CC: Another Termina (MnP04)

Votes (4)

Nov 30, 2013 Necrox
  1. Another Another Termina
  2. Termina Velocity

liquidwind's track was more interesting and had better instrumentation.
Nov 30, 2013 hoboka
  1. Another Another Termina
  2. Termina Velocity

I had to weigh both things down...and for just boiled down to enjoyability - I'll explain it in the feedback for both participants.

liquidwind - True, your sound/production isn't as good as Trism's and is muddy. But heck, this compo isn't ALL about production, but also enjoyability - you won out by just enough for me to put you first place, in that regard. Mainly because I loved that vocal woooahwaaaooohhh sound lmao. Also you tried to use different sounds, some worked better than others (and I think I know which VST you used =p) Regardless, I'd recommend that you watch them volume levels and learn to balance out each instrument better, as there was a fair amount of clipping and mud. If you're using FL Studio and ripping a MIDI, then make sure to throw the midi data into 'pattern 2' or something, so that you can edit the volume levels without the MIDI circumventing your changes. Another option is to right click on whichever parameter you want to edit (such as volume or pitch) and select the bar and click 'delete' :D (Darkesword will probably shit a brick about this, as he despises midi ripping, but this ain't his domain so, Meh)

Trism - nice cover and well produced, however, it was not quite as fun and interesting as liquidwind's. Please don't be upset, but I felt that if I focus only on production then I'm being too much like OCR and not like a separate entity, be it for better or worse. You've got a good chance of winning regardless, so yeah, good stuff matie and I'm looking forward to seeing you participate in the future :D
Dec 01, 2013 Trism
  1. Another Another Termina

I like the percussive quality on some of the synth sounds, makes me wish I had applied something similar in my track. Excellent work, especially for a rushed job :)
Dec 02, 2013 GrapplingHook
  1. Another Another Termina
  2. Termina Velocity

The textures of Another Another Termina are more satisfying than the fairly generic sounds of Termina Velocity.