One Hour Compo - Round 239 (OHC239)

Votes (3)

May 09, 2013 Arcana
  1. lurking in the fog
  2. atmosphere
  3. Tundra
johnfn I liked the melodies here, especially Melody B. Great lead and mixing all around. The jazzy tones were excellent.

DarkShadow, a little less crowded than your usual work but I think it actually helped this song quite a bit. It didn't actually feel sparse at all. Great 4/4 beats.

DDRKirbyISQ: I really enjoyed the percussion, I'm glad to hear that you worked a lot on it. The music fit the theme very well, you set moods! ++Magical Reverb.

Okay this time I tried to spend a little more time to write actual comments instead of just throwing a generic message at everyone hope you like it!
May 09, 2013 johnfn
  1. drifting in limbo
    Shadow Psyclone
  2. atmosphere
  3. Tundra
shout outs to

-Shadow Psyclone

thanks to a-zu-ra and cj for providing the entertainment section of this OHC. :D
May 16, 2013 DarkShadow
  1. Tundra
  2. lurking in the fog
  3. In The Horizon, The Tall Man Lingers
DDRKirby(ISQ) - reverb and delay -form mist. awesomeness. like the half time in this song.
Patashu - starts outside in the wild, then out of the mist a really energetic boss fight jumps out! great work.
Acuity - like the trance here, also seems to give a chill setting.
johnfn - has some pretty catchy melodies here. well built, has a good structure.
Misael.K - gotta vote for these vocals. the low piano also creates appropriate darkness.
Forty-Two - very nice piece.