One Hour Compo - Round 512 (OHC512)

Votes (5)

Aug 02, 2018 Arcana
  1. I Miss U
  2. yeah
  3. The Path That Leads Back Home
Brandon: great lyrics and concept

NickC: I really liked the richness of the backing strings. The overall mood was great: slow and steady growth, awesome soundtrack music.

MisaelK: I liked the swirling pads and the overall soundscape, it's very spacey and makes you want to think. Good lofi processing, the unstructuredness of the piece adds to the theme a lot.
Aug 09, 2018 koboldskeep
  1. One Hour Crapo
  2. yeah
  3. The Path That Leads Back Home
draconiator - smooth, would make a good videogame menu theme
nickc - reminds me of myst
misaelk - a bit rough but has a nice feel to it. sounds like something that would be in Earthbound
Aug 09, 2018 Misael.K
  1. yeah
  2. I Miss U
  3. Hard-Won or Hardly Winning?
NickC: this matches my interpretation of the theme, a Pyrrhic victory. Loved the mix between minor and major chords, how it makes you feel between happy and sad. Great job!

BrandonS: top notch singing, loved the vocoder backing voices.

Xanthos: One of the more energetic entries. In a way I feel this is more of a "despair during battle" entry, with the string ostinato giving it its "must march on" persistance.

awesum: BrandonS, NickC, Random-storykeeper, Xanthos.
good: Arcana, TestUser472.�
Aug 09, 2018 Random-storykeeper
  1. The Path That Leads Back Home
  2. yeah
  3. Hard-Won or Hardly Winning?
1) "The Path That Leads Back Home" - Love the drums. Love the second half. Kind of an unsatisfying end, however, I like the atmosphere overall in spite of it.

2) "yeah" -It's pretty and it's emotional. I like it.

3) "Hard-Won or Hardly Winning?" - I really like the strings. It's a little on the repetitive side, but I dig the vibes. And yeah, repetition...not always a bad thing. :P


Also like: Dracionator, BrandonS
Aug 09, 2018 TestUser472
  1. Provoked!
  2. Rest in Victory
  3. Hard-Won or Hardly Winning?
random choices