One Hour Compo - Round 813 (OHC813)

Votes (4)

May 09, 2024 Dex
  1. Wrought Iron, Cast in Place
    Wassup Thunder
  2. The Factory
  3. Mr. Sly

Wish I could vote for more.

Also really liked: Lunarice, Meistr, NickC, Misael.K, TVG

May 09, 2024 Arcana
  1. Camana and Meistr - Bottom of the Sea
  2. Silver Shines
  3. The Factory


May 10, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Silver Impact
  2. Silver Shines
  3. The Factory

All comments are replied to on Discord so this section is irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is not my usual 6 minutes (Not that i have to achieve that length every week, but it can be unusual as i am known for that length), because i didn't have any ideas for this, so the final idea that came to a finish product ended up taking me 15 minutes total production time. The ideas just were not coming through, this was probably the worst beat block i've gotten on this compo. The track i did send in was basically fast Acid Techno. Dare i say fast to the point it's hardcore. The overall track itself is very simple. Modulated 303 line over a distorted beat, and other percussive oddities. I tried to add a cool chord progression at the end, but because of the extreme time crunch, i ended up just looping it till the end, whilst the rest sort of fades out. I'm not gonna lie it's not my finest work, however the title says "I've Failed As A Producer". That was intending to be a joke, but text of course doesn't do well in deciphering tone, so i should have added a lol or something. It was mildly self deprecating, especially since it's barely 4 minutes and not 6. The track itself is not terrible, the acid techno stuff is really nice, but it is underbaked, and that's why i don't consider it my finest hour. Either way it's submitted, and you listened to it, so i guess thanks, and glad you liked it!

DarkShadow - There seems to be a lot of sounds you gravitate towards too, mostly involving saw waves being filtered, and thick basslines. I do like the triplets in this, and the dubstep-ish bassline was great. This one is less melodic than normal, you really emphasise more of the distorted bassline. Gets a bit much at the end, but it was a lot of fun, good job!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Woah that is a cool snare! It sounds like were imitating a blacksmith with these drums it's sick. Loving the funky bassline work in this, i totally feel like i'm working on some kind of sword. The sudden explosion of Asian styled instruments was also very interesting, it really adds another level of dimension to the sound, and takes it into great places. This one doesn't say too much compared to other tracks of yours, that are basically full on journeys, but it does provided me with such a tight groove, that you can't not move your head. This one was great, so great i placed it on the third spot it was great, amazing work!

Nukage - That waveform is dynamic as hell wow. This one is also Asian inspired, but saying that the flute is also a bit medieval, so maybe it's a mix of cultures. That drop was absolutely insane, but also quite sudden, before i had even commented on the intro, i was blasted with some insanely hard hitting growls. I'm also kind of shocked how you managed to fit two drops in such a short length, it was sick! The bass rattling is absolutely destroying my ears in an amazing way. The mixing is also probably the best i've heard from you so far, the levels were great. This was such a wonderful banger, so wonderful i decided to place it on my top spot it was that good, incredible work!

Lunarice - Ooh this one has a hi-hat workout going on. Loving those chords, it feels like you've chopped a sample, yet it's not a sample, but probably a synth. I don't know i am reminded of that once infamous track with a chopped sample like that. Wasn't expecting you to go the techno/trance route with those drums, but i'm all for it, it's different. The bell melody is maybe a bit too high pitched, i'd lower it an octave, however it's still pretty great. Oh man there is a lot of potential here, a bassline could really add something to this already great sound. The fill at the end was great, and i was hyped for another minute or so, but nope you end it straight away which is sad. Honestly there's so many dope parts, but also parts that i felt would be much better if you added a bassline or even a counter melody, and also to smooth the mixing a little bit. I thought about this for a long time and i've decided to give you it, because the chords were really good, especially the sound! Well done!

Dex - Oh wow there is some cool blues licks in this chord progression! Not expecting the rhythms on the guitar, usually i get a straight 8th note roll, but no you really went all out on the syncopation. This one is sick, the melody is especially fire, so many great licks and grace notes. Great solo-ing too! Honestly this is just a sick piece, with so many great melodic ideas, it goes hard without it being too loud.. Yeah there's nothing else to say, i just loved it. Definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Wassup Thunder - Lots of people going the Blacksmith route, nothing wrong with that. I do get pleasure in the sweet sound of someone bending a sword into shape lol. The bassline in this surprisingly very dope, it goes super well in the rhythmical array of metallic sounds. I don't know what you used, but it reminds a little of a gamelan. Wasn't expecting the speed up in the middle, but that's more than fine by me, it's nice to subvert expectations. The lead synth did surprise me at first, but i immediately grew to like it. There is a lot of microtonal stuff going on at the end, and to be frank i'm not sure if i'm too into it. I feel it's detuned a little too much for my liking. However everything else was absolutely fire, and honestly it more than makes up for it, so i'll give you this one, well done!

ElSalluz_Ramesses - Ok wtf i was not expecting that description, holy hell lol. I do like the 808 beat, i must say. The singing is great. I'm....i'm struggling to process this one, i don't know whether to laugh or cry lol. Welcome....back mate. Yeah i'm sorry i really don't know what to say....but given what you've written, and i suppose the situation you're currently in, i guess i'll job?

Meistr - It's ok, he's still and incredible singer anyways. I love the background here it's lovely! This one has a bit of a chiptune meets Dubstep vibe, i love it. The lyric work is always top notch in here! The dynamic shift was definately weird as hell. It suddenly increased in dynamics, resulting in a louder beat than it really needed to be. I don't hate it, but i did find it unusual for this kind of beat. It is a short one, and this is not against you, i have this argument (Or point if you will, as i'm not really arguing against something), that when you make really short beats, i get little to no substance, so to truly process what's going on i have to play it like 5 times to understand your intentions, because it goes by so quickly. In this case, the vocals stopped, which i get it, you said he had to leave early, but the track also kind of stops? Or maybe i'm hearing wrong. I do think the drums, especially in the 2nd half, are way louder than the melodic ideas, even though it works when the vocals are in. I don't know, i sense a lot of potential here, so don't be discouraged. It's not a bad track at all, and your singer is excellent, but i definately see more could be smoothed out here, good job!

NickC - Ooh Nick's doing a long one. It's extremely rare these days to find a Nick entry that goes longer than 3 minutes. That is a really cool intro. Creepy pads, and slow swelling synths, were on that CotMM (Sometimes your melodic material and the way you layer it, just gives me that CotMM vibe i don't know). It's very spacious, like were on the moon. Also that beat is very slow by Nick standards lol, but to be fair it's probably because of last week, when you decided to make it really fast. The arps are really cool in this, the middle part is great, because whilst it was very spooky and unsettling, the arp makes it weirdly relaxing. it could be softened a bit, so it's not too into the mix, but it adds a really nice element to the sound. The more you add the 8th note melody ideas, the more i am reminded of a Luigi's Mansion kind of game i don't know why. There is a lot of intensity in the drums, to say it's mostly an 808 style beat, and when contrasted with the melody ideas, it's pretty sick! Towards the ending it does become very thicc, to the point where it's almost too clustered, however i do know what style you are going for, so it's definately on purpose. All in all, it's definately a more experimental beat, than what you might expect, and i really like that. Yeah this was great, i definately feel like giving you this one, it was very oddly catchy. Definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Misael.K - Nice guitar there, i feel like were in the 70's, but with a 6/8 vibe going on. I hear those Alter Ego vocals there, it's been a while. The drums are hard hitting, but could hit a little harder to match the intensity of the rest. The fills at the end was great, i must say, especially for a programmed beat. This one relies a lot on the vocal sounds, so it sounds quite angelic, and i could also argue this is one chord, because even though change the notes, the bassline remains on the route note of D, however you could debate whether it really is the same or not. It's definately an interesting beat, i feel like were slowly increasing the dynamics as we go along, as the ending feels quite climatic, especially for something mostly on the drone side (In a great way). Not a long one, but i still felt like a got a lot out of this despite that. Yeah i feel compelled to give it to you, it was just great, awesome work!

DJohn - Damn you're doing it again! Sadboi Sunday shouldn't be on a thursday man, i'm shouldn't be emotional on a thursday (Even though it's actually Friday where i am). Loving the reverbed vocals a lot, and the guitar tone is very crispy but clean i love it. This is extremely emotional stuff, the singing is incredible as always. I just love this one a lot, i can't say too much, because it's such high quality stuff. So high quality i placed it 2nd on my list, amazing work!

Ethansight - Lots of cool synths going on here, very dynamic and full of tasty delay's. It sets me up for a slow beat, but instead you decide to give me DnB instead lol. That's what i love about this, the melody does not give me that impression, but you give it to me anyways. That bass work in this is awesome, so thick but not overpowering. The swell pads were also a lovely touch, and the mixing is very high quality. I also love the contrast between the arp heavy intro, and the more minimalistic but still hard hitting drop. This one was just great, i really loved it, so wished this one was on the list, but i can only choose 3. Awesome work!

Arcana - Wow that is a thick kick, and nicely mixed too! It's a proper trance rave experience. The thick saw bass synth, is a bit too much in the mix however. The vocal was great, but can be a little loud at times. The drum mixing is amazing though, and the ending was sick! Seriously the ending breakdown was soo good, you could just keep that going for another minute and i would be satisfied. So much potential in this one, the vocals were great, if a little loud at times, and some of the synths were a little sharp in the mix, however the drum mixing was lovely. So don't be discouraged, definately one of your stronger entries for sure. Good job!

Top 3 - Nukage, DJohn, DDRKirby(ISQ)

These entries were extremely dope and deserve to be on the list:




Ethansight (Man this one was really good, so wish i could vote for this one!)

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), Nukage, Lunarice, Dex, Wassup Thunder, NickC, Misael.K, DJohn, Ethansight.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, ElSalluz_Ramesses, Meistr, Arcana.

May 16, 2024 NickC
  1. Silver Shines
  2. Metal
  3. Camana and Meistr - Bottom of the Sea