first DarkShadow entry i know of that breaks the 2 minute mark? And i mean break the 2 minute mark, another 20 seconds of this and we would already be around the 2:30 mark. This is quite the thick beat today, compared to last week. Also quite the bassline too, even though nearly every track you make comes with a thick bassline. Has the usual sawtooth wave in this, that is the DarkShadow way. I feel like were mostly cruising on the same note for more or less the whole duration, which can come across as repetitive to some, although i don't mind it. I feel this one is a perhaps a bit too long, i felt like it was desperately calling for a section change, especially for a frantic style like this. Still though i had a lot of fun on this, it was really nice, good job!

Meistr - Haha this is Careless Whisper done in a dubstep style. I'm just missing the Saxophone for this to complete. Yeah sure we have the melody, but it's the Saxophone that gives it it's characteristic, without it it's not the same. Still though you did a banging arrangement, just wish it wasn't barely 50 seconds. Had to play this at least 3 times to process the sounds. I wouldn't say this is my favourite, even though you did a sick job on the drop, but i largely attribute it to just how short this is, and also the fact it doesn't take itself too seriously. Granted i've done much worse in the jokey department. Either way i'm glad you've entered, it was a sick beat, so don't be discouraged. Good job!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Sweet chill electric piano vibes. Loving those major 7th and add9 chords. This is definately some relaxing stuff, feels like were in the ocean waves, despite the theme being silk. The pause before the drop was very tasty. Loving the restraint on the drums, normally you want to go crazy, but in this case it's more softer and not as in your face, it's super nice! The melodies in this one are just wonderful, loving the seasonings thrown in this. Very representative of the theme, the layering is just great. I don't have anything else to say it's just another high quality DDR production, in fact it was so high quality i chose you for the top spot, it was fantastic. Incredible work!

BJKMenu - Lol this one definately made me chuckle. The guitar and drum work this week is really fire damn. It's such a high quality blues jam, lots of lovely licks. I feel weirdly like were listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd. The drums fills are very crazy, dude you really went to town on the drums wow. The solo is delayed a little, i was expecting it to be on beat, but you trolled us and held it back a little haha. This was so funny, i couldn't even listen properly to do a review, i just laughed. Honestly the laughing really was what prevented me from downgrading this, i'm definately giving you this one, well done!

Lunarice - Nice percussive licks here, loving the array of bongo sounds. The chords are super chill and pretty, and kind of dynamic too, it faded in really nicely. The main melody has that distinctive DX7 synth quality, man this is very nice! Dude i don't know what you did in this compo, but the chords are lovely. The only critique i could say, and this is more minor, is that maybe more rhythmical variation in the piano could make it more dynamic, as well as variation in the melody, but that was really a minor one, because man these were some great melodic ideas. Very abrupt fadeout, but aside from that i feel compelled to give you this one, well done!

A2Z - Pretty phased 7th chords woo. To be fair i've heard a lot of melody ideas from you, that are just very pretty, so this doesn't surprise me at all. You really went to town on that kick, lots of fills going on. The melody is really nice, but i would have chosen a different synth personally, it feels weirdly hollow. Some of the risers were a bit aggressive, i would have toned it down a little. Also this is calling for a bassline or a sub, man that could take it even further. The overall track is extremely nice, but it definately screams potential, it's a lovely idea. Good job!

Nukage - Those are some really cool plucked sounds! I feel like were simulating a Kalimba but on a airy synth. The strings in this are great, i love the emotion it adds. Strings can really add a touch of emotion to the sound, it's great. Ok the build-up wasn't as aggressive as i thought, but holy f*cking shit that drop. This makes even the most aggressive Flux Pavilion track seem tame. Dude that drop is out of this world insane, it's so aggressive even the drums can't keep up lol. I really don't know what to say, man you did not pull and punches with the drop, it's soo dirty. Not really theme accurate, but man i don't care this was...amazing. Awesome work!

obScene - To be fair mate i nearly had a beat block that almost killed my track, so i was lucky to pull it back. This is a very nice track mate, i love the cool synth, and the chiptune like beat, that feels like it's filtered and bitcrushed. The piano is unequivocally obScene, it's has such a distinctive sound unique to you. It's quite dark but very emotional all the same. The chiptune lead melody wasn't my expectation to be fair, i assumed a more downtempo sound was to be used, but you are obScene so if it isn't a distorted lead, it's someone else lol. Loving the dynamics in this, despite it's funkiness it's soo pretty and emotional. Yeah i don't know what you're talking about i consider this a win for me, i loved it a lot. Awesome work!

DJohn - More emotional piano! Man this is piano week, so many tracks have piano in them. This one is so soft, it's like rain in a coffee shop soft. The strings just make this, really makes it more emotional. Your voice is wonderful as always, wish you used it more for this track, especially since it's so short. Feels like a crime to have a David John track but only have around 10 seconds of your vocal in it. Strings are a little artificial to me, but i have a tendency to nitpick a lot, and it definately doesn't spoil the track in anyway. Yeah this was awesome, so awesome i placed it on the 2nd spot, it was so lovely. Amazing work!

Misael.K - More Electric Pianos! Not one track so far (Well ok maybe a few) has really not had a piano sound it. I love the triplet in this one, the melodies are fire, really goes so well with that pad. The pad makes it more space like, but very chill nonetheless. The groove on the drums is also killer i love it. The overall main melody is blurred with the rest, however it's not a problem, more of a cool textural component. I loved the drums in the 2nd half, feels like were going for an IDM laser beat. I loved the fakeout into the repeat of the main melody, that was a great idea. Not the most complex, it feels more like a track that passes you by, but what i did hear was extremely nice. This was just lovely stuff, so lovely i decided to place you on the third spot it was great, amazing work!

Arcana - Tight beat, your vocal performance is very strong, although i wasn't expecting autotune. For some reason i find your natural singing voice to be much better than the autotune. It can make it weirdly out of tune. Just to be clear i don't hate autotune or your voice. I mean i said your natural singing voice is much better, so obviously i like your voice a lot. It's just the autotune for this track doesn't work really for me. I understand taste is personal. The bass and beat combo is very fire though, the whole track sounds pretty great to be fair. If the vocal effects were smoothed out, maybe add some chords i think we'd have a winner, it's already a lovely idea, so don't be discouraged. Good job!

Top 3 - DDRKirby(ISQ), DJohn, Misael.K.

Nukage and obScene are also contenders for the list, both entries were awesome.

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), BJKMenu, Lunarice, Nukage, obScene, DJohn, Misael.K.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, Meistr, A2Z, Arcana.

May 30, 2024 Misael.K
  1. rest now
  2. touch
  3. Luxuriously Soft

DDRKirby(ISQ): super chill.

DJohn: super soft.

TheVideoGamer: super pogo.

lunarice: nice and relaxing.

awesum: DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), DJohn, lunarice, nukage, obScene, TheVideoGamer.
good: A2Z, Arcana, bjkmenu, Meistr.