One Hour Compo - Round 515 (OHC515)

Votes (4)

Aug 23, 2018 Arcana
  1. The Dreamer
  2. On The Road To My Hellway
  3. Disharmony beneath Harmony
Also coral and pandabot and DHG of course.

Aug 23, 2018 pandabot
  1. I Won't Say Goodbye
  2. The Dreamer
  3. None of this was supposed to happen
I liked the lyrics and how it fit the melody, also "the stars are on my side" is a really cool line
Aug 23, 2018 Koekepan
  1. broken heart, broken jarski
  2. I Won't Say Goodbye
  3. None of this was supposed to happen
I think that Coral did the best job of capturing the tension, the feeling of something inevitably going wrong.

MisaelK did a great job of the idea being captured in spanish dance, which is often in 6/8 time.

NickC did a good job as well, but something about the sound design was a little off for my tastes.
Aug 30, 2018 Misael.K
  1. None of this was supposed to happen
  2. broken heart, broken jarski
  3. Disharmony beneath Harmony
A lot of awesome entries. Good job everyone!

NickC: a somewhat sad introspective entry. I think it fits the theme quite well. Reminded me of some Silent Hill songs.

coral: while a bit long, I enjoyed this a lot. This felt very space-y and melancholic in a strange way.

Koekepan: a long entry, with a great minimalist soundscape. Pretty and space-y.

awesum: coral, dusthillguy, jarski, Koekepan, NickC, pandabot.
good: Arcana.�