One Hour Compo - Round 513 (OHC513)

Votes (6)

Aug 09, 2018 koboldskeep
  1. Rest
  2. Soliloquy for Lucid Dreams
  3. Just As I Fall Asleep
a2z - smooth
Arcana - texture is very nice, excellent quality
misaelk - goes on a nice aimless trip
NickC - very nice synths, but it ends too abruptly
obScene - a little jarring but interesting to listen to
Aug 09, 2018 Arcana
  1. Writing shit songs in my sleep
  2. may cause drowsiness
  3. Lullaby For a Needlessly Productive AllNighter
Many good songs this week - I felt that many of them were a little loud, given the theme. I honestly liked everything though, it's great to hear soft, reflective music from OHC.
Aug 09, 2018 Koekepan
  1. TwilightWaltz
  2. Lullaby For a Needlessly Productive AllNighter
  3. Soliloquy for Lucid Dreams
I voted this completely on my gut. I have no rational explanation.
Aug 09, 2018 A2Z
  1. Just As I Fall Asleep
  2. Lullaby For a Needlessly Productive AllNighter
  3. While the World Drifts away
hey i got a job doing music for a video game. thanks OHC!!
Aug 16, 2018 Random-storykeeper
  1. While the World Drifts away
  2. alien sleeping
  3. Rest
1) "While the World Drifts away" - I think your looping compositional style works best for the theme. The instruments are so pleasant, except for the plinky instrument that might come in a little too loudly. But I love the overall "aesthetic", or whatever the musical equivalent for that term would be. :P

2) "alien sleeping" - The beginning sounds like a typical TestUser472 piece, but as it progresses, it really transforms into something different that I feel like I haven't heard from you before. I just love the atmosphere. The repeating notes work like a charm here and the growling noises are pretty ominous. It's like an unsettling "don't wake the monster" piece. Or maybe just a sleepy creepy alien, hmm...

3) "Rest" - It starts out so calm, feels like I'm floating around in dreamland or something of the sort. :P I really like the continuum and the chord progression you use is always a favourite of mine.


Also really wanted to vote for: Misael.K, NickC, Arcana
Aug 16, 2018 Misael.K
  1. Lullaby For a Needlessly Productive AllNighter
  2. may cause drowsiness
  3. Rest
Random-storykeeper: maximum loveliness, I love your vocal entries.

NickC: the soundscape here is just perfect, and very chill.

A2Z: good atmosphere, the punchy bass is great. Maybe the beat comes too strongly for a "sleepy" entry. Still, I liked it a lot.

awesum: A2Z, Arcana, koboldskeep, NickC, obScene, Random-storykeeper.
good: DarkShadow, Koekepan, TestUser472.�