One Hour Compo - Round 554 (OHC554)

Votes (6)

May 23, 2019 Arcana
  1. I broke the title... I broke the song...
  2. ERROR
  3. Leave it Broken
Everything was great honestly.
May 23, 2019 koboldskeep
  1. I broke the title... I broke the song...
  2. Leave it Broken
  3. Between the Broken
Skrullz - I want to dance listening to this. Very polished entry for a OHC.

obScene - Very smooth, I love the feel of it

RogueViolin - Has a solid beat, which is impressive considering how weird it is.

Honorable mention to Blurry, not bad for a first entry!
May 23, 2019 melody2
  1. ERROR
  2. Leave it Broken
  3. Multi Ingredient Salad
DDRKirby's mix is full of flavor and of technical detail and also interprets the theme with a very direct approach that requires a lot of production skill.

obScene's mix conveys the feeling of brokenness viscerally, although perhaps it's a bit darker than the narrative prompt implies.

Misael's mix is very soothing and Boards of Canada-ish.
May 27, 2019 GreyHooves
  1. ERROR
  2. Between the Broken
  3. Leave it Broken
DDRKirby(ISQ): Very nice usage of bleeps and bloops. The overall glitchiness really captures the theme well

rogueviolin: Very nice violin work, and the machine drums really fit the theme well. Very nicely done for your first compo

obScene: Really liking the contrast between the piano and the machine sounds, gives it a lot of impact
May 29, 2019 rogueviolin
  1. ERROR

Fluidity of modulation between rhythmic and harmonic structures.
May 30, 2019 Misael.K
  1. Leave it Broken
  2. Blurry
  3. Between the Broken
My awards go to textures tonight.

obScene: Haunting and beautiful. Very crunchy sounds.

melody2: short and sweet. Loved the soundscape and the textures.

rogueviolin: that's some nice violin playing. Good mix of instruments.

awesum: DDRKirby(ISQ), Dex, GreyHooves, melody2, obScene, rogueviolin.
good: Arcana, DarkShadow, koboldskeep, ncrecc, Skrullz.�