542nd 2HourTrackSundays Event (2HTS542)

Votes (1)

Aug 19, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. wank with a wink
  2. Wonky wink!

Hey all, hope you had a good party without me. From the looks of it, you did especially with 15 entries wow! Kind of proves a lot of peoples points really especially Vaia’s. Even with more hardline 2hr 15 restriction people still find ways to submit, making it still a hefty party. Kind of makes the late entries channel redundant, as nobody submitted there, and I have a feeling that’s what it’s going to be in the future. Either way, I’m glad we still got a good turn out regardless. Here’s some of my thoughts on each entry:

RicardoMennegasso - Cool perc’s, very reverb heavy, I feel like I’m underwater. The synth basslines in this one are fire as hell, very retro sounding. The chords are very much a background element, but that’s because we’re really emphasising the basslines in this. The drums are insanely hard, this is just a straight up bop. Well done!

MyNewEyes - This is super rocking, and quite hard too! Wasn’t expecting the shuffle groove, but it’s great because it makes it more blues inspired despite the raw almost crunchy nature of the whole thing. The vocals and the guitar are so blurred it almost becomes one instrument in its own right lol. Bring the guitar down a tad maybe to match the vocals, but that’s the only critique I have. Either way though I love the tone on this, and the unique Psych take on Blues rock. This is fire, well done!

Antik - Woah WTF that sample!! Dude you seriously know your sample chops wow. This is an insane lo-fi beat, an absolute certified Antik classic lol. Well done!

AthanThatGuy -  Clicky percussion, it’s very syncopated. That beat is insanely hard, the subs are really destroying my headphones right now lol. This is an absolute banger, the house/techno grooves on this one just slap so hard. The beat is just so funky! Man this is insane well done!

LBApophis - Oh noes another amazing sample! Man you guys just sample better than me. That is a lovely swing groove, it has a bit of a loose jazz time feel. I love the way you high pass everything into each drop, that bassline is so tastefully mixed. This is just such a fun banger, man that sample is such a good one! Awesome stuff man, well done!

Meistr - Oh wow this is 42 seconds, this is a short boi. Loving those guitar chords, although I feel they’re samples and not really live guitar playing. Because of how short it is, lots of repeats are needed to process it. The Orchestral drums go super hard, but they drown out a lot of the rest for me personally. But what you do make up for, is that incredible vocalist. You know how to pick a vocalist wow! This one was insanely fun even with my critiques, well done!

DioneBigode - Fck me this is loud! Dude this is painful ow. I will say you nailed the acid techno vibe, that syncopated 303 line was lovely. Turn down the gain a bit and you’re onto something. Well done anyways!

Organic_IO - 18 seconds over oo. Sorry to hear about your friend mate, sending you well wishes. Repetition is my weakness anyways, so you’re fine lol. The pads here are very hazey sounding, almost like a pixelated landscape or something. I wouldn’t say it’s bitcrushed but it gives me that impression. Loving that Chiptune lead, it feels weirdly like Vaia made this lol. The beat is hard hitting, but not the main star, it’s kind of subtle. This one is a slow developer site, but it’s one of the good ones, and the melody is very catchy. Well done!

Adreqi - More jazzy stuff woo! This could totally fit a video game, like maybe Mario Party or something. The swing is great, and the chords are super catchy. Although I can tell it’s not real jazz, from the sound of some of the instruments, it does sound awesome, that melody is absolutely incredible. So expressive, that’s the one thing I love about your music, is how expressive it sounds. It’s so goddamn catchy I love it so much! Well done!

Taiine - These chords are sick, got that reggae influence going on. Loving the build into the drop, it went hard, almost too hard, it was a mild jumpscare haha. Is that vocaloid on the vocals? I can never tell but it reminds me of her. Dude that DnB drop is awesome. So gritty and dirty, you nailed the DnB more than me, I just make a janky mess haha. Wish you had an ending, and not just a hard cut, but regardless I love it so much. Well done!

Vaiaphraim - The GM soundfont returns! This time with battle music! As always you have such a strong melody collection, I was humming to this quite a bit. It totally feels like it belongs to some Chorno Trigger game, but maybe not as orchestral,It gets a bit hetic towards the middle, for some reason there is a single D note that is getting held for so long up until the end, probably a render error or a GM error I don’t know. It’s common with MIDI. It doesn’t make it bad, but it is unintentional I can definitely tell. Stuff the rest is absolutely fire, loved this a lot. Well done!

UrinalPooper - Has the elements of UrinalPooper but with a bit of a more Indie vibe. It doesn’t sound like a classic pooper beat at all, even if it has the vocals and the drums. Lyrics are crazy as always haha, normality in your lyric writing is non existent lol. The whole track is a straight banger either ways, it’s kind of got a horror edge to it for some reasons. Love this a lot, well done!

Relax.D - Sick beats, doesn’t feel like a normal kit, but maybe foley from a countertop or something. The vocals are cool, but I don’t think they’re in key. The strings are great though, kind of heartwarming even if artificial. It’s definitely a unique beat for sure, it has a cool lo-fi raw sound to the whole thing. It’s kind of catchy, I like it a lot. Well done!

Nukage - Last one of the night! You know how to sing well, as always. This one is a little more intimate than normal, I think this one is more of an emotional type beat, than a hard hitting metal one who knows. I mean it is metal, but it’s more closer to like Power Metal or Glam Metal. The mix is awesome in this, it’s not so loud and overblown, the levels are just right. The breakdown in the middle was great, this is another Nuke metal banger, that I absolutely love. Well done!

Thanks all, hopefully I’ll see you next week! If not week after. It’s the day I go home, and it’s not an early one either, so I might make it or miss it depending on circumstances. Regardless I hope you had fun and I’ll see you soon!