One Hour Compo - Round 003 (OHC003)

Votes (9)

Feb 14, 2008 Dyne
  1. Resonance Cascade
  2. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
  3. Trenthian_-_Leaf_in_a_Stream_Voyage
I don't feel like explaining myself. Least I can do is vote.
Feb 14, 2008 OverCoat
  1. Mineral Water
  2. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
  3. Trenthian_-_Leaf_in_a_Stream_Voyage
┐(�∀` )┌
Feb 14, 2008 Flik
  1. Mineral Water
  2. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
  3. Resonance Cascade
1. wikiWHAMdawg

2. mazzlefrazzel

3. Provolone
Feb 14, 2008 Knives
  1. Mineral Water
  2. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
  3. Trenthian_-_Leaf_in_a_Stream_Voyage
they fit the theme best, were the most interestingly composed, all well produced, and I just liked them a lot... but I happened to like Hylian_Lemon's more than starla's and starla's more than trenthian's... that's why the order is as it is.
Feb 14, 2008 Beatdrop
  1. Resonance Cascade
  2. Trenthian_-_Leaf_in_a_Stream_Voyage
  3. It's Dark P2
Just 'cuz.
Feb 16, 2008 trenthian
  1. It's Dark P2
  2. Swellsbeck
  3. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
I am trenthian. I need no reasons. -FL user
Feb 19, 2008 Chickenwarlord
  1. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
  2. Resonance Cascade
  3. Swellsbeck
Starla's is the best encapsulation of this theme.
Beatdrop took the theme and ran with it. I feel the flow.
Overcoat finally gets something right with his flowing arps and steady bass.
Knives takes the honorable mention section with his groove and flute piece.
Feb 21, 2008 Hylian_Lemon
  1. It's Dark P2
  2. Princess Albonia in Newbury Castle
  3. Trenthian_-_Leaf_in_a_Stream_Voyage
These three did the best jobs sticking to the theme.

Flik - Amazing vocals, fun strings
starla - Princessy vocals, cool drums
trenthian - Nice production, epic leaves, but no ending! D:
Feb 21, 2008 starla
  1. Trenthian_-_Leaf_in_a_Stream_Voyage
  2. Resonance Cascade
  3. Mineral Water
Overcoat - I like the low qual drums in this, they're my soft spot. The whole thing is very FM. The first in a series to agree that water == arpeggios.

Ramaniscence - You're exposing all my favorite V-Station presets! Definitely gives the impression of random water.

Hylian Lemon - Eerie, this would have also fit in a shadowgate-style game, or even the choose your own adventure compo. Jealous of your flutey soundfonts. A cool juxtaposition of synths with ethnic drums and real instruments.

Knives - Very funky, some distant sounds make this music believable for a funky underwater exploration game.

Beatdrop - Quality, as usual. I see this as an angry water-jet racing stage. One where you can attack your enemies and the announcer says retarded things. Nice Half Life reference.

Trenthian - This is like, epic ending music. I can see the leaf floating down the stream, then the camera pans up to watch the epic sunset, then all the epic scenes with Her are played in slow motion. Then you see the two lovers sailing off into the sea, ready for their life ahead. Super cheesy. Epic. I love it. Too bad it ends.

Flik - Nice use of samples, of course as always i'm jealous of your arrangement skills and massive sample/soundfont/giga/whatevercollection. What I don't understand is that I'm allowed to sing about love and boys and shit and if you sing something semi-serious you get all D: over it. Not fair. Let 'er rip.