Final Fantasy Legend 2: overwor (MnP09)

Votes (4)

Feb 05, 2014 Gario
  1. A World of Orchestral Spirit
  2. Overworld Overlord

Ah, it's great to hear two new arrangements of this source - thanks to both of you for doing this for me.

Xenonetic really got the feel of the source, for me - majestic and awe-inspiring, in many ways. Orchestral really works for this, imo.

Trism's take was fun, too. While I personally didn't feel it fit as well, there was a lot of cool string things in the background that caught my eye.

Nice work, you two!
Feb 05, 2014 hoboka
  1. A World of Orchestral Spirit
  2. Overworld Overlord

Both are quite close, however I felt that Xenonetix's was a little stronger in terms of production (I usually don't like to use this method as the main factor for voting...but I explain why in the sentence below).

Both tracks stuck to the original midi very closely, so I couldn't really compare them on the composition side.

Xenonetix - The brass and timpani could've probably used better samples, but I thought it was a nice orchestral adaptation regardless.

Trism - There's a lot of mud and clipping, especially with the bass drum and cymbols. The guitar does indeed sound like a VST. E-guitar samples are a pain in the a$$ to work with so I feel for you there lol. Still, it's a pretty cool sound with rock and orchestral hybrid. But I think that Xenonetix's execution was just a smidget better. Good effort though!

Feb 06, 2014 MindWanderer
  1. Overworld Overlord
  2. A World of Orchestral Spirit

Xenonetix: Really awful instruments, around 64-bit quality. Brass is hard. Some of the accompaniment sounds off, not sure why since this is a MIDI rip. Might be a fault in the MIDI or might be that the original sounds just blended better. The instruments are really shrill as well, I had to turn down the volume, to avoid pain, to the point where the timpani was almost too quiet to hear.

Trism: Fakey guitar, obviously, but could be worse. Arpeggiated accompaniment sounds way off. The lead is also a little on the loud and shrill side.
Feb 07, 2014 Xenonetix
  1. Overworld Overlord

Very nice work, and a very suitable VST. My only real criticism is that it seems to lack dynamic range, but it's still enjoyable to listen to!

~ Xenonetix ~