One Hour Compo - Round 807 (OHC807)

Votes (5)

Mar 28, 2024 A2Z
  1. Tessellations
  2. mouse casino
  3. I Am The God of Confetti Fire

good stuff, reminds me of delicious confetti

Mar 28, 2024 Arcana
  1. A Symbol of the person I became
  2. mouse casino
  3. Confetti (Four-on-the) Floor

The metal vocal delivery really appealed to me nukage. Top vote.

coloradoweeks had really nice vocal layering and a good synthwave intro.

A2Z for really solid production, kind of a mix of chippy but with a lot of nice modern sheen.

Good job

Mar 28, 2024 Cerfeuil
  1. Confetti (Four-on-the) Floor
  2. Tessellations
  3. mouse casino

Apr 03, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Tessellations
  2. mouse casino
  3. Childhood

All comments are replied to on Discord so this section is irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - It's one of those cases where i went through as many as 10 ideas before i could even get one that could stick with me in the long term. Problem with this theme like with others, is that sometimes it's too good of a theme, which can actually cause more beat-block than one would imagine. I tried to make it sparkly at first, but that failed, so i tried other ways of incorporating the sparkliness, whether it's in the form of a simple house beat, or just straight up ambient, arps and blips were not doing it for me. By the time i had finally got something that stuck, i had like 30 minutes left, hence why this beat is quite repetitive even if it has a really cool idea attached to it. Most of the sounds come from various chimes, such as a glockenspiel, a vibraphone, a marimba and even a music box. The track slowly builds up to the gabber beat by adding in sounds at a time, cumulating an aggressive wall of sonic textures. Why i went for gabber is a mystery to me, i just went for what worked at the time, trying to make the most of the time i had, but what i did want to maintain was the soft relaxing nature of the whole thing. I said that it was ambient gabber, and i know this triggers people, but i will die on this hill. It's calm, it has a gabber beat, it makes you sleepy, what else do you want haha. No but seriously ambient gabber needs to be a thing, because there is lots of potential here. It is repetitive as i've said, but 30 minutes will do that to a person. All in all it's pretty cool stuff, glad you liked it!

Lyra_183 - Nice to see you return! Really liking the melody in this, it's pretty rhythmical. Almost too rhythmical perhaps, i was struggling to follow the beat, however it's still a pretty dope melody, this has a lot of potential, keep at it! Good job!

cotmm68030 - Another 6 minutes from you, with one hell of a dynamic waveform. It goes all over the place lol. Loving the sound here, it feels like it's a synth, but knowing you it's probably not. I love how it feels like i'm in metallic desert. Drum work was kind of unexpected not gonna lie, but it's definately worth it. It's sort of semi-tribal in the way it's played. In some moments the drums do feel quite in your face compared to the rest, and whilst that's not a bad thing, it can make the background elements a bit squished. This is also not the most melodic listen, but i am one to embrace all sorts of experimentation, so this is fine by me. Honestly whilst i sense maybe some dynamic changes to the drums, so they're not too loud, everything else was honestly, kind of cool. I feel a bit more refinement in the drums could make this awesome even. Lots of potential to be had, good job!

DarkShadow - Oh man this is like a full on computer malfunction. It's like the computer is falling to pieces, with no way to put it back to get, it's very crazy. In fact it was so crazy, i couldn't even think of anything to write in here, i was like what the hell man, i didn't expect it to go this crazy. I mean hats off for being the only dude i know off in OHC to always bring the experimental vibe and deliver it very well, even if this...was perhaps a bit much for me. Good job though!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Chiptune arps is always a DDR staple, and especially so with that reverb. The way the arps fade in though, not that's a new one from you. I love your progressions, but this one was extremely good, you know just the right amount of seasonings it's amazing. The way the reverb is played is lovely too, i totally feel like i'm in a distant landscape it's beautiful. At first i thought there wasn't gonna be drums in this, but towards the middle, you change my expectations. The rhythmical variations in this are wonderful, it feels like upgraded 8-bit music. Drums changes are also sick too. I really don't know what else to say, this one was sick! So sick i decided to put it on the top spot, i loved it soo much. Incredible work!

Nukage - I don't know man this sounds like high quality to me. The mix is really great, the only thing that i would go for is thicker guitars. So we have a proper metal chugging experience. I do notice the vocals loosing bit-rate towards the middle, so it feels like it's lagging. Damn shame, because the track is awesome. I also notice some jump cuts here, it's not a smooth transition to each section. The metal in itself is amazing, it's a high quality production for sure. And the vocal screaming is beyond impressive, i could never do that. It's just the mixing of the guitars, and the choppy audio that put me off, which i know you've said in the description. Miles better than what i can do, so good job!

BJKMenu - Another metal piece! This time with what sounds like Immigrant Song but with intense guitars. There is a bassline in this i believe, but i can barely notice it, it needs to come up. I also think the main synth melody is quite buried with the guitars, it feels like 2 elements fighting one another. Again the concept of a cover is fine, and the track itself is pretty dope, but i think it does have a lot of potential here. I like it, good job!

Dex - Lots of 1 minute pieces this week. Kind of interesting. Having the DAW crash on you sucks big time, oof. I know from experience. Like a lot of experience lol. For a minute of music though, this is seriously dope! Amazing guitar work, and sick drums. Cymbal work was a little piercing, not gonna lie, but that was probably a result of the crash. Yeah despite that, i don't see anything else to critique, it's actually a pretty dope track. Sure the melody could benefit from being a little louder, but that's a minor one. I decided to give you this one, it was really dope! Well done!

Cerfueil - This week is either chiptune or metal, it's kind of funny. I regret not doing either of these now lol. The melody is nice here, although a series of arps probably falls more on harmony. I do like the track here, the chord progression is a classic, and the chip elements work really well, but my god, not gonna lie dude, this is crunchy AF. I feel like there is something on the master, or your gain is a bit loud, because towards the end, i felt it basically clipping. Shame because it does have a lot of great subtle changes, and the chiptune was done really well. Good job!

A2Z - Sega Genesis techno les goo, although the drums are clean, so this is more like modern Genesis techno. Loving the retro feel on here, i'm definately transported to the 80's, it's such a sick retro vibe, it's ace. You say it's 2000's trance, but i'm more feeling the 80's in this one. The drop at the end was pretty great, but it lasts 10 seconds, before we finish the piece lol. I get having only 1hr and 30 minutes to play with, can result in a time crunch for some. I say this is a Sega Genesis sound, but i could also say C64 from the way the chip arps are played. I feel we could do more with this, more specifically to soften some of the sounds, as i feel they are a little in your face, and because they have a retro sound to them, it can make it a little shrill. It's fine in this case, but towards the middle part, i felt close to the threshold. Honestly despite all that, i'll give you this one, as i found more to like than dislike. Well done!

Eva - Damn these really are some short pieces. This one is barely a minute. It's been a while since i've heard you actually. No time to waste, straight into the beat. Also no time for an ending here as well lol, it's just abrupt (No offense). Had to play this a few times to process it, and i must say it's very cool. It feels like you've amplified the feedback on this, to produce some seriously unique distorted guitar tones. It's not tonal, it sounds like you've chosen them purely for the textural component, not for the pitch aspect, but it is nice. I was kind of hoping for a melody here, but instead i feel like you kept it going with the rhythmical guitar chugs. I feel like we could do more with this, at the moment the idea is sick, but i didn't know where it was gonna go next, because it passed by without anything for me to grab to. So i felt like i heard the start of a lovely idea looped until the end. Don't be discouraged though, even if it's short, you do inspire me sometimes, this is a very cool approach. Good job!

Arcana - Arcana breaks the streak of 1 minute pieces, by bringing us a 3 minuter lol. This is a solid trance groove, i totally feel like i'm in a 3am. That kick is a little clicky though, i don't know if it's me or if it's the sample. The trance chords though were especially fire this week, great choice of clap too! I feel you really went all out for that trance vibe. I was not expecting autotune, you are known for a lovely singing voice. It's actually a lot better than i was expecting, sometimes your autotune comes off a tuning wise, but this is pretty dope! The drums are a bit of putting, because of the clicky kick, and i suppose it could also benefit from being a little beefier (So i totally feel like i'm raving), but as a track it's a super strong one from you, so don't be discouraged. Good job!

Coloradoweeks - Damn this is some Michael Jackson sheet. That drum pattern totally comes off from Wanna Be Starting Somethin'. Hey colorado! You're a vegetable lol. Chords are soo good in this, it's such a classic 80's groove. The vocal work is amazing as always, and the harmonisations are lush as hell too. Maybe slightly in front, but this is a bit minor. The ending is sick, the high vocal at the end was soo good! Seriously i couldn't think of anything else to add, i loved it a lot! So good i decided to place it on the 2nd spot, amazing work!

Misael.K - Interesting, you went for a fun approach, whereas the others are more...darker. I love the whimsical synths in this, it's awesome. I feel like exploring in a forest or something, ready to cease the day! The rock parts were surprising but also not surprising at the same time lol. I love the melodies in this, so many great chord changes! Drums could benefit from a bit of a boost, but this did not diminish the quality of the track. Seriously strong stuff from you, i loved it a lot, in fact it was so good i placed it on the third spot, amazing work!

Top 3 - DDRKirby(ISQ), Coloradoweeks, Misael.K.

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), Dex, A2Z, Coloradoweeks, Misael.K.

Needs Work - Lyra_183, cotmm68030, DarkShadow, Nukage, BJKMenu, Cerfueil, Eva, Arcana.

Apr 04, 2024 Misael.K
  1. Low Pattern Abstraction
  2. Tessellations
  3. fuzzy memories of fuzzy circuits

awesum: bjkmenu, coloradoweeks, cotmm68030, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), TheVideoGamer.
good: A2Z, Arcana, Cerfeuil, Dex, eva, Lyra_183, nukage.