KATAM - Candy Constellation (MnP122)
Votes (3)
Kirbo Goes Hoppin' & Poppin' 'Round Sugary Star Signs
TheVodouQueen -
Kirby and the Amazing Genesis.
TheVideoGamer -
Fun stuff ya'll.
Voduo Queen: Very nice groove you got rolling here, I liked the Kirby sfx interspersed through the piece. I rather enjoyed the intro, you could cut that out and use it to make a nice original piece!
TVG: That was a fun genesis cover, my dude. Gave me all sorts of nostalgia.
Kirbo Goes Hoppin' & Poppin' 'Round Sugary Star Signs
TheVodouQueen -
Kirby and the Amazing Genesis.
TheVideoGamer -
TheVodouQueen, you got a real nice vibe here. The variation of instruments created a whimsical musical journey, and I think you succeeded at getting that fluffy, playful feel familiar to Kirby. All the subtle twists and variations were great, and I chuckled at each soundbyte. It's all smooth and happy. Great work. And the ending made me chortle.
TheVideoGamer, a real nostalgia arrangement! Why DOES Kirby sound so good on Genesis? You nailed it on the classic style of Genesis compositions. Great work!
And Souperion, you translated the piece wonderfully into the 64 era! Loved it.
Kirby and the Amazing Genesis.
TheVideoGamer -
1) 'Kirby and the Amazing Genesis' - TheVideoGamer
- I like how the drums from other games actually did work out well for this composition.
- Kind of reminds me of the sounds from Sonic games, 'High Seas Havoc' and 'Aero the Acrobat' for the Genesis / Mega Drive. Nice. :D
- Pretty cool. Nice job!
- Beginning sounds a bit squished and muffled, like the instruments clashed and compressed. Also the 'trumpet' soundfont sounds wonky to me.
- Some of the instruments sound "whiny" coming out of the main melody (example @ 1:15), and it tricks the ear to sound like it's slightly lagging behind the track. Unsure if there's a way to fix that, (mine had that effect as well, but I think that's more-so the way the track is built than anything else.)
- Sadly, for me, it is extremely 1:1 rendition with no surprises. Nothing wrong with that per se, but some small change-ups might've done the remixing side of MnP a bit of good. :)
+ 'Superstar Astral Confection' - Souperion
- I like the steel / timpani-sounding drums. They're cute and very appropriate for SNES-era Kirby.
- Yes, it's very Kirby 64/Super Star--love it, and the little "you" inflections you put into the song (e.g. @ 1:40 & 1:55).
- The slowdown towards the end was also adorable, reminded me of the ending of the 'Milky Way Wishes' story-arc in Super Star when you see Kirbo sleeping away. Just gave me that little thought in my head. :) Nice little walk down memory lane as a kid. The ending was real cool, BTW--very marching band vibes, and I really liked it.
- Beginning is quite loud and spiking on the threshold for me. :( Instruments also doing a tad bit of clashing. Some volume automation or dB adjustments there might've helped.
- @ 0:22 or so, I thought the trumpet-sounding main melody was too loud and domineering. I think it could be cranked down just a little bit, not necessarily to blend with the rest of the underlying melody, but just to not be so prominent. It should be the top layer, but it overwhelms the rest of the instrumentation just a smidge. Same issue a tad bit with the bottom layer flutes that play outside / alongside the melody. Both dominated my ears in first and second playthroughs of your composition, (might also be a "me issue" cause of hearing the main melody 1000+ times now my brain pressed it to the background and I paid more attention to selective, more distinctive and different sounds).
- I was going to say I can't hear the bassline to the song very well, but then realized you changed its instrumentation to not be just a "bass" sound. It's percussion now. A nice little change, I think. Makes the song sound even more playful and something from older console generations. :) Great work. *thumbs up*